Silver Member
I haven't posted anything in a while because I have been letting Vol1266X (Quindy) post our finds as the Tennessee Trio, which includes Josh. He asked me to post this button because of its rarity. We went to a new site on Tuesday which Josh had found for us. Josh found two reales and a bunch of flat buttons and a ball button. Quindy found a flat button a ball button and some round balls. Quindy would have found more but he spent a lot of his time filming Josh and his finds. haha I had found a few round balls and a flat button. Toward the end of the hunt, I found a dome button which I thought was an Eagle button. Since I did not have my glasses, I couldn't tell so Josh cleaned it off. He said it had a star in the middle. I thought he was just messing with me since we do that to each other every chance we get. After cleaning it up a little more, it turned out to be a Republic of Texas button. Thanks for looking, Doug Looking at the button with a better magnifying glass I have determined that the button is an Infantry button. There is an I in the middle of the star.
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