Good morning.
I so feel you on that!
About licensing fees.
When this all got pushed through with the green movement.. I collected signatures!!

Many of us had hopes of compassionate businesses.
Myself and others.
I'm all for capitalism to a point.
Once the details emerged that you would have to prove ( I don't remember the exact terminology)
That you have a million dollars on standby in an account!!??
I SEE how this is.
I might be a goofy guy, but I certainly don't look at the world through rose colored glasses!
People like.. cough.. Cough,, Rob Ritchie have applied for a business license.
Little ol me.. Not a snowballs chance in Hell!
I could rant for hours about how underhanded politics has already ruined this industry.
Edit... P.S.
For the sh!thead... YOU don't own the city of Clarkston.. You're just a guest here!
Farming is our roots.
Don't know what info is available to you.
Yes it's a big $$$ game just to toss your hat in the ring to get an interview to even start to be qualified to start a grow ,process,distribute , and or clinic/dispensary.
With fees and regulations proposed for each step instead of simply having a commercial grow /sell permit..
There are folks hunting communities that will allow any of the above (though that is often tentative speculation till "approved") and those speculators are buying land,buildings ,some in numerous places in those communities....Before getting in line to be interviewed for a shot at a permit!
That is a money game.
And like other places , millions of dollars in leverage is going to help.
A farm I hunted with a pole barn on it was bought by a speculator.
Community turned an operation down. Land was split and is listed for sale. That's no big deal for the speculator. Would be for you or I.
As far as closing down a dispensary....Here is where you might not find a lot of info.
Key word to look for though is ...Forfeiture. Note amount of time an unlicensed properly (among fluctuating regulations and interpretations) facility is allowed to accumulate a clientele , and more from sales before it gets closed.
If it was a stoner , or casual some one that started up the dispensary it might be different.
But when folks are doing their darnedest to comply and be legal , and still get popped...Something about forfeiture as an incentive might factor.
Clients have been harassed at clinics too. After all's well prior , surprise! All ain't well.
I'm not defending either side , but who would start a clinic that violates federal law willingly? Only those who can comply with /under the umbrella of state law.
But what is happening makes it look like they were illegal from the start. (The individual clinics/dispensary's start).
So why let them operate so long before closing them? Again , forfeiture law. You can sue to get your confiscated money and other stuff back. Research what is involved in fighting that out in court ,plus federal law and find that forfeiture is not always going to be contested.
This state saw weed legalization coming plenty far enough in advance to be prepared to handle it.
Then acted surprised to find it legal.
Despite the long time legal preparation and lobbying by supporters.
Keeping the goalposts moving has been about the most consistent part of the states involvement...
Rant pretty much over.
Hey Tom : is that a male leaf in your coffee?