Relic Paydirt!


Bronze Member
Jun 19, 2013
Bone Valley, Florida
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hit the dump outside the cellar pit (still muddy), found the same old same old, so I decided to work away from the pit so I started working on this gradient which was slightly elevated. Well, I started noticing the soil color change, like an old campfire/fire pit, hmm I said to myself.."lets see what the first bucket load reveals"..I will just let the pictures answer for themselves..

See the soil color difference?

First bucket load...

The rest..

The smallest horseshoe I have ever seen

Heavy like gold, but tarnishes like copper..

The stuff I took home, there is a pile of iron objects that I didn't take because I do not have the time to clean them all..

Upvote 7
Here is what I found out I have after a little soap and water cleaning...these are all from the fire pit/campfire

The three locks..

The gun parts, ramrod, hammer..

...the rest from the fire pit area

...the other junk..

I think the stuff I found cover a multitude of era's being that I am digging only yards from where Marquis de Lafayette and the French 1st and 2nd brigades, Gen. George Washington's Rhode Island Regiment and Lazun's Legion and Clinton,Burgoyne's and Howe's armies march and encamped during the revolution, that and it being a major thorough fare during the colonial period. I will be pounding the hell out of this location..

Man, that looks like a fun dig site! Love all the variety you are getting, way to help save some history!

"If my detector is squealing, I'll be kneeling."

wow, really good stuff, interesting and love those locks

Man, that looks like a fun dig site! Love all the variety you are getting, way to help save some history!

"If my detector is squealing, I'll be kneeling."

Its fun, but with all the roots, stones and bricks you do break your a--. Lol

wow, really good stuff, interesting and love those locks
With a little research on two of the Mallory & Wheeler co. Padlocks, they are roughly from around the 1864 time period, Civil war era. As for the third, need to do some more p.icking and soaking to get some more details.

Maybe its an old civil war soldiers fire pit where he torched his uniform I am grasping at straws

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