๐Ÿ† HONORABLE MENTION Returned one and found one!


Full Member
Nov 4, 2022
British Columbia.
๐Ÿ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Max international
Garrett AT Gold
Radio Shack MICRONTA 3001
AT propointer
34'' Bushpro stainless steel tree planters shovel
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Was leisurely browsing a local community page when i spotted a post regarding a lost wedding band.. had not any plans of anywhere or anything i really had to do or be present for that day so headed out on a treasure hunt.

Arrived at the park described in community post and had my choice of parking spots so picked one then had a short look around.
Noticed the park was very clean compared to most i have visited and walked back to vehicle and got geared up.

Decided to start at the top of park near a covered area and quickly found that the large coil i was using needed to be swapped, so swapped out coil and continued my search.
Was not long until a curious passerby stopped to ask what i was finding and let me know that a ring had been recently lost in park and many had tried to find it for the owner.. I asked what it looked like, trying to get more info, and was told ''it was a plain gold wedding band'' as in post, so let passerby know i would keep an eye and ear out for it.

Finished searching around the upper covered area in park and took a short break before starting detecting a small flat in centre of part below a picturesque Mountain Ash tree, as my pouch was getting a little full of pulltabs and pocket change and my legs needed a quick rest.

After a short break i again got geared up and started swinging a new and a little quieter line.. First target dug was a loonie about 3'' deep and second was the ring @ maybe an inch deep!
I cleaned ring up and snapped a few pics before looking around and noticed the passerby was sitting up on her porch across the way so walked over to let her know a ring had been found.
She asked if i had found any rings as i was walking over and replied yes then asked if i knew someone across the other way and replied "no I am new here sorry'' she then told me to hang on a sec and went into home to get a phone number for me..

Went back to vehicle called number and let the person know my name and that i was a detectorist from out of town and was given phone number by a lady across the way from the park and that she should come have a look at ring to ID if it was in fact hers, after i had asked a couple quick questions regarding it's look and make, she replied would be down in 5 mins..

She showed up right on time! walked over to my vehicle and after quickly introducing myself again in person i opened my hand to show her the ring i had found..
She gasped, took ring, said OMG that's it! slid it back onto her finger then looked up with the most surprised and happy looking face i had seen in a long time and, out of shock and disbelief she was again wearing ring, began to thank me and must have said OMG between thanking me no less than 5 times.. before asking where i had found it.

I took me a couple looks to spot where i had found as she was describing events of the day it was lost before i pointed to the grass and said ''it was right there!''
She looked then thanked me once again and i told her the lady across they way had given me her phone number so they waved at each other and we walked back to vehicles while she explained the ring was given to her by her husband in 1974 and they did not have much money then, but she had greatly treasured the ring and apologized for it's size, so replied ''that is ok I very much enjoyed the treasure hunt! thank you.''

She asked if i wanted anything as reward for finding and I replied I would love to get a selfie to share with my story of return online and she said ''that is fine though i just rushed out in a hurry and am not dressed up'' I replied ''oh that is fine'' while rubbing my face realising that i had also left without really getting ready and quickly snapped pic..

She thanked me again and I said "oh no worries! I better get back to detecting have a great day!'' as she began walking back to her vehicle happily staring at the ring on her finger..
I continued to detect park until shortly after dark when i found and dug another ring, this one much deeper, and tossed it into pouch with all the pulltabs and pocket change thinking it was another junker because of its tone and decided to call it a day and headed home..

Was not until i had arrived home safe and happy I had a good story to share that i noticed the ring was also gold and had a small diamond looking stone after emptying my pouch..!
Woke up the next morning after showing the ring around house to discover it had been taken to be worn for the day and would be checked out as payment to the sneaky wearer..
Ring was well worn and band was broken while being buried amongst the old rotten tree roots at some point and could not make out the markings while cleaning it the night before so was not to worried about it being worn around while broken.. until i received a picture of the ring on my phone later that same day..!

Cheers and happy hunting all! :occasion14::icon_thumright:
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Congratulations on the the ring recoveries and the return.
Honorable mention for sure.

Congratulations on the the ring recoveries and the return.
Honorable mention for sure.
Thank You Pepperj! was a good day out! :occasion14:

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