reptilian face on dollar bill

Money is the root of all evil, it's worshipped as a god, it enslaves all mortals, it is the cause of world wars and every lesser evil. It will be easier to push a camel through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven. Now think about it. And by the way imagery and symbolism are of utmost importance in the spirit world.

Pareidolia—The tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern.

No, the love of money (greed) is the root of all evil.

As for the video ... there are plenty of symbolic images on the dollar bill alright, but this isn't one of them.
Rest assured if you don't love money you will have none. Every single thing conjured up by man that isn't natural or spiritual or God given, is in the pursuit of $ large corporations work with the space agencies to try in strip mine the heavens lol, truth is if you didn't love your money you would give it to the poor it's written that it's better to give than receive, are you better or worse?

Pareidolia—The tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern.
Ah yes the diagnosis give by the blind. Indeed the god of this world has blinded the masses in more ways than one.

Rest assured if you don't love money you will have none.
Nonsense. Money is just a tool for trade. If you don't have any (and you aren't a hunter-gatherer), you can't eat or clothe yourself. Are you suggesting it is greedy to want to eat and not be naked?

Ah yes the diagnosis give by the blind. Indeed the god of this world has blinded the masses in more ways than one.
And might I add this diagnosis comes from the same entity that claimed morgellands was a mental disorder and didn't exist in reality but now have had to admit that it does they just have no idea what it is.

Nonsense. Money is just a tool for trade. If you don't have any (and you aren't a hunter-gatherer), you can't eat or clothe yourself. Are you suggesting it is greedy to want to eat and not be naked?
I love to hunt


I love to hunt
I can tell you it took two deer five pecan trees, and roughly six gallons of blackberry's to keep me alive for almost a year that being my worst year not one dollar came into or out of my hand.

I can tell you it took two deer five pecan trees, and roughly six gallons of blackberry's to keep me alive for almost a year that being my worst year not one dollar came into or out of my hand.
Hit me back after you do that

Our money had the Devils face on the back of Queen Elizabeth's hair.

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