Report: Suspects had no gun licenses


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Sep 26, 2012
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Boston Bomber did'nt have a license to carry the gun he was shooting at police with ? I'll dare he !!!!!!!!!! My goodness that's why we have laws & permits to prevent such terrible things . Oh wait , those laws only pertain to LAW ABIDING citizens .......:BangHead:

The two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings were not licensed to have the firearms they used in several shootouts with police on Friday, Reuters reported Sunday night.

The news that the suspects were not authorized to own firearms will likely add fuel to calls for tougher gun laws – an issue that was put on the back-burner last week after the Senate blocked the central elements of a gun-control package backed by President Obama.

Because Massachusetts state law bars handgun ownership for those younger than 21, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, age 26, was the only brother who could have obtained a license from the town of Cambridge, Mass., where he lived. But he didn't take that step, Dan Riviello, spokesman for the Cambridge Police Department, told Reuters.

"There is no record of him having a license to carry," Riviello said, according to the news service.

Massachusetts state law allows residents under 21 to have rifles, but only those weapons holding 10 rounds of ammunition or less, and only then if the holder has a police-issued ID card. Several local jurisdictions where the younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, has lived and studied told Reuters they have no record of issuing him such a card.

Read more: Report: Suspects had no gun licenses - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
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Boston Bomber did'nt have a license to carry the gun he was shooting at police with ? I'll dare he !!!!!!!!!! My goodness that's why we have laws & permits to prevent such terrible things . Oh wait , those laws only pertain to LAW ABIDING citizens .......:BangHead:

The two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings were not licensed to have the firearms they used in several shootouts with police on Friday, Reuters reported Sunday night.

The news that the suspects were not authorized to own firearms will likely add fuel to calls for tougher gun laws – an issue that was put on the back-burner last week after the Senate blocked the central elements of a gun-control package backed by President Obama.

Because Massachusetts state law bars handgun ownership for those younger than 21, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, age 26, was the only brother who could have obtained a license from the town of Cambridge, Mass., where he lived. But he didn't take that step, Dan Riviello, spokesman for the Cambridge Police Department, told Reuters.

"There is no record of him having a license to carry," Riviello said, according to the news service.

Massachusetts state law allows residents under 21 to have rifles, but only those weapons holding 10 rounds of ammunition or less, and only then if the holder has a police-issued ID card. Several local jurisdictions where the younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, has lived and studied told Reuters they have no record of issuing him such a card.

Read more: Report: Suspects had no gun licenses - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
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Imagine that criminals not obeying gun laws..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

what's the difference between buying a firearm(handgun or long rifle) and having a permit to carry? next question, why were they not allowed to own firearms? third question, what would the requirement be to obtain a "police issued i.d. card"? what's cracking me up is, no one is stating where the weapons came from, they could have just as well crossed the border into Vermont of all places and purchased them legally there, or came to Florida, gone to the largest gun show in the state and bought 30 of them, LEGALLY WITHOUT A BACKGROUND CHECK, right? Hell, to require them to submit to a background check in a person to person private sale is unconstitutional and not one bit of the governments' business. Or have I been reading the wrong thing in this sub forum?

Davest, you are babbling again,, Did you see the part about breaking the law? Does it really matter to you where the law was broken, how many ways it was broken?

You do understand they broke the law, right? What laws would YOU pass that they would recognize?

what's the difference between buying a firearm(handgun or long rifle) and having a permit to carry? next question, why were they not allowed to own firearms? third question, what would the requirement be to obtain a "police issued i.d. card"? what's cracking me up is, no one is stating where the weapons came from, they could have just as well crossed the border into Vermont of all places and purchased them legally there, or came to Florida, gone to the largest gun show in the state and bought 30 of them, LEGALLY WITHOUT A BACKGROUND CHECK, right? Hell, to require them to submit to a background check in a person to person private sale is unconstitutional and not one bit of the governments' business. Or have I been reading the wrong thing in this sub forum?

Or they could have justa s well saved the time, gas and money and drove to the corner of almost any street in the seedy side of a local town and bought them illegally.............
A permit to carry requires you to submit finger prints, passport pictures, fill out a lengthy form and a back ground check is done on you....

Sorry Dave you do not get to blame this on our right to keep and bear arms.............No one has the right to attack my rights, they are not privileges, they are rights, guaranteed by our Constitution....

I can see it on the license app.
reason for permit: terrorist plot

could have been approved by Gov employees

This can be looked two ways: We need stronger gun laws so that terrorists like these two can't own guns.....NOT! Who says that they owned them, most likely illegally obtained due to the fact that the Commonwealth of Mass. has had a law on the books for lon years that an individual must poccess a gun owners card to own or purchase any firearm. It is not a carry permit, only the registration of all un owners, not their guns. In this light we can argue that we don't need any further laws because the ones we have already don't work! One more law will not stop the illegal use and stealing of firearms be those intent on obtaining one. Again we need criminal control, not gun control!

