Recently found a rare 1795 half dime


Sr. Member
Apr 20, 2009
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Golden Thread
Lowcountry, South Carolina
🥇 Banner finds
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Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Back in 2005 I found a very rare free slave tag that made W & E Treasures top finds for that year. Now in 2010 I made another rare find only this time it's a coin. Dug this one a few weekends ago in a pounded colonial site. It just goes to show you can't dig it all.A friend told me it was pounded and that everybody and his brother had been in it. I told him I hadn't been there yet :laughing7: I was trying out my new omega 8000. I usually hunt with a T2 LTD and love it, but this little detector is going to make me some great finds. Shoot with this coin it sure is one heck of a way to break it in ;D. it's a 1795 flowing hair half dime, and the condition is amazing!Hope you enjoy the pics!



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Upvote 7
was told this one won't make the banner

The find is worthy enough Jeff said it's just that I'm too new of a poster here. Oh well I was asked to post her up on todays finds by several guys here.Unfortunately I dug it about 3 weekends ago so sorry fella's me and the coin don't rate :dontknow: Here's another shot I took of it today, someone asked for more pictures. One fella said it had to be made in china :laughing9: I don't understand what would compel some folks to post fake stuff or stuff they didnt find but I can assure you I'm not one of those. I found this little gem and she's authentic 1795 alright :headbang:



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Re: was told this one won't make the banner

Hey PElas, it wasnt nothing personal on not making the banner. Its just there are a lot of paople the come here make one post, most of them fake, thinking there going to make the banner then leave. That rule was put into place to stop that. Atleast thats my thought on it. And Im not saying that you are one of them, just a little insight on the rule. Take care and keep on posting you will make it in the near future. :icon_thumright:

Re: was told this one won't make the banner

only 1 pic :'( :'( :'( Lets see the other side I love to see Pics!!!!

Re: was told this one won't make the banner

That is an outstanding coin. To be 215 years old and still gradable in the AU high range, is incredible. It must have hit the ground right after the owner got it from the bank........................poor thing.

Re: was told this one won't make the banner

Great find!! A buddy of mine found one with as much detail as that except it was holed. It most certainly is possible to find them in that condition. Congrats.

Re: was told this one won't make the banner

If that is a Chinese knockoff which i doubt its the best one ive seen , that is one beautiful coin , coins in that condition do come out of the ground not often but they do ,are you getting it graded ? Great find :headbang: Dd60

Re: was told this one won't make the banner

To he11 with the banner, SLAB THAT JEWEL! :icon_thumleft:
You'll make the banner soon, I can feel it. Just keep posting, man!

Re: was told this one won't make the banner

mainer said:
Hey PElas, it wasnt nothing personal on not making the banner. Its just there are a lot of paople the come here make one post, most of them fake, thinking there going to make the banner then leave. That rule was put into place to stop that. Atleast thats my thought on it. And Im not saying that you are one of them, just a little insight on the rule. Take care and keep on posting you will make it in the near future. :icon_thumright:

It's not only to do with Fake
posts either.

Alot of people seem to wait till they find
something awsome before they even Sign up here.
some from other sites get told "post
this at TNet, you'll get Banner"

The fact we have thousands of Members
who have been here
for years & Never made the banner
makes it unfair to banner somone who may
make a few posts then leave again
for the other site, satisfied it got seen above.

Or even found the item 2 years ago
but signed up today. Because they heard
they could have it posted above.

Still an Awsome coin !

Re: was told this one won't make the banner

Thats a beautiful coin, I would be dying to know the value once you get it professionally slabbed.. as for banner finds, I could care less on that dept. why, well, I dont think I will ever find a so called banner find and frankly I just dont care on my end.. its not about making the best find, its about getting out there and finding whatever you do find and having a blast doing it.. not to hope you make banner.. thats just my 2 cents.

Re: was told this one won't make the banner

Bootybay said:
Thats a beautiful coin, I would be dying to know the value once you get it professionally slabbed.. as for banner finds, I could care less on that dept. why, well, I dont think I will ever find a so called banner find and frankly I just dont care on my end.. its not about making the best find, its about getting out there and finding whatever you do find and having a blast doing it.. not to hope you make banner.. thats just my 2 cents.

Well said.

Re: was told this one won't make the banner

Well, it could've been worse! Like the guy who posted the complete Brown Bess Musket dug from a lakebed (in Canada somewhere, I assume). I nominated the post for the Finds Banner. Well, folks started telling him that it couldn't have been dug because wood couldn't have survived 200 years. Just ask Woody from the Netherlands how long wood will survive in an anaerobic environment--or ask the guy who dug the intact 2,000 year-old Native American Canoe from lake mud in Florida how long wood can survive.

That member packed up and left...deleted the post (and maybe his whole account).

So when things like that happen, we all lose. We don't get to see the best finds because a few members insist on being Jerks.

Why do you dig? Do you dig for yourself, or do you do this hobby for the praise and adoration of members on an online forum?

