Removing a cache from a foreign country

I dont know if you are still trying to find out, but I am assuming its a good size cache, dont try to bring it back, I would advice you to sell it locally, and only keep the best items or coins, and bring them little by little to the us, otherwise if you dont get caught there you will here on arrival.

another option is to find another foreign buyer, specially since many objects can be of international origin even to the country where you found them, and let them worry about it once you sell it

good luck

i agree, alot had too do with the country u found it in, i myself, would try selling it there turn it into cash, keep a few small items, then deposit it into a bank where u can tranfer the money to and account in the country u live, start out selling slow, hard to say without knowing how big of find it is, like gold bars weighting 100 pounds ea, hard to sell them in some country, without people looking at you.. even here instates selling large gold are silver needs to be recorded.

also i know u have to tell customs if you have over $10,000 in cash, entering are leaving a country.

look in the newspaper of the country you found the stuff,( for people who buy collectibles)... then show the buyer a little of what you have found,,, get your money and run...he he he...lou ;)

HI gents gals: I have only seen one or two practical ways to handle a large amount of Gold or silver in a foreign country posted here. In Mexico for example, simply sell it to a buyer, pay your taxes, and live happily ever after It is yours! (in an international bank based in Mexico that feels no particualar abligation to report an unknown stateless depositors acct to the US )

Why one first thinks of smuggling it out of a country then smuggling it into the US is beyond me. You willl receive the going world price in Mexico as in the US?.
Just a general hint.

!) you will be violating Mexican export laws, Us Import import laws, violating tax laws in both countries, and on and on.

Jose de La Mancha ( I tilt windills )

In the Philippines, if you recover treasure..coins or gold bars...

1) Antique/Gold Coins
a) Sell it locally (several antique/gold coin store around the metropolis)
b) Contact some foreign buyers and invite to see your coins personally without taking it out of the country....let those buyers handle the export problem.
c) Bribe some local custom officials in P.I. ...but once it enter into U.S.soil its another custom problem..
D) Put up a coin store shop / joint venture with establish coin store in that that they can give you legal status in exporting or importing antique gold coins..

2) Treasure Gold Bars
a) Erased the gold hallmarks so that it will look like gold bars from the mines and sell it in Central Bank/Jewlry/pawnshops little by little....(Only fake gold bars are illegal in our country)....buying gold bars per se, is not illegal, you need only export permit from Central bank....and a small tip of gov't officials.
b) Contact a foreign gold buyer....let them take the problem of exporting abroad.
c) Put up/buy a mining company as business front.
d) Put up an export/import company and smuggled it abroad...

hello!comrade, th. i need help(please) here the situation we dug 17 ft.we found a layer of black sand with some shell craft on it we contenued to 20 ft.we come across of another disturb soil we hit in the middle in both side we can tell that the soil has been disturb, and there's gap on top side like a venting air we continued to 22 ft.we found another large layer of black sand a little ticker this time ,and spri nkler with bunch of some small craft shell, and there's a little hole on the side this hole going down diagonaly. any help greatly appreiciated thanks guy Ed p.s. please reply to my email , be cause i can't see it here, maybe my browser is not working right again thanks ,and happy holiday to all

I noticed a peculiar thing missing among these many posts on the subject.......we didnt hear from anyone on :"what doesnt work".....and the reason being ...."dead men tell no tales"................we also did not hear from any one who successfully accomplished it....because as many said...Loose lips sink ships.....
So when you do successfully get what you want to the correct country... :D...please send us an update ....

Or you could try this................... ;)BOSTON, Massachusetts (AP) -- French doctors were taken aback when they discovered the reason for a patient's sore, swollen belly: He had swallowed around 350 coins -- $650 worth -- along with assorted necklaces and needles.

The 62-year-old man came to the emergency room of Cholet General Hospital in western France in 2002. He had a history of major psychiatric illness, was suffering from stomach pain, and could not eat or move his bowels.

His family warned doctors that he sometimes swallowed coins, and a few had been removed from his stomach in past hospital visits.

Still, doctors were awed when they took an X-ray. They discovered an enormous opaque mass in his stomach that turned out to weigh 12 pounds -- as much as some bowling balls. It was so heavy it had forced his stomach down between his hips.


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Everything depends on what country you want to bring the cache to the US from!

If it's a border country (Mexico, Canada), then no problem, as long as you understand that you may get caught in a random check, or if you look the least bit nervous to the ICE Agent who will ask you questions. With Mexico, as far as I know, it is illegal to remove gold from the country.

If it's from a country which you will have to fly in from.....give it up. Even the swallowing thing could be disastrous. If you look the least bit nervous to the ICE Agents, they will target you for BCS (Body Cavity Search) and XRays. They may think you are either a terrorist or drug smuggler.

Is the cache really worth just the possibility of even one of the things everybody has warned you about here happening to you? THINK!

"Now I know what you're thinkin, Did he fire six shots, or only five? Well, with all this shootin, I kinda lost track myself, but bein as this is a 44 magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and will blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question. Do I feel lucky? Well do ya'.....punk?"

Re-reading this I did remember a story from a guy I knew.
He would go skin diving behind a water fall in Mexico and pick up nuggets.
Later he would melt them down and cast them as belt weights. He would melt down one of the lead weights and put a thin layer of lead over the gold weights.
Then he would put the "new weights" into his diving belt and drive back into the U.S.
He always stopped on the coast to skin dive before going into the mountians and on the way back.
"Want any lobsters?"

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