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The Tchemanahaut Trail (french: Chemin a haut / "high path") was an Indian trail that ran between Arkansas Post, AR and Ouachita Post (now Monroe, LA)

Exit ramp sign on the Tchemanahaut Trail


close up ...


Another tree along Tchemanahaut Trail


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Different trail:

Path splits here. Left, low water river crossing. Right, trail to Tchemanahaut Trail.


path to Tchemanahaut


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This is NOT a trail tree ... is in an area where outlaw John Murrell is known to have operated. It is on an Indian trail, actually where two cross. One of the trails leads back to the low river crossing that the first tree leads to. Trail Tree researchers commonly refer to these as "horse and rider trees" because of the height. Notice the nose still has marks where it was ties. And yes, that is a depression at the top near the knob ... but I was unable to access it because I didn't want the land owner to know what it was. Told him it was a trail tree, which he thought was cool!


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RANDOM PICTURE THREAD - Post ANY of your favorite pictures here to share with...

Here's one of my favorite... Don Troiani's depiction of the the 5th Texas Lancers at the battle of Valverde (New Mexico).

There was only one other documented lancer charge in the ACW (6th Pennsylvania Cav @ Hanover Court House).



Nope... just random "run across" ones from the net.

In that case, here's some I took of Bodie, probably about 10 years ago. The town is being save by the state of California in a stated of "arrested decay." There are people living
there that that try and keep the buildings and such in the same condition, preserving it as a ghost town. For more information go to Bodie SHP
or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodie,_California
There were some really rich mines at Bodie, and there used to be a gold display at the Carson City Nugget Casino, (it might still be there) of gold shot through clear quartz crystals,
filigree and fans of gold wire inside the quartz. Just plain gorgeous stuff. Anyhow, the mines were so rich that they had to periodically pry the gold of the stamps at the mill, so they
would properly crush the ore. Lots of interesting stories about Bodie. I'll tell one. Legend says there was a killing every day in Bodie. Not very far away on the Nevada side of the
border was a town named Aurora, Nevada. On day the news paper in Aurora wrote an article about a family leaving, moving to Bodie. Supposedly there was a young girl in the wagon
that was heard to say, "Good bye God, we are going to Bodie." The Bodie news said that was a lie, what she really said was "Good! by God, we're going to Bodie."
The arrow is pointing at the building that AARC showed being propped up.
The arrow points to where one of the state employees lives year around. Winter can be very bitter and cold in Bodie.
This is the school. You can't go inside, but looking through the windows the desks are still there, along with books and papers etc.
They don't allow you to go into this mine, or even in the mill building.

Greatest piece of hardware ever produced:

Two of the men who had one strapped to their mounts:



Awesome thread, AARC.




See the change in cultural climate?


RANDOM PICTURE THREAD - Post ANY of your favorite pictures here to share with...



(Wrong one died in a plane crash, haha)


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These placards are a pretty common sight at Civil War cemeteries south of the Mason-Dixon line, but are also found elsewhere. Each plaque bears a verse of Theodore O'Hara's 'Bivouac of the Dead'.

This is my favorite verse.


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