rock trail markers


Full Member
Aug 18, 2017
Detector(s) used
dowsing rods
Primary Interest:
Hi. I'm new at this so overlook any mistakes please. All of the following are lava rock with no markings or symbols carved. Except, I wonder if the triangle rocks had help getting such perfect measurements. Okay, here we go. All rocks except triangles are round or flat about the size of a football or smaller. First rocks are all in north-south line with north star. 2 rocks indicate change directions west. One rock indicates change directions North to upright (pointing to sky) triangle rough rock measures 18x18 inches about 6 inches thick turned slightly northwest-southeast. About 30 feet farther north another triangle rock upright (pointing to sky) measures 24x24 about 8 inches thick turned a little more than the previous triangle but to northeast-southwest. The points of these triangles are in perfect north-south alignment with previous rock. Farther north another rock in alignment but not quite a triangle looks as if the top 3/4 was broken off. No remains of top. Going back to 2 triangles: A line drawn between the 2 points then a right angle line west leads to another triangle lying down measuring 24x24 inches about 5 to 6 inches thick with most prominent point pointing back up the same line. About 1/2 way up, a rock, football shaped with a 4 inch prominence pointing east northeast and resting on a flat rock points to a diamond shaped rock about 3 feet long with the sides cut off. This rock points to magnetic west exactly. Following this line leads to a prickly pear cactus then a yucca both in magnetic east-west line. Taking a line at right angles, magnetic north, leads to the flat top of the hill and over the edge of an 8 foot cliff. I have drawn these out in as precise sketches as I can with as much detail as I can include and will send them PDF to anyone who wants to try to figure them out for me. Give me an email address or tell me how to post or attach them here. P.S. The 2 triangles pointing upward are the only rocks in the entire area standing up. I interpreted them as a "funnel" pointing to the one lying down.
Thanks to all of you who have provided so much useful information.


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Correction: I said,

1. The 18x18 upright triangle has an open fish mouth on top pointing toward the sky as if waiting to be fed. The hole in its mouth is big enough and deep enough to hold a golf ball. The laying down triangle that is pointing back toward the centerline between the 2 upright triangles has a similar fish mouth but not quite as well defined. At another site about 90 miles away there is a cone shaped rock about 100 to 150 feet tall that has an open fish mouth pointing toward the sky.

I have not seen ANY information about fish mouths but it seems to be they are in more than 1 location.

Anybody have any ideas what they mean or if they mean anything/something?

2. I have found alignment rocks both north and south of the 2 upright triangle rocks that go to the laying down triangle. That is, going north I found a rock in line with the triangles. Then going west from it I found another rock that aligns exactly with the first rock and with the laying down triangle (LDT). Going south from the 2 upright triangles the rock on that line is exactly aligned with 2 bigger rocks and the LDT.

The LDT is heavy enough that it would take 4 or more very strong men to move it. I do have a fold up shovel in my backpack and could, if it is wise, dig under the LDT from 1 side. The other 2 sides are too well hidden by brush and a chopped down tree. (Convenient). This rock can only be seen from the big end as the brush overhangs it.

I would like to take measurements but there is a nearby road that is well traveled by hikers and bicyclists going to a nearby protected area. When I am visiting the site I try to look like a hiker and not a TH.

One more item to mention. Laying on the LDT are 2 small rocks. 1 is about 1 inch diameter and 4 inches long. Like a dowel. The other is about 2 inches diameter and 4 inches long. I didn’t notice these earlier but they have been there a long time because of the dirt underneath and the color difference of the tops and bottoms. There was a third 1, oval shaped, but it had been knocked off recently onto the ground and was upside down (Color difference). There were no foot prints except mine so I assumed an animal bumped it. I left it where it lay. These 2 rocks are laying at the bottom or big end of the LDT near the outside edge, parallel to the center line.

I suppose if I spend as many years studying this as many of you have I will figure it out. It would be so much nicer if somebody could help me figure it out and save me years, which I don’t have left.

Thanks to all of you. I’ve learned so much from you.

The part that I need to correct is where I said the 18x18 triangle and the laying down triangle have fish mouths. Actually, all three triangles have fish mouths and the 24x24 standing up one is probably the very best looking.

I won't ramble this time.

