GatorBoy, I have seen it many times with regards to Colonial Spanish artifacts and documents where they will actually join letters of a name together... Don't know why... Perhaps to make the word stand out as a place name as opposed to a persons name or vice versa... Not sure, but my artifact looks like the N, I, and E are joined as one... Perhaps it's just a space saver since their wasn't a lot of room on the back of this medallion (unless of course they would have engraved it smaller... Which makes me think my first hypothesis was more likely). Either way, it is NIEVA...
LM... I hear what you are saying with regards to Spanish names... Whether it be for persons, places, or ship names... They were used over and over again throughout history. I did research the character or personage represented on this piece and it is Nuestra Señora de las Nievas... Our Lady of Nievas (Nieves)... So it represents the person (or patron religious figure) from Nievas.