Rand’s Filibuster Works: Obama Admits No Power to Kill in US

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Why in creation (expletives deleted but thought of), would any President of the US even consider using the military here, aka drones to attack US citizens??? With all the local, county, state police and national guard out there? Who does he think he is, the antichrist?

could have began with an administration that didn't think they needed any court permission to collect all emails and listen to anyone's wireless communication as long as the word terrorist was used

Yeah Jeff. When that came out some of us were really upset at the precedent that it set.. At that time a lot of us were saying, sure , it sounds good now. But what if a man who cared nothing for America were allowed to be president? We are seeing the fruits of liberalism now!

Lincoln only had hot air balloons....and not many of them. We however, have a government FULL of hot air....

Lincoln did it.

And people STILL worship that idiot.

Actually it's more common than you might think all the way back to the beginning. Washington had troops crush the whiskey rebellion without a second thought - yes our great founding father. Hoover and the "bonus army" - with tanks and calv being used (with the troops being lead by MacArthur) from the late 1800s to the early nineteen hundreds numerous presidents sent federal troops in to break up strikes in the coal, steel, etc industries to support the great robber barons. And lets not forget WWII internment camps for us citizens.

Lincoln only had hot air balloons....and not many of them. We however, have a government FULL of hot air....

Now that's a statement we can all agree with!! Could be our next big renewable resource- heat a lot of homes down there !

I really like the last example stocky.
Who was the Pres that authorized that. Why is there a limit on the amount of terms a president can serve? Why did the depression last longer in the US than most other countries?

Don't matter what Holder, Obama or anyone else says at one moment; apparently, should they decide to change their minds, a simple Executive Order can change the world according to them.

spartacus53 said:
So where is the 2nd amendment in this thread :icon_scratch: :laughing7:

Thread is associated with 2nd due to need of defense from government tyranny, drone attacks on citizens is violation of Constitution and the need to defend ourselves from such...

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