Scrap the highbanker for your desert prospecting. It's just taking up space and weight you could use to carry something useful - like water.
Water in the desert is a big deal. The lack of water is what makes it a desert. If you don't have any water when you arrive at your prospecting destination you will have to do without. After traveling and prospecting full time for 7 years in the desert west I learned to always carry as much water as possible. Your trailer will be your home and a home without water is no place to be in the desert.
Desert dwellers will protect their water from poachers at all costs. Ranchers are not going to be at all friendly if they find you using water from their stock tanks (it's illegal to take water from a stock tank). Given a choice of giving up their gold or giving up their water desert dwellers will always choose to keep the water.
Do a serious survey of your weight distribution and figure out a way to carry a minimum of 50 gallons of water at all times. Realistically your trailer in the desert is going to be your only source of food, water and shelter. Going short of any of those three essentials is putting yourself in unreasonable danger. No gold is worth your life.
It's illegal to use the water from natural springs for mining on federal lands. Even if you were to find a reliable non poisonous water source what do you think the odds are there will be gold within a reasonable distance? If there is you can bet the spot is already claimed. In the desert west the drywasher is your best and most productive tool for gold recovery.
There is a lot of gold waiting in the desert for men that understand that the reason the gold is still there is because there is no effective means to process the material with water. Learn to work dry in the desert or go home without gold. Not trying to be harsh, just sharing how it actually works in the dry lands.
It sounds like a great adventure you have planned. I wish you well on your journey.
Heavy Pans
p.s. I see you are coming from the east coast. Cell towers are few and far between in the desert. Dump your AT&T or whatever cell account and get a Verizon account. Verizon is the most reliable cell provider in the desert west, I hate Verizon but it's true. At least with Verizon you will have a chance of a decent cell connection from time to time.