Real Piece of Spanish Treasure Found!!!

j.d. in the usa

Bronze Member
Sep 21, 2003
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Allentown Pa.
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DFX 300
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All Treasure Hunting
Hi everyone, I found this ring on a 300 yr. old estate. I was walking between a lane of large oak trees, I found a crotal bell at 1 in. and was excited since it was my first... I walked about another 2 ft. and got a dime signal 3in. down I dug and found a 1773 spanish 1/2 reale, as I stood up I went back over the hole with my detector and it bounced back between button and quarter at 6in. depth in the same whole, I started to dig and hit 2 large tree roots I dug under the root and out popped the ring 3in. lower in the same whole than the reale, it was very encrusted with dirt and at first I thought it was a button but the dirt came off easy and I saw it was a gold ring I turned it around and there was sunlight going through the trees and when it hit the emeralds they just shined I also found a royal Spanish seal nearby.
I took it to 2 jewelers, the first said it couldnt be old because the emeralds were fake, but they were the best fakes he's ever seen. about 2 days later he called me back and offered me $100.00 for the ring because he wanted to show his apprentices a good quality fake.
The second said it was real and old and very rare because of the marque cut emeralds he said the marking on it was a hallmark and he could tell me the makers name that they didnt use karats when it was made, but thats all the info I got he wanted me to pay $500.00 to give me an official appraisal and info. I dont have that type of money laying around so I never did it, I was cleaning my stuff and I figured I'd show it here.

I took it to an antique jewelry dealer today, at first he looked disinterested in the ring.. he then looked at it under a microscope for about 10 min. it was driving me nuts lol lol, he then did 2 tests on it with some chemicals he was very scientific about it... after about 20 min... he walks over to us and says "I hope you have a safety deposit box, what you have here is real spanish treasure". and he told me the emeralds were real and of very high quality and color and it has 56 facets.. he then pulled out a book and tracked down the hallmark it was made in spain between 1760-1795, then he gave me this info, The 18th Century was a period of great change for the manufacturers of jewelry, for at the turn of the century, a Venetian Lapidary named Vincenzo Peruzzi invented the 56 faceted brilliant cut for stones which is still used today. It replaced the duller 16 faceted Mazarin cut of the previous century and launched diamonds to the forefront of jewelry design for the next 100 years. Metal work receded into the background almost completely and metals were used exclusively as inconspicuous back settings for diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires.

The amount they charge for a written appraisal is astronomical!! I have no intention of selling it, needless to say we went and bought a safe today and my kids are already fighting over who's gonna inherit it. lol lol hh all jd

the pics are of the ring and the royal spansh seal....

Now is it 100% I personally cant say... I was told it was fake and I was told it was old... I want to beleive it is old and real spanish treasure!!


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LOL I just did, like I said in a previous post its no big deal... I posted it because its cool... its not a seal Matrix, which I have a silver British seal matrix, I didnt find any rare documents with it lol lol its just a 230 year old seal... and I already posted what was said to me about it already... please READ the posts thoroughly!! please???
So you made a mistake while reading it I forgive you, thanks for admitting it!! like Jeff said let it go!!! hh all

I just found out about the ring and figured it would be fun to post them at the same time... if you look back in treasure net you will see I posted the ring when I first found it 3 years ago I had no idea it how much of a web it would lead me through when i first found it. I had no idea it was that old.
and In the first post I said I was cleaning my stuff and decided to post it now...

I have to go to to dinner so I will be gone for a few hours I will be back later... If you have more info on the battle I would love to know it please email it to me.
Thanks Doc this sure was fun!! hh bud jd

No need to explain yourself.Have you contacted any TH mags yet? I think this qualifies for article of recognition. :)

I never said he sent the gold! just that its his seal cant you get that in your head!! lol lol lol

I said the spanish sent gold....jeez!! lol lol

do you know how many expatriots wound up in America?? heres one example: prince tallyrand was in exile and lived in Bristol Pa. in the later half of the 18th century...

I think it would be awsome that a spanish Admiral court martialed and stripped of his rank, somehow help America win the Rev.war!! boy I wish I could prove that! maybe that seal proves it?? maybe it doesnt?? hmmmm!!?????

I thank you for your support once again!! Doc your the man!! yeah baby!

Your internet research mean nothing Doc I have 20 pm's from people telling me your a joke so its over you can manipulate everything you post so nothing you have written is believable anyway....

WELL the wars over I wont respond to another post now that it is moved here to Best finds!! only a few people will look now anyway :( 75% just look at today's finds only!!! goodbye dear post I will miss thee!! I will never look upon the again :( farewell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doc you could manipulate every word I say any one can.... I just posted what I was told nad I believe it... reggio also means a province in Italy so it could be Elvis Presleys long lost talisman... anyone can make a website or page and write what you have written and state it as fact.
My friends havePM'd me and thats all that matters to me..... you will be able to write all yopu want now and manipulate your lies into your own deranged facts.... goodbye I will not respond anymore.

j.d. in missouri said:
WELL the wars over I wont respond to another post now that it is moved here to Best finds!! only a few people will look now anyway :( 75% just look at today's finds only!!! goodbye dear post I will miss thee!! I will never look upon the again :( farewell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at the # of Views to Posts in Best Finds.

Most of the Members here Look at alot more then Todays Finds.

Well, umm whatever. This was a good post until halfway through.

