What color shirt was your Dad wearing?

I'm not sure; but he wore the blue 'work shirts' almost the time that I knew him. The fishing was a long time before I was born. He also wasn't a hunter. He killed a squirrel with a hammer while working on a fence in the pasture. The squirrel was in a hollow log on the ground and kept sticking it's head out; so Dad hit it!!! lol

I have never been on a forum that had a thread that 'took off' like this one did!!! I hope it keeps going. I really enjoy reading/talking/writing about things that have happened in the past. My mind seems to go back to something that has happened to me or someone I know when I read other's stories. PLEASE! Don't let this thread die!!!'s illegal for a man to say he "hates fishing". Thought you'd like to know being the law abidding citizen that you are.

and another guys go WAAAAAAAAAAY overboard on your dove recipes. What do you do, take them home and cook them in your cozy kitchens? ANOTHER illegal act. Dove need to be field dressed without removing the legs. You grill them over a oakwood fired grill using the legs to turn them while cooking. Then you can dust them with a little pepper and garlic powder and use the legs for handles. If you aren't going to hunt anymore that day, wash them down with beer.

I love dove and quail both fried and served with pan gravy...Mmmmm Goooood.




We will NOT go quietly into the night!

I make a pretty good dove dish with celery,onions,pan seared dove and then stick it in the oven with a good white wine to braise it slowly in the oven.Great over a pile of wild rice or quinoa.

and another guys go WAAAAAAAAAAY overboard on your dove recipes. What do you do, take them home and cook them in your cozy kitchens? ANOTHER illegal act. Dove need to be field dressed without removing the legs. You grill them over a oakwood fired grill using the legs to turn them while cooking. Then you can dust them with a little pepper and garlic powder and use the legs for handles. If you aren't going to hunt anymore that day, wash them down with beer.
The only thing you forgot, was to wrap them little birdys in bacon! :laughing7: :notworthy:

Red when I moved from MI. to TN. to start at the Saturn plant many folks from all over the country were arriving also. One day in Feb. it was about 25-30 degrees outside with no wind. I'm walking into plant in a tee shirt, Levi's, and tennis shoes. The guy next to me has stocking hat, gloves, snowmobile suit and matching boots and scarf. He asks where I'm from and I say MI. and I say "how about you partner" and he says southern CA. Amazing the meaning of cold gets based on where your from.

Your body naturally tries to acclimate to your weather conditions, just like altitude it takes a while. I have lived in Northern North Dakota and Minnesota as well as Nebraska and Colorado and other cold states. Moved back home to Florida in 2001..

My body thinks I still live in North Dakota and is storing about 10-15 pounds of stomach fat, that is my story and I am sticking to it.... :D




We will NOT go quietly into the night!

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Dont worry TH,we know the real story,:-Xwe wont say a thing,shhhhh.

Sorry to hear that. Maybe this will be better entertainment for you.:laughing7:

You ought to be put in time out for posting something like that... and I ought to be banned for watching it.

Your body naturally tries to acclimate to your weather conditions, just like altitude it takes a while. I have lived in Northern North Dakota and Minnesota as well as Nebraska and Colorado and other cold states. Moved back home to Florida in 2001..

My body thinks I still live in North Dakota and is storing about 10-15 pounds of stomach fat, that is my story and I am sticking to it.... :D




We will NOT go quietly into the night!

Do you get your feet wet when you shower?:laughing7: Or find a concave woman to dance with?

Onfire , you ever stop to think why they call what's played on the jukebox in a country bar 'belly rubin music' ?

Any y'all ever sugar cured and smoked deer hams and shoulders ? I used to do that a lot during cold weather when my kids were little and money was tight . Our family of 6 ate 15-16 deer a year fixed various ways . Fresh , canned , or cured and smoked . A limited amount of jerky .

y'all ever sugar cured and smoked deer hams and shoulders

I'll be looking for the UPS truck when you send me one truckin:laughing7:

I'll be looking for the UPS truck when you send me one truckin:laughing7:
You'll have to fight my 4 kids , their spouses , and 6 grandchildren for one of them . Be much easier to do up one of your own , just sayin .....................

Limitool..................don't knock those fightin' hippies. When that video is played at normal speed I bet you'll see they put on some vicious moves. :)

Limitool..................don't knock those fightin' hippies. When that video is played at normal speed I bet you'll see they put on some vicious moves. :)

That may be true guy... but if I speed up the video on my grass growing you actually see it getting taller also.

TH, you make me feel so much better. I know now that my body is just storing fat for the colder weather here in Idaho. I've developed quite a beer-belly during the last 3-4 years. Until I read your post, I thought I was sitting around and eating too much!!! Now I can sit around and eat lots without feeling guilty!!

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