Either way, you can't be too sore about a little thing like the Finds Banner. :laughing9: After all, You're the one who dug that beauty. :wink:



Re: was told this one won't make the banner

BuckleBoy said:
Well, it could've been worse! Like the guy who posted the complete Brown Bess Musket dug from a lakebed (in Canada somewhere, I assume). I nominated the post for the Finds Banner. Well, folks started telling him that it couldn't have been dug because wood couldn't have survived 200 years. Just ask Woody from the Netherlands how long wood will survive in an anaerobic environment--or ask the guy who dug the intact 2,000 year-old Native American Canoe from lake mud in Florida how long wood can survive.

That member packed up and left...deleted the post (and maybe his whole account).

So when things like that happen, we all lose. We don't get to see the best finds because a few members insist on being Jerks.

Why do you dig? Do you dig for yourself, or do you do this hobby for the praise and adoration of members on an online forum?

Either way, you can't be too sore about a little thing like the Finds Banner. :laughing9: After all, You're the one who dug that beauty. :wink:



Well when you spend a lot of time and effort posting on forums you have to expect questions of who, what, when, where and how. That's how folks learn. It don't make them jerks. I for one have learned a lot from these forums. So if I were to ask how it is possible for something not to rot away it means I don't know and would like to know.

Re: was told this one won't make the banner

ticm said:
Well when you spend a lot of time and effort posting on forums you have to expect questions of who, what, when, where and how. That's how folks learn. It don't make them jerks. I for one have learned a lot from these forums. So if I were to ask how it is possible for something not to rot away it means I don't know and would like to know.

Perhaps a scientist could answer your question, but a digger likely couldn't answer it. I don't know the answer to it, but I know it has happened that wood has survived much longer than 200 years. It's a lot to put this on a digger. I mean, how would you like to have to answer that type of a question to defend a find that you made? Some of the replies were statements, rather than questions--and I mean statements about the finds being fake. And that is mainly what I'm talking about. When I posted a harmonica that had the wood part still intact, nobody asked me who, what, when, where, or how. I mean, let's face it. The better the find, the more skepticism members show. I think a little politeness is always the best policy. I don't reply to posts I think are fake. If everybody did the same, such posts would sink quietly to the depths without so much as a "thumbs up."

Best Wishes,


Re: was told this one won't make the banner

Buckleboy is so right. I've seen some pretty unlikely things turn up in digs when I was an Archie and things are sometimes preserved better than they have any right to be for a whole host of seemingly unrelated reasons. I didn't see the post from the guy with the the Brown Bess, but if a bunch of know nothings started accusing him of it being a fake, I don't blame him for going away and deleting everything about it. Yes, there are some bad apples that will do anything for attention, but get real people, if you want to see the goodies you're gonna have to risk some nefarious types once in a while. But, you have to consider this, the reason we like to see the great things other people find are because we're a bunch of dreamers that like to imagine what it would be like to find something so "cool", so if you want to see these really interesting finds, we're all gonna have to keep sharing and keeping our wild opinions to ourselves, lest we run out of neat and interesting things to look at.

Banner or not I didnt post this find here just to make the banner

Frankly, I didnt even know what the banner was until diggers started to make a fuss about my coin and they thought it definitely had to make it up top. I usually only post on one or two other sites but I've noticed this one's really popular. It even has viewers around the world and to me that's awsome. So when I came here and posted the first time it was because I made a rare find and I wanted to share it with the folks on here thinking they might enjoy seeing what I found. I hope the post I made about the coin not making it up top didnt come across wrong or that I have sour grapes because of it, trust me I don't. I posted it like I did for the benefit of those that thought for sure they'd see it on the banner.I was unaware of the rules that have been put into place here. It's pretty sad that there are diggers out there that get their kicks by posting something fake or something they didnt find just to try and get some attention. Trust me attention I don't need. If I post something it's becasue I'm proud of what I found and I'm hoping others who love this great hobby as much as I do will enjoy viewing it rare or not. Just so happens in this case it was rare and that's why I first came here. Looks like a great site and I hope everyone enjoyed that first post and the couple others I've made here. I'll post some more but right now in lower SC it's too dang hot to get out much just yet. Colder weathers not far off and I'm sure I'll find something else nice so stay tuned.Thanks for all the nice comments about the coin and my other finds too, I appreciate it a lot!



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Re: Banner or not I didnt post this find here just to make the banner

No worries. I hope you still feel like you're welcome here.

Perhaps this unwritten rule could be added to the "rules" page somewhere. It's not fair to expect someone to know about something that isn't published for new members.

Re: Banner or not I didnt post this find here just to make the banner

I'm sure I'm not the first to say it, but "Welcome to T-Net!" That is one gorgeous coin you posted above. Great find, and I hope you continue to find and post any examples of older coins in that sort of condition! Thanks for sharing this one!

Re: Banner or not I didnt post this find here just to make the banner

laszlo i am new to tnet i'm sure i posted some things that should be up top dose not matter to me i still post nice things to encourage the hobby. i have been posting on tnet over a month,not long. chose tnet because of the company support they have. i am not net shopping don't need any other net. having fun on one is good enough for me. that dose not mean having fun on other nets is a bad thing.maybe people will go on other nets and say good things about tnet and more good people that like the hobby will like tnet. me i am going to enjoy what i can and i hope you can enjoy tnet the way i do. keep finding those nice finds! good luck and keep digging! krazyhorses

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