sad news. i got permission.

Sniffer said:
there is always other places to dig, I'd just move on to another site
I agree 200 percent, the way I feel is if there is a good amount of grief or fallout from detecting a small chunk of land,Id just pack up and move to a better less stressed place!

Marauder Dan said:
Sniffer said:
there is always other places to dig, I'd just move on to another site
I agree 200 percent, the way I feel is if there is a good amount of grief or fallout from detecting a small chunk of land,Id just pack up and move to a better less stressed place!
right on dan!

In my opinion if she wants to keep it all, tell her to buy a detector and dig it all up!

Goes4ever said:
In my opinion if she wants to keep it all, tell her to buy a detector and dig it all up!
hi friend! you have got silver, nickles and mercs. i know you meant jewelry but still nice.good job. where are the old things? show us.

Sounds to me like that old gal passed up a chance at 50% of something for a guarantee of 100% of nothing at all.

Greed, boys, it'll get ya every time!
"Nobody puts one over on Fred C. Dobbs!"

flyinguy said:
Goes4ever said:
In my opinion if she wants to keep it all, tell her to buy a detector and dig it all up!
hi friend! you have got silver, nickles and mercs. i know you meant jewelry but still nice.good job. where are the old things? show us.
if your talking to me, you totally lost me...........??

Ive detected a few homes and no one has yet been that greedy that they've told me that they wanted all my finds. In fact a women GAVE me a few old coins when I didn't find anything in her yard. If I asked some to detect in there property I usually make an agreement on the finds. If they changed there mind later on I would tell them to shove it.

I agree with your approach. a 50/50 split is very reasonable. I would not detect her property and give her all the finds. That is very unreasonable. Yes it is her land, but you are the one with the know how and the equipment. Too bad you could not come to an agreement with her. She will never know what is buried on her land.

If you could come to an agreemet with a near by neighbor and dig some good finds, the neighbor would brag to her about the neat stuff you found and may be she would change her mind.

Ray S

madmacabre said:
Ive detected a few homes and no one has yet been that greedy that they've told me that they wanted all my finds. In fact a women GAVE me a few old coins when I didn't find anything in her yard. If I asked some to detect in there property I usually make an agreement on the finds. If they changed there mind later on I would tell them to shove it.
i've detected about 200 sites and have been refused only 3 times. oh well. this one i really want. it is a ghost town. i'm researching to get town limits. i know the whole town wasn't on her land. most people are great. i respect their wishes. i had a lady give me several silver dollars and assorted coins. another time in toronto waiting on a flight, i had coffee with a sweet lady, waiting too, i was telling her about metal det. and she pulls out a little box full of foreign coins and said " i want you to have these." she was from brazil, heading home. i wish i had her info to stay in touch. you are all welcome in my yard. stop by, we'll hunt and fire up the grill! Bill

You could say what you have to photograph and document all relics before turning them over. Make sure you find at least 20 items, and then take them home do as you say, but keep like 5 items out for yourself.

mikeofaustin said:
For what it's worth, I agree... just get on the property. If she starts hanging around you, flip your descrim to all iron, and dig every little nail and screw you can find. When you dig it, act very surprised and tell her how this is a 1960's nail that is in fine shape and worthy of a collector. Tell her, "Hopefully, we'll find allot more of these around here. Maybe she'll leave you alone then.

(not joking. I would really do this.)
this sounds along the lines with what i would do......once she left me to my hobby i would stick all the nice coins in my sock and split the rest with her. :thumbsup: i give owners some of the finds if they seem interested but owners that automatically claim all finds usually dont make out as well as they would have originally.

i did mechanic work on this farm site today. i talked to her brother who is co-owner. i have known him for a while. he doesn't want to fight with sis but told me a lot about the ghost town. most is on his land but he told me of neighboring sites. i will seek permission soon. i can wait this out. they are good people and i respect their wishes.

A loader and a dump truck(s) and ill put her yard in my yard and let ya search it free of charge.

flyinguy said:
i had asked permission to hunt on a farm that encompasses most of a ghost town about 5 miles from home. this was sunday. the lady in charge said "it's best to let sleeping dogs lie". last night she calls me and said "you can hunt any where here but i want every thing you find. it has historic value and should stay here" my answer to her was, i will split and give you first picks. again " no i want it all" i said i get $20. an hour for recovery hunts. thank you for your time!

It sounds like this woman had been talking to someone!!! For her call you back and tell you she wants everything as "it has historic value"....sounds like to me she's got friends and/or relatives who she may have told about you wanting to come over to detect. Bet there was an "archie" involved somewhere or someone from the historical society....

I would have just said THANK YOU and left it at that. Only way I would agree if I really knew without a doubt the item(s), if any are of historical in nature, that they would be placed in the local museum about the town's history. I don't mind doing for a cause that would put items out for ALL TO SEE and to be shared...but for them to take it and possibly put in a box and forget about it....naahhh!

Maybe in time, things will change and you will get the the meantime, lots of other places yet to be detected! Lots of history out there! Good Luck!

This woman appears to have been a spoiled, only child. Also it is possible that she inherited the land and somewhere there is a cache buried on the property, hence her terms " I WANT IT ALL " too cheap to go out and buy her own machine :P.

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