Rand’s Filibuster Works: Obama Admits No Power to Kill in US

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Jul 27, 2006
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Rands filibuster works for now........ At least we have a few with the courage to stand up and fight the arragance of obama......The fact it had gone viral world wide and the world was watching i am sure helped.....

The Washington Examiner has reported
that Obama has caved to Rand Paul's demand for an answer, and has had Attorney General Eric Holder contact him saying that, "The answer is no", they don't believe they have the power to kill citizens on US soil.

This is a massive victory for the gutsy senator from Kentucky who demanded the question be answered after engaging in a viral, world-wide campaign to demand answers from the White House. This was hugely embarrassing to Democrats and the White House in general as Rand constantly reminded them of what they campaigned on back when Bush was president.

You can read more here. We need more gutsy leadership like what Rand Paul showed the world yesterday. If every senator had that kind of courage, we'd live in a drastically more free world. Well done, sir. We'll update this page as we receive more information.

Rand's Filibuster Works: Obama Admits No Power to Kill in US

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Critical Recovery said:

Little Chavez is at least on written record that he does not have the power with the American people and the world as witnesses....

but they used the words immanent threat . scary part is how they will define immanent threat .

but they used the words immanent threat . scary part is how they will define immanent threat .
The same way they define "terrorist" and some people define "hate speech."
If they disagree with you.

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Read the letter sent by Holder, it is funny, like it just came to his attention. I couldn't save it on smartphone...


I keep seeing people talking about "shooting them down."
Ok.. I agree.
But let's be realistic.
The hajiis have heavy antiaircraft artillery and in a few cases missiles and they have shot down a FEW? (don't know the exact number)
So what makes you think you can shoot one down with your shotgun or AR?
If you can even SEE them, they are loitering at thousands of feet.

The only realistic way to stop them is to PREVENT them from going up here in the FIRST damned place.

Critical Recovery said:
I keep seeing people talking about "shooting them down."
Ok.. I agree.
But let's be realistic.
The hajiis have heavy antiaircraft artillery and in a few cases missiles and they have shot down a FEW? (don't know the exact number)
So what makes you think you can shoot one down with your shotgun or AR?
If you can even SEE them, they are loitering at thousands of feet.

The only realistic way to stop them is to PREVENT them from going up here in the FIRST damned place.

Agree, only chance of shooting one down would be by the Air National Guard of the state it is flying in. If a state has outlawed them and the governor ordered it. Very slim chance of ever happening but theoretically possible,.

Is that really the letter from Holder? An Additional question?,, Like Cruz did not beat him up about it for 20 minutes,, These guys are unreal, They do not hear anything that does not support their agenda!

Way to go RAND!

Agree, only chance of shooting one down would be by the Air National Guard of the state it is flying in. If a state has outlawed them and the governor ordered it. Very slim chance of ever happening but theoretically possible,.
There are surprisingly VERY few antiaircraft assets in National Guard units, and in the military in general. It is one of the areas we are very weak in (The US military)
We rely on air to air domination and theater control assets mainly. The gap was realized in the late 90s and more manportable ground to air shoulder and HMMWV systems were seeded, but we still come up short in general.
It is one of the few areas the Soviet bloc military countries were rich in, and we always (Since the 1960s) just relied on attack helicopters and Air superiority to control it head to head.

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There are surprisingly VERY few antiaircraft assets in National Guard units, and in the military in general. It is one of the areas we are very weak in (The US military)
We rely on air to air domination and theater control assets mainly. The gap was realized in the late 90s and more manportable air to ground systems were seeded, but we still come up short in general.
It is one of the few areas the Soviet bloc military countries were rich in, and we always (Since the 1960s) just relied on attack helicopters and Air superiority to control it head to head.

Air guard would have no problem shooting a drone down with their jets and rockets or machine guns.... Drones fly fairly slowly, jet drones are about 460 mph.....

Why in creation (expletives deleted but thought of), would any President of the US even consider using the military here, aka drones to attack US citizens??? With all the local, county, state police and national guard out there? Who does he think he is, the antichrist?

Air guard would have no problem shooting a drone down with their jets and rockets or machine guns.... Drones fly fairly slowly, jet drones are about 460 mph.....
yeah. Since you put it THAT way...
AIR Guard. :)

I guess I was stuck in land mode...

Why in creation (expletives deleted but thought of), would any President of the US even consider using the military here, aka drones to attack US citizens??? With all the local, county, state police and national guard out there? Who does he think he is, the antichrist?
Lincoln did it.

And people STILL worship that idiot.

' little chavez' ? well at least you are neutral and non political unless it relates to the 2nd amendment.
Rand Paul's filibuster was not about taking guns away from anyone.

Wow Jeff,, Nice makeover! You seem to have more bumps than the last time I saw you?

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