Good morning everyone.
Anyone know of a worthy children's charity? One that actually helps abused and abandoned children?
I came across a very valuable coin in my Father's collection.
I can't sell my pops coins.
I'll donate it.
Still here BC . Did not blow away.
If I were into filming there were some great opportunities last night....
Snow like clouds fifteen feet from the ground up. Everything leaning East. Still lots of trees leaning East and they will continue to as some have most their lives.
Kind of surreal with the snow like a fog and wraith like.
A former co-worker I helped get into archery came over to the U.S. in quite a manner....And minus a father.
He attributed his orientation of staying out of trouble to a program where police interacted with youth.
Institutionalized kids and those tied up with protective services are exposed to controls and people that are different than those outside them.
I'm not saying police are the way to go in supporting youth in need , but am hinting that those youth slipping through the cracks of society without being noticed until it is too late matter too.
One outfit I notice and have purchased from to further their cause outfits folks in third world countries with wheelchairs.
Regardless of politics and who is fighting who in and out of the political arena.
They also set up disabled folks to build and distribute chairs. A chair must fit it's user. More so the cushion they sit on. The wrong cushion can kill.
That makes used donated chair ineffective for the most part , and service and parts are another issue..More so in third world countries.
I have not thought long about my pittance of wealth after my demise.
Were there a surplus , maybe some could go to a place I know that makes prosthetic's , with condition that it be used for orphans or youth that have no other option.
But that is influenced by my life.
Yours will differ.
Give it a little time and you'll figure it out.