roaring camp mining co. ca.

Took my daughter there 2 weeks ago and had a great time. The place is owned/ran by one family and they do a great job as customer service is top notch. Not cheap but all things considered very fair priced. This is private property and their own stretch of river has great trout fishing, swimming and tubing for the kids. The area is very isolated with only one way in/out, gated one lane road down into a steep river gorge. Works especially well keeping out trouble makers (hobos, weed growers, high graders and govt. regulators) This is a great place for families and seniors, especially older prospectors with physical limitations as the staff is very helpful and understanding to such needs. A little golf scooter with a couple 5 gal buckets of classified material in back is not at all unusual. Found good gold every day at a leisurely pace with my kid as family time was the the true pay streak being sought.

Fantastic post as a great father passes on something he dearly loves to the ones' he loves-cool as it should be. Congratulations. Just passed my 60th year of mining /prospecting and my Daughter/gkids showing up today about 10 and you guessed it right, heading to my claims to have a ball in the water. Thanx for a uplifting post-John

I'd expect the kind of people that can afford to piss away money on a place like that live pretty uppity lives, no kidding they fart sunshine.. they dont have a worry in the world except how to spend their money.

From 2007, through 2015, we introduced thousands of individuals and families to placer gold mining at Arizona Gold Adventures. Yes, some had more money than brains, but most were curious, middle-class working folks. We all "piss away money" on things we enjoy. I know people that have invested thousands of dollars in equipment to "prospect" for a few flakes of gold on weekends. I have friends that spend thousands on their rock crawling Jeep's and Toyota's, and a few more that lose thousands playing Texas Hold 'Em at casinos.

Roaring Camp has been around a long time, and they know what they are doing. Go have fun!


Thanks for more details-I have some physical difficulties ,so I need to research ahead of time wherever I go to make it work for me .Now I have a better idea about this place. Are there little swimming holes and how strong a current? I am a good swimmer and we surely use life jackets and enough adults to safeguard my grandkiddos, who are in varying stages of swimmers! Body-wamping is always a blast! I am all ready to golf cart away !!

Call and talk to the girls. They can better tell you the river conditions and handicap facilities. Moke river has some of the purest gold in the state at 22k. My family has been friends of the Roaring Camp family since the 80's. Top notch operation.

Oh, the Roaring Camp "Gold Catcher" pan is the only pan I use. Designed, patented and manufactured by Roaring Camp.

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the pile of dirt you purchase, well its a loader bucket full of gold bearing dirt.
the gold is really nice in those piles. Its a lottery, some piles have bigger and better nuggets.
They are $350 now and Cabins are $750 a week
Prices went up.

This just isnt true.
Most all of the people camping there pay monthly towards their stay each year.
the people you meet in camp, well they are there every year that same week.
stay two weeks and you get the option to drive over to the other mining area during the day and run your wissbanger (dry land dredging type sluice).

I think next year i will be able to afford to pay monthly and plan a return trip.

I went there as a kid in early 70,s our only family vacation each year . We didnt have money but looked forward to this every year

I broke down and did the 4 night campsite package on Sunday June 4th-7th. The place is very relaxing and peaceful.

The river was up about 8ft they said and raging which didn't really leave too much area to prospect for gold along the river. Your pretty much locked into the place by the river once down in the camp when the river is up. I did sample some dirt about 50ft from my campsite along the river and found some color, couple of fly poops per pan but not much overall. I was wise enough to not purchase a pile of dirt, nor any pay dirt from them. Those who did said it wasn't really worth it.


On the last day we did take a trip down to China camp and took turns shoveling dirt into a hand cranked trommel which was kind of fun. We only ran it for about 45 minutes or so. At the end they did a quick pan and took out some of the bigger pices and put them in a vial and saved the remaining concentrates. That night they had a dice game for the little nuggets and the concentrate. I almost didn't go to it as I kind of enjoy being by myself and don't really get into the group participation scene for the most part. I wound up going as I figured it would be a quick thing but in the end I guess it lasted about an hour or so. In the end I wound up in 2nd place which won me the concentrates. I didn't see the 1st place vial but was told I probably wound up with more gold in the end. Never weighed it but guessing it's only about .5 grams or so.

My 10" pan makes it look like more than it is I think.


I'd probably go back again at some point. Would need to make sure the river is down as I could see the place being a lot more fun. Tent seems like the best bang for the buck too me at least.

I broke down and did the 4 night campsite package on Sunday June 4th-7th. The place is very relaxing and peaceful.

The river was up about 8ft they said and raging which didn't really leave too much area to prospect for gold along the river. Your pretty much locked into the place by the river once down in the camp when the river is up. I did sample some dirt about 50ft from my campsite along the river and found some color, couple of fly poops per pan but not much overall. I was wise enough to not purchase a pile of dirt, nor any pay dirt from them. Those who did said it wasn't really worth it.

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On the last day we did take a trip down to China camp and took turns shoveling dirt into a hand cranked trommel which was kind of fun. We only ran it for about 45 minutes or so. At the end they did a quick pan and took out some of the bigger pices and put them in a vial and saved the remaining concentrates. That night they had a dice game for the little nuggets and the concentrate. I almost didn't go to it as I kind of enjoy being by myself and don't really get into the group participation scene for the most part. I wound up going as I figured it would be a quick thing but in the end I guess it lasted about an hour or so. In the end I wound up in 2nd place which won me the concentrates. I didn't see the 1st place vial but was told I probably wound up with more gold in the end. Never weighed it but guessing it's only about .5 grams or so.

My 10" pan makes it look like more than it is I think.

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I'd probably go back again at some point. Would need to make sure the river is down as I could see the place being a lot more fun. Tent seems like the best bang for the buck too me at least.

I'll be going there next weekend. Was the water pretty cold?

I had a friend who used to go for a month every year. He loved the camp and especially the people. Back then (good ole days) one could dredge and he did remarkably well. He has since passed away, but those were fond memories for him. I have never been to Roaring Camp, but if I went now, I would try to find the leftovers from people who bought dirt and maybe didn't pan it successfully. I would also want to try a swim in the river with mask and snorkel to see if I could snipe some crevices. I have no idea if either of those activities are allowed, but if they are, that would be my approach.

That's what I'm planning on doing, gonna get in and do some sniping. I picked up a long sleeve 3mm wetsuit top in case it is to cold, plus I could use it up here at my local spots cuz I can't be in the water longer than 30 min before I come out shaking like crazy haha. I'm also bringing the Gold Monster and gonna try it out there. I'm sure it's been picked over pretty good but so have my local areas and I still find good gold, just gotta look in the right spot ;D

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