Ok, thank you! Just was asking because my english is not good.
For me it´s a joke anyway, to read such posts from an american if I look whats going on in your country and is spread from there to the rest of the world and which destroys in fact every society!
And btw. if anyone is afraid that "minors" could see a woman in a bikini, better take from all of your kids the computers, Internet, Mobile phones, don´t let them watch MTV or any other music channel and
never let them go at any beach, Mardi Gras or in the near of all this gay pride, fantasy fest and other events, organized from this sick minorities and liberals who makes this events in towns were minors can look at every time and where real hard stuff is going on! I real don´t understand this extreme contrasts in the USA. On one hand you are the most prudish country on earth and on the other hand it goes into the extreme opposite, include having the biggest porn industry in the entire world which btw is in my opinion only created to psychically castrate all white males....
You really have some other problems as some posted pics of girls in bikinis
Real don´t want to offend anyone , just let you look into a mirror and show you some reality.
Just the humble opinion of an observing foreigner