I thought most all cans were made by just a few companies like American Can.
I wonder if there is a reason they are different. Like for tracking purposes.
I'm sure there aren't that many can companies and there's little reason to make their own.
I once worked for a company that produced hundreds of products and bought all their cans
from Am Can.
Anyone know?? Puzzlement.
Bought an old Colt S.a. revolver last Saturday, mfg 1903 in 38WCF (.38-40). Shot it at 25 yards yesterday and the groups were nothing to brag about. The rifling looked good but the bore roughish, just thought it was from over a century of use. Today I carefully looked at the bore again and thought some of it might be leading. Brushes, solvent, and patches making no difference.
So I degressed the bore and got out my old Casey Birchwood kit that has coper and lead remover solutions, rubber breech plugs and O rings, and rods to put in bore and a small electronic device that works just like electroless, hot clip to gun sight and ground to rod in barrel.
Below photo is the result after the second time, first rod had black slimy lead even thicker. Clean everything up and do it again. The old Colt might just turn out to be a good shooter yet. You wouldn't think a barrel could get that leaded up!