- Jun 3, 2007
- 1,213
- 2,070
- Detector(s) used
- A sharp eye, an AquaPulse and a finely tuned shrimp fork.
- Primary Interest:
- Shipwrecks
Note that all boats of that era carried anchors of different sizes for different purposes, much like modern sailboats do. Everything from the equivalent of a "lunch hook" to a sheet anchor kept below decks as an emergency brake would be aboard at the start of the journey. In fact, there were rules and regulations that dictated whaat kind and how many anchors were required as ship's equipment. When the ships were in eminent danger of grounding, every anchor aboard would be either deployed in an attempt to keep the ship off the bottom or jettisoned to lighten her load.
A couple of reference links on anchors and Spanish ships of the era and one just because it has great pictures:
Anchors) Stocked Anchors
Spanish_Shipbuilding) A Plague of Ships: Spanish Ships and Shipbuilding in the Atlantic Colonies, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries | Chuck Meide - Academia.edu
English anchors) http://nautarch.tamu.edu/pdf-files/Jobling-MA1993.pdf
and this one just because it explains why the Spaniards have to find their treasure in court - because they cannot find it themselves: Spanish Navy finds 100 shipwrecks in hunt for treasure - Telegraph
A couple of reference links on anchors and Spanish ships of the era and one just because it has great pictures:
Anchors) Stocked Anchors
Spanish_Shipbuilding) A Plague of Ships: Spanish Ships and Shipbuilding in the Atlantic Colonies, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries | Chuck Meide - Academia.edu
English anchors) http://nautarch.tamu.edu/pdf-files/Jobling-MA1993.pdf
and this one just because it explains why the Spaniards have to find their treasure in court - because they cannot find it themselves: Spanish Navy finds 100 shipwrecks in hunt for treasure - Telegraph