Very nice ring and great find. I remember reading about it on here before. Glad you were able to find out so much about it. Although, if I found something that valueable, I dont know if Id be able to resist selling it ;)

Awesome find.... what excitement that must have been.
Wish you luck in the future hunts

You've found a colonial shoe buckle connected to a signer of the Declaration Of Independence, Spanish Treasure, a 2 1/2 dollar 1870 gold coin in a compact, and an 1806 half dollar. Your a lucky guy. Oh, by the way, could you post a close-up of the hallmark inside the ring? Thanks.

It really amazes me how this post got out of control and turned into a battle against JD. I have met him and hunted with him on a few occasions. I have also seen some of his amazing finds in person. They are legit. He isn't out here to make people jealous with his finds or to have people criticize them either. He is just like everyone else on here... When he makes a good find he likes to let people know about it. He told everyone what he knew about it and posted some pictures, that's it.

He is a good guy and not out here to make stuff up.

Just say congrats to him and go out and spend your time out there digging instead of questioning him!

I know I will never make the finds that he does if I'm not out there hunting for them.

happy hunting all

diving doc said:
bscofield6 said:
It really amazes me how this post got out of control and turned into a battle against JD. I have met him and hunted with him on a few occasions. I have also seen some of his amazing finds in person. They are legit. He isn't out here to make people jealous with his finds or to have people criticize them either. He is just like everyone else on here... When he makes a good find he likes to let people know about it. He told everyone what he knew about it and posted some pictures, that's it.

He is a good guy and not out here to make stuff up.

Just say congrats to him and go out and spend your time out there digging instead of questioning him!

I know I will never make the finds that he does if I'm not out there hunting for them.

happy hunting all

Out of control???? I don't know what you're talking about. This is about exchanging information and learning history. JD thanked me for stuff he didn't know about history and said he had fun It's all about history not personality, don't you think? An Italian nobleman working as an Admiral for Spain, his disgrace, relics turning up in America. This is an objective investigation of historical items.


Some people just seem to be arguing what he is saying and has been told. I'm not trying to start anything here, just calling it how I see it.

Brian, I also have detected with J.D. here in Pa. he helped me purchase my first detector. And I agree with what you said He is a nice person and very humble in real life especially with his finds he has found I have seen his displays and can say with great truth that he is an amazing detectorist. He doesnt even post alot of his good finds, he tries as hard as he can be to be accurate with the identification of his artifacts, so all I can say is don't say J.D. is wrong about his finds say that the people who gave him his information may not be accurate, and with proof J.D. would be the first person to admidt he's wrong, but reading this story and having seen the items in person before I believe he is accurate.
I was at a hunt with him and a person found what looked like a confederate button and J.D. thought it was real but someone there with more experiance told J.D. and the person who found it that it was a reproduction J.D. shook his hand and said thank you I was wrong, right then and there I knew J.D. was a good person. That person who told them was Brain Pa. who posts on this forum. Doc let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
J.D. forever your friend Chris
God Bless Everyone

whoaaaaaa, JD ;D

lol When I read the name of this thread, and saw it was your posting,,,,,I thought.....WOW......the real deal found the REALE deal!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....Seems I was right :)
Way to go; man ;)
You're such an inspiration!

First off,

I see no Direct attacks against J.D. here.

Doc & J.D. seem to be at odds over History,
But unless I'm missing something, I don't see any where
that Doc is saying J.D. is lying.

All I see is a Debate on History, which is never accurate.
there is always 2 sides to everything that has ever happend.
and both sides are always enhanced.

I personally Like J.D.
I just think people are trying to Read too much
into Docs Comments this time.


Doc and I have been PM'ing each other, he seems to think the stuff was buried for a reason and he and a DG could figure out why... that sounds great to me!!
I have information that have been told to me from others as I posted in the first post I was told the ring was fake, I was also told it was real old and worth bucks... SO when you have 2 completely diff. stories... which one would you believe???
Doc assures me he's a naval expert, and DG works at a museum.. I believe him, man if he could prove like he thinks they were buried for a reason they'd be worth way more!!
SO I say go for it Doc!!

I sure appreciate the help! and Doc, call me you have my phone number now..

j.d. in missouri said:
I think it would be awsome that a spanish Admiral court martialed and stripped of his rank, somehow help America win the Rev.war!! boy I wish I could prove that! maybe that seal proves it?? maybe it doesnt?? hmmmm!!?????
This is what I was referring to.For once i'm not arguing with doc.
j.d. in missouri said:
Doc assures me he's a naval expert, and DG works at a museum.. I believe him, man if he could prove like he thinks they were buried for a reason they'd be worth way more!!
SO I say go for it Doc!!
That's what i'm saying. JD-Did you contact any TH mags for a story?

no diigem up I havnt contacted any TH mags about it at all.. thanks jd

Mysteries are wonderful and this continues to be one... Doc is taking his spare time to do research for ma and I really appreciate is some of the information that he has found it puts the Reggio's in the U.S. around that time which is good news for me.

Reggio Family Papers, 1771-1860. 9 items. Location: Misc. Sugar planters of Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. Papers include a petition (1771) by Francisco Maria Reggio to the King of Spain; papers (1812-1834) of Nicholas Reggio concerning property sales and mortgages; and papers (1836-1860) of Auguste Reggio, among them slave sales, mortgages, and accounts. Partly in French. For further information see manuscript card catalog. Mss. 363.

also regarding the ring I have been told by a few experts it is quite valuable way more than I personally thought. this is still an ongoing project and I'D like to thank those who have used there spare time to do research and help me... hh all jd

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