Yeah, there is Glass Butte, and Newport Crater to name a couple. I don't get around well enough anymore to be able to go over there and collect, but I used to camp at a spring on Wagontire mountain. Glass Butte isn't very far from there in a straight line, and there is obsidian there also, which I think was blown out of Glass Butte. Fifteen thousand years ago that wasn't a desert, it was a lake, and apparently the obsidian landed in water and cooled rapidly, because there are softball sized and larger chunks out on the flats, and the surrounding area. Sometimes many miles out in the surrounding area. I'm not a geologist, and have been corrected on some of my assumptions, but I think obsidian comes in grades, just like in different colors. The stuff on Wagontire mountain isn't near as pretty as that on Glass Butte, it's a dense black, and I don't have the words to describe it, but it flakes like obsidian, just not as pretty.