Jay, now cool down ol' son. And please don't besmirch the cheerleaders.
George. by Gosh, Bush was one and still is. Ask Laura. He warn't no LBJ
if you get my drift.
Too bad you didn't get a law degree while you had a chance. You coulda
been knocking down some serious bucks insteada traipsing around muddy
creeks with a gold pan in your frostbit hands and a lotto ticket in your
Evidently you musta slept through your economics classes if you think
investing in sound companies is same as gambling. But again, skepticism
is a virtue. Yes, you are right, lots of people took huge paper losses in the
crash a year ago but savy investors silently took their lumps and waited it
out. Bear markets happen but that was an unregulated nightmare. I could
explain it to you but I'm afraid you have tuned out. And that's too bad
cause I know you have potential.
Sweet dreams,
George. by Gosh, Bush was one and still is. Ask Laura. He warn't no LBJ
if you get my drift.
Too bad you didn't get a law degree while you had a chance. You coulda
been knocking down some serious bucks insteada traipsing around muddy
creeks with a gold pan in your frostbit hands and a lotto ticket in your
Evidently you musta slept through your economics classes if you think
investing in sound companies is same as gambling. But again, skepticism
is a virtue. Yes, you are right, lots of people took huge paper losses in the
crash a year ago but savy investors silently took their lumps and waited it
out. Bear markets happen but that was an unregulated nightmare. I could
explain it to you but I'm afraid you have tuned out. And that's too bad
cause I know you have potential.
Sweet dreams,