That is a really, really sweet looking ride, Terry. I can only imagine how you feel cruising along on that thing up and down the Bronx River Parkway or the Taconic when the weather's nice. Good for you, keeping it in such pristine shape!
Here's my own road machine. My dad did the restoration and mods, and gave it to me on my wedding day as a present (right after my wife gave me a dirt bike, lol):
1977 Kawi KZ1000 bored out to 1180cc, drag bars, K&N 4-into-1 pipes, free flow carb filters, etc. etc. etc. Still nowhere near the performance of a modern machine (BRAKES!!), but just a helluva lotta fun to tool around on. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
Well, no, wish I knew...! See, the little town in the valley below? They'll never know what hit them, when ALL these guys come storming into town!
Maybe its a Union meeting, to get the rates increased...?