Thanks all

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Your diagrams and descriptions are great, but is there any chance to get pictures??
Maybe this would lend a better idea of what you are looking at.

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Ah hope ya'll 'll forgive me fer wastin' yer time, ah'm 70 so these new-fangled mow-sheenes ya'll call com-peuters ur sorta baffling fer me.
My last post was an attempt to send all 3 pages but turned out to be 3 copies of page 1. I've made them into 3 separate files so it should work. I'm not sure if the small print is readable on this forum. If it can be enlarged, great; if not, let me know and I will figure out how to enlarge it. Thanks, all. View attachment 1484762View attachment 1484763View attachment 1484764
Don't sweat it you're not wasting our time! You're doing good! In fact it's taken you about a year less to get it right than it took me for my first time!

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I still haven’t figured this out. I do have some more information that may help.

1. The 18x18 upright triangle has an open fish mouth on top pointing toward the sky as if waiting to be fed. The hole in its mouth is big enough and deep enough to hold a golf ball. The laying down triangle that is pointing back toward the centerline between the 2 upright triangles has a similar fish mouth but not quite as well defined. At another site about 90 miles away there is a cone shaped rock about 100 to 150 feet tall that has an open fish mouth pointing toward the sky.

I have not seen ANY information about fish mouths but it seems to be they are in more than 1 location.

Anybody have any ideas what they mean or if they mean anything/something?

2. I have found alignment rocks both north and south of the 2 upright triangle rocks that go to the laying down triangle. That is, going north I found a rock in line with the triangles. Then going west from it I found another rock that aligns exactly with the first rock and with the laying down triangle (LDT). Going south from the 2 upright triangles the rock on that line is exactly aligned with 2 bigger rocks and the LDT.

The LDT is heavy enough that it would take 4 or more very strong men to move it. I do have a fold up shovel in my backpack and could, if it is wise, dig under the LDT from 1 side. The other 2 sides are too well hidden by brush and a chopped down tree. (Convenient). This rock can only be seen from the big end as the brush overhangs it.

I would like to take measurements but there is a nearby road that is well traveled by hikers and bicyclists going to a nearby protected area. When I am visiting the site I try to look like a hiker and not a TH.

One more item to mention. Laying on the LDT are 2 small rocks. 1 is about 1 inch diameter and 4 inches long. Like a dowel. The other is about 2 inches diameter and 4 inches long. I didn’t notice these earlier but they have been there a long time because of the dirt underneath and the color difference of the tops and bottoms. There was a third 1, oval shaped, but it had been knocked off recently onto the ground and was upside down (Color difference). There were no foot prints except mine so I assumed an animal bumped it. I left it where it lay. These 2 rocks are laying at the bottom or big end of the LDT near the outside edge, parallel to the center line.

I suppose if I spend as many years studying this as many of you have I will figure it out. It would be so much nicer if somebody could help me figure it out and save me years, which I don’t have left.

Thanks to all of you. I’ve learned so much from you.
Have you tried sighting through the "fish mouths" like the rear sight on a rifle? Look from both sides. Take pictures!!! Still amazing to me how I go home & look at the pictures & say "How the hello did I miss that?"

If you want to measure without drawing attention, Get a roll or two of pink masons twine, and a kite line roll. Use tape & a sharpie to mark it in feet, yards or varas as needed. If you have a lot of patience use 1" pieces of shrink tubing. Just walk along letting it pay out as you go. Pink stands out for me, but passerbys won't really notice it unless they're right on top of it. Before you post picutres, use something like EXIF PILOT (freeware) to remove the lat. & long. data from them so you don't end up getting your site jumped.

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"If you want to measure without drawing attention, Get a roll or two of pink masons twine, and a kite line roll. Use tape & a sharpie to mark it in feet, yards or varas as needed. If you have a lot of patience use 1" pieces of shrink tubing. Just walk along letting it pay out as you go. Pink stands out for me, but passerbys won't really notice it unless they're right on top of it. Before you post picutres, use something like EXIF PILOT (freeware) to remove the lat. & long. data from them so you don't end up getting your site jumped."

I actually thought about how to use string but didn't get to the part about pre-marking it. Thanks, boogeyman.

Thanks, all

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To boogeyman

I tried sighting through the fishes mouths and saw blue sky.

Thanks. More info please.

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