Gary,I'd rather stick needles in my eyes then learn how to knit so kudos to you for trying to appease your wife but I love to shoot.Our friend really RJC helped me with trying to figure out what kind of firearm I might like way back when.I ended up choosing a 357 Magnum that I shoot a 38 special rounds in.

Yeah stick around BC.Catch y'all on the flip side,gotta get up early in the morning,and go work off all that pie.

Nobody judging you here BC.Youre more than welcome to be here.

The first AR I fired severely disappointed me.I went through one mag,3 rounds into the second mag a casing got jammed in the chamber.My brother inlaw ended buying me a yugo SKS for christmas after that lol.It was his AR lol.
Let me guess.. cheap Russian made steel case ammo ? ARs pretty much work fine all the time unless something is broken or worn out. That said I prefer a .308

Have an AR I built for my wife...Dang. It shoots the first round fine, ejects the shell fine, but won't chamber the second round.
Rack the gun, fire and then try to pull the trigger for a second shot and it's locked.
Any ideas?
BTW it's really hard to rack that first round.
Buffer spring too strong?

I ended up choosing a 357 Magnum that I shoot a 38 special rounds in.

Time to switch from .38 special to .38special +P rounds:laughing7:

Have an AR I built for my wife...Dang. It shoots the first round fine, ejects the shell fine, but won't chamber the second round.
Rack the gun, fire and then try to pull the trigger for a second shot and it's locked.
Any ideas?
BTW it's really hard to rack that first round.
Buffer spring too strong?
Lots of possibilities and I'm no expert. Did you buy a complete parts kit ? Is it possible you have a buffer and or buffer spring from a full length stock but are using a collapsible stock ? The buffers & springs are not the same.

Gary,I'd rather stick needles in my eyes then learn how to knit so kudos to you for trying to appease your wife but I love to shoot.Our friend really RJC helped me with trying to figure out what kind of firearm I might like way back when.I ended up choosing a 357 Magnum that I shoot a 38 special rounds in.

My wife loves hers.. But make sure and clean it after firing.. you could make it a 38 special. Hard to get a .357 in it after a bunch of .38 rounds.

Does the AR have a forward assist? Sounds like a mag. problem not feeding the ammo properly. The forward assist will push that round firmly into the chamber. You may also have a problem with the gas system. Does the round eject when it does fire? If the bolt is not push far enough back when fired, the next round won't fully chamber......Gary

Time to switch from .38 special to .38special +P rounds:laughing7:
I reserve the +p for anyone who might try to mess with me and mine,wad cutters for practice.BabyNeedsNewShoes,it is rated for +p.I don't plan on ever loading it with 357 ammo<<<still a girl.

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Lots of possibilities and I'm no expert. Did you buy a complete parts kit ? Is it possible you have a buffer and or buffer spring from a full length stock but are using a collapsible stock ? The buffers & springs are not the same.

I have a stock that can adjust length. It was not a complete parts kit, it was built up over time from various sources. So what you suggest might very well be the case. Are buffer springs available in different strengths?

Does the AR have a forward assist? Sounds like a mag. problem not feeding the ammo properly. The forward assist will push that round firmly into the chamber. You may also have a problem with the gas system. Does the round eject when it does fire? If the bolt is not push far enough back when fired, the next round won't fully chamber......Gary

Yes the shell ejects all right. It does have a forward assist, but after the first shot, the FA doesn't matter... the next round isn't in the chamber.

Let me guess.. cheap Russian made steel case ammo ? ARs pretty much work fine all the time unless something is broken or worn out.

Far as I know his AR wasnt even a year old,no idea what ammo he had except it was brass cased.The mags were already loaded so i didnt look at what he was using.I like the 7.62x39 anyway.The price on the yugo fit him though,295 bucks.

I have a stock that can adjust length. It was not a complete parts kit, it was built up over time from various sources. So what you suggest might very well be the case. Are buffer springs available in different strengths?
A buffer & buffer spring from a standard fixed stock is longer & the spring is stiffer. The CAR stock like you have requires a buffer that's compatible. But.. Gary made some excellent suggestions as well. Do you have more than one mag and does it do it with all of them ? It could very well be doing what he suggested. It's called "short stroking" when the bolt dosn't go back all the way and there are several causes.

Good for you Coily.......personally I'm partial to my .45 1911's. One is a Sprinfield Armory carry weapon with match barrel, and adj. sights. The other is a Caspian Arms made here in Hardwick Vt......compensated bll, full Match build. Recoils less than a .22, and shoots 1 1/2 in groups at 50 yards......ah the memories of the past shoots are flooding back......Gary

I wonder how many people still have me on ignore after I got all bent out of shape

Time to delete my profile.
I really hate being judged

That is a universal thing, JUDGEMENT, Judge not lest ye be judged.

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