What we really need to do is Pass some Laws that terrorists cannot build illegal pressure cooker bombs Without a Permit, that will stop them in their tracks!!!!!

What we really need to do is Pass some Laws that terrorists cannot build illegal pressure cooker bombs Without a Permit, that will stop them in their tracks!!!!!
never thought of it that way! That and maybe a law that you cannot own military grade explosives without a permit should do it!

Wasn't there a law in Cuba that forbid pressure cookers? If only we could have some of that good life here, Huh?


In your previous post and another one you have indicated that the State of Vt. has been supplying these sort of terrorist with their guns. We may have less gun laws than other places, but purchases are still under the 1968 Gun Controlact, amended in 1986 and requiring proper ID, and background checks!Q If guns are in the hands of terrorists originated in this state, most likely they are stolen, and not purchased in a legal manner. It's easy to put the blame somewhere else instead of realizing that what you think can happen anywhere, and not only in a state that has more freedoms and Independent people residing in it's border's!

We're worried about how they got a gun? How about the Porsche, The 200.00 for fireworks, etc. who do think was supplying these goof balls with a living? But W.H.says nothing to see here. Some on the left say they were just kids being kids. I think they should have bought the Blue pill and got rid of their aggressions.
Wonder when the ban on fireworks starts.

come on down to Florida guys. Go to the largest gun show in the state. Buy what you can then you can tell me how far the laws work.

I was under the impression that being required to become a name on a registration list was an infringement upon the right to own firearms because it would lead to the slippery slope of the government knowing who possessed what allowing them to confiscate at will. Or was I mistaken?

No, GMD52, I use Vermont due to the closeness of the state and it's different gun laws in comparison to Mass.

come on down to Florida guys. Go to the largest gun show in the state. Buy what you can then you can tell me how far the laws work.

I was under the impression that being required to become a name on a registration list was an infringement upon the right to own firearms because it would lead to the slippery slope of the government knowing who possessed what allowing them to confiscate at will. Or was I mistaken?

No, GMD52, I use Vermont due to the closeness of the state and it's different gun laws in comparison to Mass.

Are you talking long guns or hand guns?

"I was under the impression that being required to become a name on a registration list was an infringement upon the right to own firearms because it would lead to the slippery slope of the government knowing who possessed what allowing them to confiscate at will. Or was I mistaken?"

And the point is what Davest?

come on down to Florida guys. Go to the largest gun show in the state. Buy what you can then you can tell me how far the laws work.

I was under the impression that being required to become a name on a registration list was an infringement upon the right to own firearms because it would lead to the slippery slope of the government knowing who possessed what allowing them to confiscate at will. Or was I mistaken?

No, GMD52, I use Vermont due to the closeness of the state and it's different gun laws in comparison to Mass.

If you want a conceal carry license in state of Florida than that is what your required to do, the good point is you can carry in about 90% of the places you go day to day. I am guessing you don't have or want a conceal carry, but there are millions of us in florida that do....

come on TH, tell the guys what it's like to go to the Lakeland gun show and buy a firearm there. Tell em about how the private sellers do due diligence and would never sell to anyone that isn't at least alive and breathing.

As to my carrying or not, not your business

onfire, long guns and hand guns.

Wonder when the ban on fireworks starts.

Fireworks are already illegal here in Mass.Even sparklers.Even those little plastic champagne bottles with the pull string that POP when you pull the string.

come on TH, tell the guys what it's like to go to the Lakeland gun show and buy a firearm there. Tell em about how the private sellers do due diligence and would never sell to anyone that isn't at least alive and breathing.

As to my carrying or not, not your business

onfire, long guns and hand guns.

Dave I am wrong person to ask, you see I don't believe in background checks or gun registration.. I believe in and support the Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

Criminals buy their guns on the street, usually hot with serial numbers removed, even without background checks the serial number of guns sold are still recorded, criminals want no paper trail at all.

They could always buy them through "Obamas Fast and Furious Gun Supply and Food Stamp Outlet" in Texas, they just have to put Mexican Drug Cartel as place of employment...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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Davest, you are babbling again,, Did you see the part about breaking the law? Does it really matter to you where the law was broken, how many ways it was broken?

You do understand they broke the law, right? What laws would YOU pass that they would recognize?

Dave44 , your wasting your breath & time . It's citizens like Davest that refuse to research the facts & laws that already exist . They blindly follow the exploitation of tragedies spewed by the antigun crowd & president .

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