Running into homeless camps while MDing

Interesting thread. I pay attention to who's property I'm on, my surroundings, and I carry a pistol. I've bumped into a few bums living in the woods near or under the bridges that cross the creeks over the years but, none have ever given me any trouble. Anyone remember "Bum fights" on the show Jackass? Now that was funny!

Hi all,

I was getting in the last few hours of daylight in the woods last night and felt like I was being watched. I also heard next to the water (but covered by brush) what I thought to be a deer, but turns out I was likely wrong. 100 feet away I nearly walk right over a brand new fire pit, with dry wood (it rained the night before). so basically I was all over this guy's camp, and he was probably hiding waiting for me to go away. my guess is homeless, there is no hunting in these woods. could be a few boy scouts but seems very unlikely.

When I MD in New JErsey, especially in denser areas I find a lot of ramshackle tents. haven't stumbled across the residents yet, I try and steer clear.

Anyone have interesting stories about encountering the homeless in the woods? I for one am very sympathetic with their situation and don't mind at all, they likely just want to be left alone
There is a park I wanted to do, and I went in there and there was a LOT of tents, and trash from old tent spots--I could not get out of there fast enough. Creepy

90 % inside the USA on public land is an FBI statistic. You'll also be suprised to learn the same percentage of people who are arrested on our borders for transporting marijuana into the United States from Mexico are not Mexicans, but American Citizens). Typically they are caucasian and age 25-40. Law enforcement authorites have very nearly eliminated the Mexican border as a drug trafficing corridor. If you've travelled anywhere on the interstate within 500 miles of El Paso Texas you've seen the checkpoints, patrols and searches. In fact, within the last ten or fifteen years MOST of the illegal drugs entering the USA from abroad originate in Europe or Africa and make their way to the United States through Canada (not Mexico). Although i'm no longer a deputy sheriff, i do stay in touch with a friend who's worked for the FBI for twenty years.

Just this week, I detected along a creek which has no fish because of it running through an old coal mine. It is still used for recreational kayaking and kids jump from a rail trestle passing upstream from where I was. I saw several garments(mostly women's), feminine care products, a bar of soap, notebooks, empty single serving instant coffee packs, etc. It appeared whomever was here had been there more than a day. I looked but saw no evidence of drinking or drug use, so I can only assume the person or people there had been homeless. There was nothing that could be used as a shelter though. There was a bridge nearby that would have provided cover from rain if needed.

It is sad. Yeah I have run into several. It is best to keep your wits about you when around them or on the paths that lead to them. We do a river and creek clean up and one group found a floater down from a homeless camp 3 weeks ago. Some camps are ok others can be very hostile. I have seen them barricaded with keep out signs.Most are near water and rail roads.

Never encountered homeless camps or people for that matter. I do detect in parks where transients hang out though. Once in awhile they creep up to me and ask me for a cigarette. But I don't smoke.

90 % inside the USA on public land is an FBI statistic. You'll also be suprised to learn the same percentage of people who are arrested on our borders for transporting marijuana into the United States from Mexico are not Mexicans, but American Citizens). Typically they are caucasian and age 25-40. Law enforcement authorites have very nearly eliminated the Mexican border as a drug trafficing corridor. If you've travelled anywhere on the interstate within 500 miles of El Paso Texas you've seen the checkpoints, patrols and searches. In fact, within the last ten or fifteen years MOST of the illegal drugs entering the USA from abroad originate in Europe or Africa and make their way to the United States through Canada (not Mexico). Although i'm no longer a deputy sheriff, i do stay in touch with a friend who's worked for the FBI for twenty years.

What a load! Here in Arizona we know better.

I've bumped into some "hobo" camps in the woods. I always stay clear of them... never know what kind of nut-jobs are living out in the woods. Better to be safe than hobo-murdered!

I've had them watch me detect but nobody ever bothers me. Never make eye contract and don't turn your back to anyone. They are usually too busy staring at the lady joggers and trying to bum dollars and cigarettes off everyone else.

All this is why, when going into the forest to metal detect, I have my friend holstered under my arm. Never had to pull it, but I'd be lying if I told you that several times I didn't feel a lot better knowing it was there.
Well said whammy. When you go into the deep woods, away from the public, or if you go into sketchy neighborhoods, a sidearm is a good insurance policy if you can carry one legally (I can, am licensed) and I do. Doesn't have to be a Desert Eagle 44 mag, most any small light weight handgun will do as long as it will fire, and you know how to use it safely and quickly. I have a smallish Ruger 9mm semi auto that fits the bill for me.

