RANDOM PICTURE THREAD - Post ANY of your favorite pictures here to share with Tnet...

I must have brain damage from all the Testers Glue I must have inhaled as a kid doing models...

Cars... planes... Star Wars... every one they made.... including millennium Falcon.
I can remember when Testers came out with "Lemon" scented glue. That probably gave them a shot in the arm for sales, but that crap would not set up.:dontknow:

I can remember when Testers came out with "Lemon" scented glue. That probably gave them a shot in the arm for sales, but that crap would not set up.:dontknow:

Loved it.

Deep breaths then...

I would wear it like cologne. :P

Yeah I know... I bet parent complaints were behind the whole "Lemon idea".

"little johnny is stinking up the whole house fred... couldn't you call those glue people and have them make a scent like lemon or something"...

"take the garbage out while your calling them".


I also chewed on lead sinkers... and held my cast nets ALL of em with my teeth by the lead.


This explains some things. :P

"little johnny is stinking up the whole house fred... couldn't you call those glue people and have them make a scent like lemon or something"...

"take the garbage out while your calling them".


Reply - "Cant take out the garbage and call them ... The cord wont reach".

Hey FlyaDive !... long time no see ... welcome back. :)

I actually deleted it... felt afterword twas a bit "smart - arsy". heh

Yeah I even private messaged the main users from that thread to join us...

Several never responded... like... um... ?

Which is not only lame... but more level... just plain rude.

They are great group of people! They are not rude ...dude! Lol

I was "last" in it though :P

But that was before they told us of the heath hazards. You can't buy anything anymore with out some Health hazard warning label on it. California was the worst. Probably 15+ years ago I was a branch manager at a national distribution center and in order to ship to California, seemed like everything had to have a Hazard label stating that this product contained such and such and is a known cause of Cancer in California. Like with everything going on in California, they are worried some in-significant item,( after market lug nuts ), "may or may not contain a cancer causing element". :BangHead:

Good for them.

They are great group of people! They are not rude ...dude! Lol

To not respond when someone is talking to you IS rude.

Sorry but it is what it is.

RANDOM PICTURE THREAD - Post ANY of your favorite pictures here to share with...

I guess it seems they are "in competition" to make Flyadive's thread into um ? ? ?... lol

I don’t think they are in competition with your thread AARC.

I am sure Flyadive is um... amazed. heh

Not Really..... you never know what you could win?
Just part of the hunt !

He could even be slightly bothered that his thread was hijacked.

Hijacked? By whom?

If a thread is based on just posts of nothing of real interest or substance... it will eventually peter out anyway usually.

It’s a Real contest. It is the real treasure hunters on a treasure hunting thread forum looking to win a treasure, not look at profanity photos! Lol but I love them!!!

Posts continue regardless... and the never ending cycle of newbies make the one time click.

Keep them coming

OR... like crispens thread... it just becomes a hang out for idle chat.

But... there is already a crispens so ?


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Not in competition with this thread... in general.

I don't think you win anything... lol

And what exactly do "pictures of profanity" look like ?

Sorry... I am the middle of a profanity picture movie as we speak :)

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