Loot of Lima and my Grandfathers Diary

At the very real risk of angering those who believe the claptrap at World News Daily, here is an excerpt from their disclaimer page.

"All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any persons, living, dead, or undead is purely a miracle."

Need I say more?

Get to work Mac, I wanna see your name in historical news that you have found one and positively.identified it. Let the youger generation dive, you sit in the shade of an overhanging shrouded sail and count the loot.:laughing7::notworthy::coffee2::coffee2:

Hi James, My Grandfather's name was Charles Forbes, as is my Dads. Are we related? Ramona Forbes-Baker
Hi Ramona, I don’t recall if I ever replied to you. I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. A lot of things have gone on in my life since the last time I came on this website. I believe we could be somehow related and I would be excited to find out if there’s someone left besides me and my dad James Steven Forbes. I pray that this message finds you well. Look forward to hearing from you.
James Steven Forbes jr

Hi I am Ramona Forbes son - Dallon Ghan.
Charles Forbes was my grandfather
And I am trying to find information on our family history. I grew up with Pops (Charles) telling me these tales and I also have read cocos Island (the book that was written).

I am trying to confirm that James Alexander was in fact the owner of the Los Gatos Flour Mill as well.
I also had read this page in Wikipedia.

Also this is a page on James Alexander Forbes.

I assume this is the same person but I have no evidence to confirm it. I currently live in Spain and would love to trace my family roots.
Ramona and Charles Forbes have since passed away and it's getting more difficult to trace the roots. Any information is helpful. Thank you,

Dallon Ghan

Hi James, My Grandfather's name was Charles Forbes, as is my Dads. Are we related? Ramona Forbes-Baker
Hi Roni, sorry for the late reply 😂 yes I am related to you. My father James Steven Forbes sr is the grandson of James Alexander Forbes the second. That is the one who your grandfather Charles Forbes went to cocos island with. I pray that this reply finds you well. Hope to hear from you again soon. God Bless

James Steven Forbes jr

Hi Roni, sorry for the late reply 😂 yes I am related to you. My father James Steven Forbes sr is the grandson of James Alexander Forbes the second. That is the one who your grandfather Charles Forbes went to cocos island with. I pray that this reply finds you well. Hope to hear from you again soon. God Bless

James Steven Forbes jr
Hello my name is Justin Forbes,
I am the grandson of Charles Forbes, I figured I'll post one here as well to possibly find any new information or relatives that are on here. My aunt was Ramona Baker which was Charles Forbes daughter. My father is Michael Forbes and I saw my cousin Dallen posted on here as well.
I hope this thread can continue even if it might be very old,
Thank you, Justin

Hello my name is Justin Forbes,
I am the grandson of Charles Forbes, I figured I'll post one here as well to possibly find any new information or relatives that are on here. My aunt was Ramona Baker which was Charles Forbes daughter. My father is Michael Forbes and I saw my cousin Dallen posted on here as well.
I hope this thread can continue even if it might be very old,
Thank you, Justin
Hello Justin

Your ancestor James Alexander Forbes was not a pirate. He was privateer. he was put ashore in Valparaiso in 1817. There was a mutiny and Forbes and 19 others including the captain were put ashore there. The mutineers went on rampage raiding towns north of Callao Lima. 16 of them broke away.

There was no loot of Lima as legend tells it.. That is a self perpetuating myth. There was a treasure buried by these 1817 mutineers there at Cocos island. Most of it was long gone by 1850.

Another of your ancestors searched the beach in Chatham bay Cocos for buried silver for stolen silver in 1822 from a ship called the Lord Lyndoch that was silver from the mines in Bolivia from a company that was trying to get their silver out of the country just after Lord Cochrane made his second attack on Callao Cutting out and capturing the Spanish warship Esmeralda in 1821.

The map your latter ancestor acquired was bought from a son of one of original mutineers in 1817 living in Liverpool pertained to looted treasure, when 16 mutineers broke away from the main group of mutineers of 1817.


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Ciao Corvo,
Sto guidando un team di ricerca e ad aprile ci recheremo a Cocos Island per condurre indagini storiche e archeologiche. Siamo particolarmente interessati alla storia di **Lord Lyndoch** e dei ribelli del 1817. Hai per caso altre informazioni su questo evento o risorse che potrebbero aiutarci nella nostra ricerca? Ogni dettaglio sarebbe prezioso per il nostro lavoro.

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