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Tom, politics covers all politics including foreign politics. Now end the challenging of our rules.

With all due respect to you TH and the rules of Treasure Net.
I am confused (Not hard sometimes) You have "MANY TIMES" have posted the " NO POLITICS" statement on many threads.
I fully understand the rules and the not challenging that fact.
But. Oh yes here comes the but.
Why in the written signatures as yours and others is nothing but a political statement?
Oh one can say it's just the Freedom of rights or it's just this or that.
What it shows to many of the members is a double standard and myself it's confusing to say the least.
Please could you explain this to me and others TH.
It's really hard to understand at times.

With all due respect to you TH and the rules of Treasure Net.
I am confused (Not hard sometimes) You have "MANY TIMES" have posted the " NO POLITICS" statement on many threads.
I fully understand the rules and the not challenging that fact.
But. Oh yes here comes the but.
Why in the written signatures as yours and others is nothing but a political statement?
Oh one can say it's just the Freedom of rights or it's just this or that.
What it shows to many of the members is a double standard and myself it's confusing to say the least.
Please could you explain this to me and others TH.
It's really hard to understand at times.

Because admins says signatures do not apply to our politics rules as long as they do not beak any other rules. Admins set the rules, mods only enforce them, when members started adding political comments to signatures, mods asked admins if we should address it and we were told no, as long as they do not go over board or break other rules.

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Think I found a new video site to subscribe to!

In this video, there's supposed to be a rifle in it somewhere. On the other hand, they mention something about "trick" something-or-other, so maybe I'm just not getting the joke. Whaddya think?!?!? :dontknow: 8-)


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