Rookie Underwater doubts

J Janssen

Aug 29, 2024
Hi everyone

This is my first post, sorry for my English. This has been my first summer detecting in the water, with quite good reasults. I live in an area with a lot of tourists in summer, but they are already leaving and I don't know what to expect once the beaches are empty for 8 or 9 months. Once there is no one, will I still find things? Does it make sense to keep searching kind deep in the water, or just on the shore at low tide? Is it worth visiting my favorite hot spots periodically? I feel targets are already decreasing, will the beach "regenerate"? It should be said that I search in the sea, not the ocean, and that although there are not usually big storms often, there are many days with quite strong waves.

I have no idea what next monthes will look like and where to search, I would really appreciate your advice to give me an idea of what awaits me these monthes untill next summer and what the best strategy might be, thank you very much for your help in advanced.

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I do alot of beach and water hunting.Just when you think you have a spot cleaned out.leave it alone for a few weeks the tides and waves will move things around and there will be more.
Thanks for your answer, Im happy to know that. This happen also on deep water or things get pushed out?

What is the difference between the sea and the ocean? What country are you in?
Well, actually I dont know if there are big differencies in therms of water activity, but I though maybe I should specify it. I hunt at the Mediterranean seaside, Europe

Well, actually I dont know if there are big differencies in therms of water activity, but I though maybe I should specify it. I hunt at the Mediterranean seaside, Europe,

Spain perhaps ?

I do alot of beach and water hunting.Just when you think you have a spot cleaned out.leave it alone for a few weeks the tides and waves will move things around and there will be more.
Here's what I will tell you... stand on the beach and look as far as you can see and tell me what is the chance that you will get everything ?
That my friend is ZERO....
Sure, the AMOUNT of targets decrease, but never truly Decease,

More fresh losses in the summer. Winter time can be even better if you get some erosion where lots of sand washes away in a storm. That's when older coins, jewelry, and relics can get withing detector range.

Question, how long have humans been swimming at that spot, History? .. 10 years, 50, 100 or more? If like here in the Chesapeake Bay, sand is fluid.... there is always covering and uncovering of targets. You just have to change your strategy for each season........ if it has history. And don't expect targets to be as easy as the fresh drop season to find. When I take hunters out to the old beaches I hunt, most are fresh drop hunters, that's easy digging, they go out and come back with nothing, for they have no clue what to listen for..... Some places targets maybe several Cm / inches deep and not going to be targets that give out detailed signals.
Also learn the bottoms, the patterns, the movement, this will help in time for each season is totally different time you start to know what to watch and listen for..... I've been hunting the bay here about 10 years now, I've experienced many changes and still learning. Good Luck!

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I do alot of beach and water hunting.Just when you think you have a spot cleaned out.leave it alone for a few weeks the tides and waves will move things around and there will be more.
That is so true, I had a spot I knew held some treasure. Now and then it would give up a few golds. Than out of the blue I hit a area I never really though about.. boom, 37 gold rings in one month, and it kept giving until the follow .............March.. 45 plus mph SW winds.. all gone. If I go back there today I can't find anything. If I did not have video of many of the gold I found, I would call myself crazy or a liar.

I often wonder was this area open all the years before when many I know hunted it or did I just walk into a blown out area..? One thing for sure, it's gone now..

Thank you very much for your answers, really apreciatte it. So I should buy a neoprene suit, in 1 month water is geting cold in here..

Thank you very much for your answers, really apreciatte it. So I should buy a neoprene suit, in 1 month water is geting cold in here..
For me over the last 12 years I have collected several cold weather outfits. Drysuits, wetsuits. Water temps here can get into the mid 30F.. 2C (winter). I'm good down to the low 40's ..5C anything colder I can do but only for 2 hours. I hate cold water, so as soon as the water goes below 70F .. 21C I start thinking drysuit. Drygloves I'm good down to the 50's F . 10C below that I need some type of glove under the the drygloves. All of my boots are one size larger (US 12) so I can wear heavy wool sox, and 5 to 7mm thickness boots. So it does require more effort to hunt cooler/colder water.

