I have never done this type of bag searching but it seems to me the best thing to do if you have multiple bags they let you look through is for them to only give out 1 bag at a time to avoid this type of conflict. Either that or provide a table in the back room with 1 chair for someone who wants to lay multiple bags out around them and sort one at a time. Again, I have no experience in this type of hunting but I think it looks bad. If someone comes in looking for a certain ring for example, not to resell but maybe for sentimental reasons and they don't see it in the showcase but see this guy standing there hoarding several bags of jewelry that they cant touch until he's ready to let you look, it just looks bad to me. Generally, when you walk in a store everything you see is for sale. Someone can't stand over the dvd bin and tell others to keep away until they are done. I'm not saying the OP was wrong, I am saying the shop keepers are wrong for creating such a situation.