Rams Head


Silver Member
Apr 19, 2003
New Mexico
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Ram's Head

I see that Haven decided to delete his thread re 'Spanish Royal Lion'. Goverton made a very good observation on that thread: 'Looks like a ram's head'. I agree and wanted to point out that a ram's head is always an important find. Below are some others, all found in the same area. Those who are interested might consider an association between the ram's head and the Age of Aries. There are some interesting mythologies surrounding rams and some interesting folks who have used the symbol in the TH realm. Always look nearby the ram and in the direction the ram is gazing.


  • Sacred ram.JPG
    Sacred ram.JPG
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  • Sacred ram.JPG
    Sacred ram.JPG
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    Ram to shaman-1.JPG
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  • Ram.JPG
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Re: Ram's Head

well huckleberry,
you laid some cards on the table...isn't that just like a daisy... [said with an accent like doc holidays in tombstone.]..lol

nice lay down... but how do YOU prove these are not from ranchers, bored shepherds, surveyors, cowboys goofing off, hippies stacking rocks, hikers, pranksters, search and rescue marking trail, after all Bronco Bill
what is goose for the gander is goose for all...right and your a real daisy for hooking up the newbees with ram/aries connect!?
yep karma kick down, sure sucks when it circles back around

lol :tongue3:

Re: Ram's Head

The ram is the constellation of aries connection...a very little known use of seasonal constellations to help
unravel cryptic signs and marks, usually associated with drill holes as the clues to use the stars for
clues..another layer of code laid on top of other layers. And in later times before the expulsion, to delay
the kings men from finding all the stashes, as if they arrived after Mar/Apr, they would have to wait
another year to get the final clues...a way to obey the spirit of the law but not the letter, to confound the
king and save their arrogant necks...another example was hiding signs prior to and after the summer and fall solstices.. or yet another hiding signs after the agreed upon noon day sun, give or take an hour or two..like hiding them until late afternoon 5-6pm summer only sun..so lots of trickery by the jessies'.

close to 1760's things had soured with the king and the jesses'
this was there way of playing games with the goods and peeing off the kink er king

Re: Ram's Head

I can see the first three rams, but last picture, the anvil looking rock an the previous one that looks like a moose to me...., you would have to mark up for me.

Haven, did you erase your thread because you found what you needed, or because you were offended in some way?

Re: Ram's Head

rangler said:
... but how do YOU prove these are not from ranchers, bored shepherds, surveyors, cowboys goofing off, hippies stacking rocks, hikers, pranksters, search and rescue marking trail...

If you're seeking mineral wealth, your best chance to find it is to look where the minerals are actually located in abundance. These signs and many others, even much better ones, are located in an ultra-rich mineral belt known to have been mined for hundreds, if not thousands of years - native copper by the ton, native silver by the ton, native gold by the ton.

Throw in a smorgasbord of circumstantial evidence, all within sight of each other: obvious Aztec petroglyphs, ruins containing Aztec trade goods, the most fiercly defended mountains in all of Apacheria, Marcos de Niza's carved marks of possession, the carved signature of Estavanico, Santo Nino de Atocha's centuries old worship, the cryptic carved message from George Hearst, and much more. These signs are located where the action is and always has been.

rangler said:
The ram is the constellation of aries connection...a very little known use of seasonal constellations to help
unravel cryptic signs and marks, usually associated with drill holes as the clues to use the stars for
clues..another layer of code laid on top of other layers. And in later times before the expulsion, to delay
the kings men from finding all the stashes, as if they arrived after Mar/Apr, they would have to wait
another year to get the final clues........

These rams have nothing to do with the star patterns in Aries, although it is true, Rangler, that certain 'modern' groups have used star patterns in order to complicate locations of carvings and other signs. In this manner, these guys have lured some mighty intelligent searchers into a dead end cul-de-sac that can waste years of effort and discourage them to the point of giving up. That, of course was their plan. You need to get past the 'Jesuits did it' red herring - it will take you in circles.