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For me over the last 12 years I have collected several cold weather outfits. Drysuits, wetsuits. Water temps here can get into the mid 30F.. 2C (winter). I'm good down to the low 40's ..10C anything colder I can do but only for 2 hours. I hate cold water, so as soon as the water goes below 70F .. 21C I start thinking drysuit. Drygloves I'm good down to the 50's F . 10C below that I need some type of glove under the the drygloves. All of my boots are one size larger (US 12) so I can wear heavy wool sox, and 5 to 7mm thickness boots. So it does require more effort to hunt cooler/colder water.
Thank you very much for the advices Sir

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For me over the last 12 years I have collected several cold weather outfits. Drysuits, wetsuits. Water temps here can get into the mid 30F.. 2C (winter). I'm good down to the low 40's ..10C anything colder I can do but only for 2 hours. I hate cold water, so as soon as the water goes below 70F .. 21C I start thinking drysuit. Drygloves I'm good down to the 50's F . 10C below that I need some type of glove under the the drygloves. All of my boots are one size larger (US 12) so I can wear heavy wool sox, and 5 to 7mm thickness boots. So it does require more effort to hunt cooler/colder water.
***ARC listens to OBN and shivers***
Arrr rrrr ug

OBN... dont you guys hibernate at all up there ?

You should just move to Nome AL.
Cold for me.... ehhhhhh.... = Rum.

That is so true, I had a spot I knew held some treasure. Now and then it would give up a few golds. Than out of the blue I hit a area I never really though about.. boom, 37 gold rings in one month, and it kept giving until the follow .............March.. 45 plus mph SW winds.. all gone. If I go back there today I can't find anything. If I did not have video of many of the gold I found, I would call myself crazy or a liar.

I often wonder was this area open all the years before when many I know hunted it or did I just walk into a blown out area..? One thing for sure, it's gone now..
Not gone, just buried under the sand again waiting to be found when the conditions improve.....unless you were hunting bedrock and removed ALL the targets.

Not gone, just buried under the sand again waiting to be found when the conditions improve.....unless you were hunting bedrock and removed ALL the targets.
Totally gone, craziest thing I ever seen. As I searched around I could feel the pilings every where (30?) , which at one time when I was digging gold I only hit two that were exposed & less then a foot showing. It was like it was dredged out. I could tell the bottom difference also because I could barely touch the bottom in places and there were channels. The channels were about 8 to 10 foot wide, down to the hardpan.. nope.. just a firm black sand shells and muck bottom. This same spot was destroyed around 1933 which it had a large one mile pier before the hurricane came thru.

A year later I went thru there and the pilings were buried again. We recently had Debbie pass thru and winds were up at that spot again, kind of looking to get back in there and see what the bottom is like. One thing for sure, the gold got moved with a lot of sand....and I'm guessing either moved out into the bay or it got pushed up against the long rock jetti and it is buried.

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Hi everyone

This is my first post, sorry for my English. This has been my first summer detecting in the water, with quite good reasults. I live in an area with a lot of tourists in summer, but they are already leaving and I don't know what to expect once the beaches are empty for 8 or 9 months. Once there is no one, will I still find things? Does it make sense to keep searching kind deep in the water, or just on the shore at low tide? Is it worth visiting my favorite hot spots periodically? I feel targets are already decreasing, will the beach "regenerate"? It should be said that I search in the sea, not the ocean, and that although there are not usually big storms often, there are many days with quite strong waves.

I have no idea what next monthes will look like and where to search, I would really appreciate your advice to give me an idea of what awaits me these monthes untill next summer and what the best strategy might be, thank you very much for your help in advanced.
Also look after big rain storms in the winter. The water will act like a classifier to bring items up.

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