Decided to go bottle hunting yesterday. Took the flats skiff 15 miles one way bymyself. Blew the steering at 60 mph. Took a left turn onto the sand bar. I ws ejected 10 -20 feet onto dry sand. This all happened at 1:00 pm some how I flew clean and only got a couple scrapes. I used boards and lumber to slowly inch the boat closer to the sea.with tremendous effort I got it close enough for the tide to float it off. All this took me till 5m. So now I just waited for the tide to come in . Finally I got her floating with another tremendous effort. Finally about 10
m. Could only go in left hand circles. Now im thinking im screwed !! How am I gonna steer this thing home. After doing circle and almost getting stuck again . I had a brain storm. Ill fill the steering with some spare moter oil. After spilling half a quart on the console I got it to turn right toward home. No gps, no lights, no water left, and of coarse in the pitch black I ran up on 2 more flats, and almost clipped a channel marker. I finally got home at 2:00 am with alarms blareing, cooleing system almost cloged, covered in oil , and steering quit right when I was docking. As I was unloading to go home I realized I had broken 2 out 5 1800s bottles. The point is dont ever do this treasure thing without a partner. I almost killed myself 3 times yesterday. Im going back to bed !!!
Decided to go bottle hunting yesterday. Took the flats skiff 15 miles one way bymyself. Blew the steering at 60 mph. Took a left turn onto the sand bar. I ws ejected 10 -20 feet onto dty sand. This all happened at 1:00 pm some how I flew clean and only got a couple scrapes. I used boards and lumber to slowly inch the boat closer to the sea.with tremendous effort I got it close enough for the tide to float it off. All this took me till 5m. So now I just waited for the tide to come in . Finally I got her floating eith anothe tremendous effort. Finally about 10
m. Could only go in left hand circles. Now im thinking im screwed !! How am I gonna steer this thing home. After doing circle and almost getting stuck again . I had a brain storm. Ill fill the steering with some spare moter oil. After spilling half a quart on the console I got it to turn right toward home. No gps, no lights, no water left, and of coarse in the pitch black I ran up on 2 more flats, and almost clipped a channel marker. I finally got home at 2:00 am with alarms blareing, cooleing system almost cloged, covered in oil , and steering quit right when I was docking. As I was unloading to go home I realized I had broken 2 out 5 1800s bottles. The pointis dont ever do this treasure thing without a partner. I almost killed myself 3 times yesterday. Im going back to bed !!!
How old is that thing tom.?? Is left over from ww2 ?? Justs looks like an old water heater.We get evacuated on Sunday. One of this suckers will get defused 400 Meters from our home.
They are called Blockbusters. Within 100 Meters all houses will be gone if it goes off.
I would stay at home but Wikipedia says that in a radius of 500 Meters lungs will burst...
Lead. :P
How old is that thing tom.?? Is left over from ww2 ?? Justs looks like an old water heater.
How old is that thing tom.?? Is left over from ww2 ?? Justs looks like an old water heater.
Glad you posting again tom. At least we have the lobotamized version of toms humor !!
I'm starting my Christmas wish list early!
Here's a new air rifle in the pre-charged category that can be charged to over 5,000 PSI (yes, you read that right!) and fire 19 .220 pellets in semi-auto mode. Is very quiet. Can adjust the air pressure easily. 200+ yards? Not a problem!!