

Full Member
Aug 20, 2005
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Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
XLT, GM3, GM4b
Hello all thinking about trying detecting again, its been a few years. my decector is in storage in sacramento and i live in los angeles. Im wondering if anyone has experience in the randsburg area? I went once, saw lots of claims and met a member of treasurenet there, but seemed like a long drive and not sure about possibility of detecting for nuggets there. Anyone detect out there and actually find anything? Since my last outing i got the little DD shooter coil and the new goldmax DD and id really like to find a nugget if only size of a grain of rice. Anyways wondering if it worth wasting my time or if i should just stick with gold country?

Upvote 0
errr, didnt someone just find a 9 ounce nugget somewhere around randsburgh?a fellow from moorpark i believe.there are many club claims in that desert area.sounds like you have one of the goldmaster series.that little 4x6 shooter is so sensitive that i had to tape the cable connector down tight to keep it from falsing and sounding off upon brushing up against anything.very annoying.also, if you havent already,get coil covers and silk tape to save your expensive coils.kellyco has them all.good luck.

Silk tape??? Yes, goldmaster 4b.

yes sir i believe 8+ ounces i have done fairly good dry washing in the area. many clubs have claims in the area i belong to friends of last chance canyon big claim resonable dues, but there are many more like gpaa. great area also. lots of mining history. alot of private claims so be aware of were you prospect, ask when in doubt. highdesertranger

Another area you could try out is just across the valley there...Goler Gulch. Lots of club claims but also lots of space to detect off claims. I've found quite a few nuggets there in past years, including a near one ounce slug that rolled off some guy's drywasher and he never bothered to detect his tailings. But I did. :laughing7:

Good luck!


>>...Goler Gulch<<

I will be out in that area today. Give my Vision a little workout :wink:


NOT what I had expected :-\

Tarantula Guarding the GOLD


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