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Another civil war photo of some yankee 6.4-inch caliber ("100-pounder") Parrott Rifle cannons in a fort, with stacks of their ammunition nearby. Notice that the muzzle end of the nearest cannon has suffered some damage.

In this case, the location is known... Fort Putnam on Morris Island, Charleston SC, probably taken shortly after Charleston surrendered in 1865, as the entire fortification in the photo is unmanned.


  • photo_AmmoAndParrottGunsCivilWar1865_FortPutnamMorrisIslandS.webp
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Another civil war photo of some yankee 6.4-inch caliber ("100-pounder") Parrott Rifle cannons in a fort, with stacks of their ammunition nearby. Notice that the muzzle end of the nearest cannon has suffered some damage.

In this case, the location is known... Fort Putnam on Morris Island, Charleston SC, probably taken shortly after Charleston surrendered in 1865, as the entire fortification in the photo is unmanned.

Couple shells stacked up there !!

Fishing has been good lately !!

photo.webpfriend of mine got speared in the mouth and the bill came out just in front of his left ear. Didn't have a pic of that but thought this pic would drive the point home, so to speak.

Okay then, here's a photo showing a staggering amount of civil war artillery projectiles in stacks. This photo was taken during the civil war at the Charlestown Navy Yard, which later became known as the Boston Navy Yard. It helped keep the yankee navy supplied with cannon ammunition.


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Wow !! That is staggering.

Niagara Falls baby...............Niagara Falls[emoji23]

View attachment 1486508friend of mine got speared in the mouth and the bill came out just in front of his left ear. Didn't have a pic of that but thought this pic would drive the point home, so to speak.
What, pray tell, stuck him with THAT?!

Blue marlin off Hawaii. You have to saw off the bill or break it off in order to get to the hopital and have it removed. With out treatment infection is a guarantee.

Blue marlin off Hawaii. You have to saw off the bill or break it off in order to get to the hopital and have it removed. With out treatment infection is a guarantee.
Shiver, shutter, butt pucker!!!

Sent from my LG-V495 using Tapatalk

One more photo of "stacks of shells" during the civil war. This photo shows the burnt-out ruins of the Richmond Arsenal after the fall of that city, April 1865.


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A civil war photo of the "ocean breakwater" at the base of the walls of island Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, showing many "dud" fired yankee artillery shells from the daily bombardment of the fort during its several years in Confederate hands. The cannon is a heavy-caliber Columbiad, showing muzzle damage from being hit by a Solid-Shot artillery projectile. The long-term bombardment was eventually so severe that it collapsed the fort's wall in places, causing that cannon to fall from its emplacement atop the wall.

The bricks in the photo are from the fort's shattered brick walls.

The Confederates abandoned Charleston on February 17, 1865 due to the approach of yankee General William Tecumseh Sherman's huge army.


  • photo_Fort-Sumter_shells-and-cannon_breakwater-ruin_Charleston518.webp
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