PS...years ago the USA decided to mostly empty the asylums and send a lot of the mentally impaired folks to halfway houses and thereby to the streets, since then we have had a big issue with homeless folks whose elevator doesn't go all the way up. Sure there are a lot of honest folks who just lost their homes/ jobs but the ones you have to worry about, are the nuts, and you never know which one it will be or where.

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I found a new park to detect last week. As I got out of the truck I noticed 3 homeless guys. One was setting on a bench, dressed as a woman. It was a scary sight, and not what I call normal. I wouldn't want to be there after dark. In the last few years I have been approached by several homeless folks, always smiling, and you will get a sad story. But one guy started cussing my wife and even punched and spit on my car as we left. I hope you guys never get put in that situation.

I will have to go back to the spot I was and take some pics and post. I truly feel bad for the people that have to live in tents, but I resent the fact that they trash the area with their trash when they leave.

"But one guy started cussing my wife and even punched and spit on my car as we left. I hope you guys never get put in that situation"

Is he still living!????

I will have to go back to the spot I was and take some pics and post. I truly feel bad for the people that have to live in tents, but I resent the fact that they trash the area with their trash when they leave.

Unfortunately, I don't think environmental responsibility is high on their priorities.

1st the catfish dudes stats are B$ ,most of the high grade weed in the US is IMO grown indoors w/alot of swag coming from Mexico ..2ed I have come across many homeless camps " one was an acre or more" Some folks have to do what they have to do but many just leave trash EVERYWHERE and were probably slobs before they became homeless ; the only reason many don't stay in shelters is cause the shelters won't allow folks to be high while staying there. Yea I smoked weed for 17 years & have 2 convictions for mis-ter menor= non Felony Convictions for pot 1joint at age 18 and about 1 joints worth in 2006 [ I took the charge for my wife who has never been in trouble at all] So my point is since I have 2 life time convictions even tho they were not felony's , in Ga, I can never get a concealed carry permit & open carry for me is illegal as well. I know I broke the law so i,m paying for it , I just would like to be able to defend myself in a situation ,like a crazy urban camper or in the bad neighborhood that I had permission to hunt a few 1920 house lot's a while back but was run off by some HOOD ,who was packing & i,m pretty sure he had no ccw permit. IMO such laws/restrictions only help the bad guys who don't care about laws anyway. Sorry I HAD TO RANT. NRA Member since 2006.... Davers.....:BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:

I wish i had homeless around here. I'd subcontract the digging part of my MDing. ^_^

I don't have any homeless stories but a couple weeks ago I ran into a funny situation in the woods. I was deep in this forest detecting some old house foundations. It was getting dark so I started back to my truck (about a 1 mile tough hike back). The trail used to be an old road in the 1800s, speckled with houses which are now all consumed by the forest. So, I'm about halfway back and its starting to get really dark. I am by myself and I start hearing coyotes calling and owls hooting. Even in my ripe age I still manage to scare myself, thinking about ghosts of the houses walking the trails, sasquatches running about with malicious intent etc... In the height of my irrational paranoia, I hear a loud rustling in front of me about 10 yards ahead. As I walked closer I see its a chipmunk running in fast perfect circles, about the size of a milk jug. As I walked up to and literally over top of the chipmunk, it didn't stop the circle-running. About 5 yards past the chipmunk, I turn around. As I turn around, it stops and stares at me. About 10 seconds later, it then continues to run the circles and I continued walking. I heard it running until it was out of earshot. Never walked faster in my life after seeing that. lmao Thanks for peaking my paranoia, Mr. Rabid Chipmunk. I'll never forget you!

Sounds like the chipmunk came across a meth lab before you did. :laughing7: But seriously, while hiking in the past I've run across an abandoned meth lab or two...not a fun thing to do, kinda dampens the mood for the rest of the hike. That's why I usually hike near designated trails and always overnight in designated camping areas now. I have my concealed carry permit and ALWAYS carry (when lawfully permitted of course). S&W 686+ for the woods and a SA XDS9 for the urban jungle.

Stay safe...

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