It is believed both type was created at same time but everything speak against it. If you look at some of the very old king statutes you see the same! They are made PERFECT like never be done in later periods but the added inscriptions are like scratched graffiti!! It is the same with the large old polished sarcophagi in the Serapeum.
To see the difference you have to compare the stone vessels which are dated to the Naquada culture (real stone age as we know it) with their simple pottery. It real looks like they also just imitated this perfect stone vessels out of clay. Also the tools they had was just simple flint and this high quality stone vessels can not be made out of flint.
I believe they are from an high culture that was wiped out approx 12.000 years ago. Just remember Platos story!
Did you ever saw the "pharaonic" unfinished Aswan Obelisk (the largest ever made) and it´s stone age Naquada paintings on it?
How the hell can stone age or so called pre dynastic paintings be on a much later Obelisk(compare the paintings with the Naquada vessel!)
I think everything we was "teached" yet is BIG B/S!But that´s just my personal opinion
I'm not saying this is accurate....Old Kingdom hardstone works seemed to be the height of the "art" and production.
With less produced going forward in future time periods.
This article hints of greater interest in crafting gold and other metals as opposed to retaining the more labor intensive hardstone works as productive "art".
Timewise /labor time , competing against gold crafting by grinding hardstone.....Might have been devalued as an outdated art due to labor hours required?
Ancient Egypt: Stone vessels - the stone, the craftsmen, the tools, the vessels