Reality check!


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2008
Yarnell, AZ
Detector(s) used
Ace 250 (2), Ace 300, Gold Bug 2, Tesoro Cortes, Garrett Sea Hunter, Whites TDI SL SE, Fisher Impulse 8, Minelab Monster 1000, Minelab CTX3030, Falcon MD20, Garrett Pro-pointer, Calvin Bunker digger.
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
I just found out you can not drive in Wilmington,NC with your phone to you ear or to you mouth...and some can not do both drive and talk...

Toss the damn thing in the river.

Occasionally useful, we are slaves to technology and its abuses.

A lot of people are slaves to their cell phones. I've heard a number of guys talking to someone while sitting on the "throne" in the men's room. Can't the call wait until the bathroom trip is over?

Mine goes on the counter when I get home from work. I just had a 4-day weekend and a neighbor had texted me Wednesday evening and I answered him Monday morning when I got to work and checked my phone. Missed a beer invite. If work didn't provide me one I wouldn't own one. I hate phones.

Sounds to me like you had a great common sense idea. Just shut it off if your tired of it ringing.

FB is one of the biggest problems. :dontknow:

I just found out if My Phone sits on the Charger or on My desk for several days & I don't touch it, Calls stop.
But If I pick it up and Carry it down stairs or around with me, It rings.
They must now be able to Tell when there is Movement .

yes it's a flip phone.

Att stopped selling flips for awhile.
I guess they finally got China to fully bug them too
and re introduced them

Just because a phone rings doesn't mean you HAVE to answer it!

Sounds to me like you had a great common sense idea. Just shut it off if your tired of it ringing.
Same goes for the BOOB TUBE. If you don't like what you're seeing, don't complain, just turn the channel! ╦╦C

I just found out if My Phone sits on the Charger or on My desk for several days & I don't touch it, Calls stop.
But If I pick it up and Carry it down stairs or around with me, It rings.
They must now be able to Tell when there is Movement .

yes it's a flip phone.

Att stopped selling flips for awhile.
I guess they finally got China to fully bug them too
and re introduced them
Bad guys, and the government can track your phone in real time. This same FB friend was SHOCKED that the Alexis unit in her (your) home can record your living room conversation on to the internet. A friend of mine proved to his mother that her living room talk was showing up on the internet. This is by design, not by accident! ╦╦C

I was out in Utah at Moonflower Canyon and in the little comfort station there somebody wrote on the toilet lid 'Put cell phones here'. I don't have one. Gettin by pretty good all these years with a land line.

Bad guys, and the government can track your phone in real time. This same FB friend was SHOCKED that the Alexis unit in her (your) home can record your living room conversation on to the internet. A friend of mine proved to his mother that her living room talk was showing up on the internet. This is by design, not by accident! ╦╦C

I also heard that these Government No Call lists work for the Government.
Supposedly all the the Government has to do is Find the Calling Center and send them a Letter of intent.
The call Center Immediately cuts them a 5 or 6 figure Check. They get paid for Your discomfort .
Why would they want to stop Them ?

Yes you can sue too, But you have the Hard part, You have to have the Investigative Team the Government Has to find them First.
And your check will probably be 2 or 3 figures tops.

I was at the beach in FL and a dozen people were out in waist deep water. Every one of them had a cell phone in their hand. I call this an addiction. I just inherited my wife's old smart phone. My first one. It will sit silent a lot. Gary

I have an aversion to smart phones / I Phones of all types. when people are in front of me holding one up, there is no easy way to
know if they are videoing me and my words. or ignoring me and talking or texting someone else.
this has happened where I answered someone who was on their Phone with an Earpiece in & Not talking to Me.
They don't fit easily in a Pocket, They don't resemble a Phone even Slightly, Peoples Addictions to them.
Phones are made for Talking, Keyboards are Made for Typing, Computers are made for Research !
and all smart phone owners are essentially walking around with a Lo-jack :dontknow:
& when Something happens all hands rise in the air with a Camera


who needs ankle trackers these days ?

I Probably could go on :tongue3:


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Neighbour walks her dog by at either 5:30 am/5:30 pm and without ever looking we know who it is as she's always a talking out loud with the ear buds in the ears.
Yesterday evening she waved and said hello, and I asked how the Gyspy Moth caterpillars were at her place, and how were the trees making out?
Didn't know anything about them, didn't even see all the trees without leaves, totally oblivious to what was happening in the world right in her back yard basically.
Too busy yakking-yak-yak yak
Her question was is that those furry things I saw crawling in my yard?
Oh I better take a look at my trees! Then I heard her yelling at the dog to hurry up as she to get home!
I guess she'll have something to talk about now.:laughing7:

A lot of people are slaves to their cell phones. I've heard a number of guys talking to someone while sitting on the "throne" in the men's room. Can't the call wait until the bathroom trip is over?

And those you don't hear might be texting! Talk about a crappy use of technology (hey, somebody had to say it...).

My cell phone is OFF at all times. I only turn it on if I have to make a call.......which is rare.

I wish I could turn mine off. Silent is next best. I don't bring it with me detecting since it seems to interfere with the detector on occasion. At least thats my story and I'm sticking to it lol. Being a landlord it is nice to hear about flooding, leaking, fighting, theft etc in real time so I can't go without it but I do make a point of leaving it at home when I go walking or basically anything I leave my wallet at home or in the car for. People are literally dying for the phones. I saw a pedestrian get run down by a tow truck right in front of me because they were both on their phones. One driving and one cutting across a busy street (not near a crosswalk) and no one is paying attention just looking at their hands. The lady was going into shock and I risked my neck to retrieve the phone from traffic and tend to her wounds until a nurse arrived on scene. As I handed her the now damaged phone she yelled " f#$k that phone!" I couldn't have agreed more. I don't think the tow truck operator ever got off the call he was on. So messed up. I was on a date but it must not have gone well I never got a second one. I did mention that death and disaster are always lurking in my shadow and that this was a typical day for me which didn't help. I told her to stick close to me and she'd stay alive but she shouldn't get out ahead of me.

That woman owes her life to you! I was trying to leave a parking lot and not going fast at all this morning and a woman on her phone stepped right in front of my truck. Fortunately, I had been watching her distracted walking and stopped with room to spare and she never even looked up.

I'd say that was a good way to cull out a date not worth taking any further. She should have been impressed that you knew how to render first aid and cared enough to do so. Her loss.

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