Hey Red!
Ahhhhhhhh....Jerky marinating. 24 hours, then on to the Dehydrator.
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HELP!!!!!!!!! Call me an IDIOT.. (idiot) Alright lets move on. I know I've been AWOL for awhile. I keep getting emails that say "inbox full" on T-net. I tried to empty. It says "empty inbox" I click on it and I still can't sent or receive messages...?
So outside of this problem... Where the hell is Red? On a personal note I have been swamped with toy box orders... and I mean SWAMPED!!!! I can't believe the demand. I'm overwhelmed and getting much "smarter" as I go along.
So I guess I need a 1, 2, 3, or a, b, c, of what to do to clear my inbox (sorry). Later, Brad
What process are you using to empty?I still can't send messages and I guess receive any. It's probably my fault but I don't understand I guess. Inbox full.. but can't empty??
What process are you using to empty?
Are you using desktop, going to your profile and hit links for emptying both folders, "in box and out box" or just emptying in box?
Still working on the website. Trying to learn some things with flash, so eventually we can make a time-lapse of a toy box from start to finish, let folks see the hands on quality to entice the click here to custom order. Was truly and still am hoping to complete by christmas. Now that I killed the number two stress in my life...aka a certain forums access, I can work more...second best health decision I've made lately, right behind a certain 7 minutes that changed things...thanks brother, you know who you are.
I'll give you a call in a few days brad, I'll need pics and video.
That and I need to ask Chadeaux some things about web hosting.