These rams are an identification symbol linked to the Age of Aries, approximately 2000 bce to 0 ce (Old Testiment era) as determined by the precession of the equinoxes. The trick is to figure out who made these associations, when they were in the area and why they chose the ram.

Re: Ram's Head

Springfield said:
rangler said:
... but how do YOU prove these are not from ranchers, bored shepherds, surveyors, cowboys goofing off, hippies stacking rocks, hikers, pranksters, search and rescue marking trail...

If you're seeking mineral wealth, your best chance is to find it is to look where the minerals are actually located in abundance. These signs and many others, even much better ones, are located in an ultra-rich mineral belt known to have been mined for hundreds, if not thousands of years - native copper by the ton, native silver by the ton, native gold by the ton.

The answer, although very(politician like) well articuladed is not to be understood by some of the peones. For the pee on`s. Why are your rams real? while my stuff is just rock conglamorates or stuff done by the above, as rangler asked for an answer.

That is my pareidolia/ pendejadas, if you don`t like it..., well I have more.

Re: Ram's Head

hi Steve ,
mesa always told me you had some good stuffs .
i really like the first one , shows lots of having been worked or changed and propped up , or all of the above /

in answer to pala's question about wanting to understand on another forum . always thought any good cloud reader might find a rams head in this picture , although i cannot get this place to pass my first rule beyond a doubt yet .
which is you must first look for the parts that have been changed !or maybe i might could a little bit :laughing9:
Steve's first picture sure does IMHO :hello2: :notworthy:

Re: Ram's Head

oooooh and i always liked Darrell's book where the association is made to the Ram head Egyptian God , Amman raw or puba or some thing can't remember the name now . maybe you should school ranger on the bull too . very nice post BTW Springfeild :thumbsup:

sorry had a question for you , have you ever ran across that broken 8 symbol before ?
///, i have only seen it once , not on a panel but on a wrong guess , or wrong trail or something

Re: Ram's Head

Hi Kanabite, Springfield does have some nice pictures here. And without thinking too much about it. I think he has the best Avatar.
We all have our standards as to what is real or not. I am not scared to apply your your standards, Springfields or anyone else to my rocks or dirt, for obvious reasons. I want the real,.... what ever is left.

Even at cloud reading, sometimes I don`t do well. But even if I show you someone doing a Mexican hat dance on the side of the mountain, where is that going to take us.... no I am not seeing the ram or the dancing guy.

You picture could be a cloud readers paradise. You should mark you picture, so that someone don`t find my cousins doing a Mexican hat dance on the hills there. :coffee2:

Re: Ram's Head

SWR said:
So... is somebody claiming that somebody chiseled these rocks into the shape of a Ram? Seriously?

don't know if its a ram or a leverright ,
but the bottom half does look chiseled off , maybe not with metal , but something . big rock hammer maybe . stone axe . but they are just opinions . guess there might not be too many kewl rocks in Florida . :laughing9:

any way if it has been changed it goes from floridarock to artifact :laughing7:
but thats just my guess

Re: Ram's Head

Springfield, Thanks. Up my way I have seen one ram that i recognized..but considered it native. I will be reconsidering that.

The one thing i have not been able to find is a paper on river levels over the past 3000 or more years. A fair amount on post ice age lakes though. I would think such an article would be illuminating.

I might add..hmmm..I can not say too much, but I would not completely rule out the constellations in considering the history of the ram and of the people that made it.

Kanabite..that pic is fantastic. That...face or skull....

Re: Ram's Head

Ris said:
I tried to point this out before , but no comments, so here it is in picture. I can make out what look like steps going up the ruins. Correct me if I'm wrong. Sometimes pictures play tricks. Sure looks like ruins though to me. BTW, I got deja vu from this picture, has this been posted and pointed out quite some time ago?

Ris, I'm in NYC for another ten days or so and don't have access to my pics here. When I get home, I'll post some additional photos of this mondo site that are quite interesting. I don't think this ram's head has been posted previously - not by me anyway.

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