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Once again, I am pointing out the obvious, not necessarily to you. There are many that in the past have gotten into my face about "doing the right thing". Now I know the real truth, greed is based on the stakes involved.

The truth is, I know I'm no better than Kenneth Leigh, Jeffrey Skilling, Lee Fastow, certain Arthur Andersen accountants, Martha Stewart, etc.

The only difference between them and me is I know that life is too short to spend any of it in prison, and know that any risk for phenomenal gain is too much-- I'll be the one that gets caught. So I live on the right side of the law. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is. I may end up with a little less gold in the long run, but I'll be at home to enjoy it, or out looking for more, ejoying the hunt.

Gold fever will destroy anyone who will let it.

Do I like keeping those gold rings I find with people's names on them? Truth is-- every time I see them I wonder who that person was, why they got that ring, how they lost it, what it meant to them. I see a piece of gold jewelry that may be attractive in its own right, but I'm not comfortable with the idea of hoarding it, melting it down (to destroy the evidence), or pawning it (for a few bucks). I'd rather give it back to the person if I could ever find him/her, and find out the rest of the story. Even if they don't offer a reward. Knowledge is worth more than gold-- and is truly one thing you CAN take with you!

Anybody read "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck? Great book, and highly recommended reading-- might help those who have 'issues' about finding vast wealth. The following was copied from a book review:


Whether by prayer, quest, or lottery ticket, humans have long expressed their dreams of a better life. Many are the tales about this phenomenon and, more often than not, the tales end in tragedy for the pleasure seeker. This longing for something better is the theme of John Steinbeck's 1947 The Pearl.

Steinbeck was disillusioned in the aftermath of World War II. He realized that none of his heroes? the GI, the vagrant, or the scientific visionary? could negotiate survival in a civilization that created the atomic bomb. Repentance, as attempted by his characters in his novel The Wayward Bus (1947), was not enough. Fittingly, he reflected his disillusionment through a legend about a man who finds The Pearl of the World and is eventually destroyed by greed.

The legend tells of an Indian pearl diver who cannot afford a doctor for his son's scorpion sting. In this anxious state, he finds The Pearl of the World and is able to get medical help for his boy. Calculating the profit from the gem, the diver dreams of a better life?a grand wedding, clothes, guns, and an education for the boy. But his dream of leaving his socio-economic station leads to ruin. As he attempts to escape those that want to take the pearl from him, he is tracked by professional hitmen and tragedy ensues. No pearl is worth the price Kino and his wife pay, so they throw the pearl back. Their story is a warning to restless dreamers yearning for an easy or magical solution to their problems.

There is also the movie "A Simple Plan", 1998, starring Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thornton. 121 min., rated "R" (violence).

The story is of a group of two brothers and a friend of one of theirs who find a plane wreck in the woods, with $4 million on it. Greed, mistrust, and other 'sudden wealth' concepts excellently portrayed. I recommend it (for those 18 or older)!

I appreciate all of the replies.

I will try to do what is best for me and for my set of beliefs and values.

Doing both at the same time is the hard part.

Just keep it legal. If you are not stealing or looting from a protected site there will be no problem. Also don't go reporting "1500 lbs. of gold bullion" on your tax returns. Just the amount you get from the sale of whatever you find and sell. If there are historic pieces in the lot then remember these eight precious words, "Found on private property with the owners consent." If you have an idea of who this hoard belongs to and intend to do a unilateral transfer of ownership then expect the worse.

Of course if the aliens find out you're the one who took their fuel supply they will immediately zap you into low orbit around Venus.

Just remember: When you leave this wonderful planet, you do so with little more than you came in with. Death is the great equalizer. Your ethical 'values' are much more precious in the long term than how much is in your account!

just remeber to look up Mel Fisher and the atocha (hint the legal issues)

JEEZUS GUYS!!! :o Why the HE!! would ANYBODY want a lawyer or the IRS involved in ANYTHING in their life ??? :o ::)

hMMM: i have an interesting hypothetical problem also, for my book on TAYOPA,? "of course".? Setting, a very isolated lawless region between Sonora and Chihuahua, Mexico.

A:? You look for and find,? the? fabulous lost Jesuit Mine "TAYOPA"with fantastic deposits left behind when they had to flee due to the Indian uprising of 1630.?

B:? You pormptly denounce it and receive clear mining/mineral rights to the? area, say 1500 acres.

C: You then locate 3 of the 5 depsoits but have leave them undisturbed due to the following reasons.

D:? You are in clear sight of a small village? of approx. 800 meters.The inhabitants know of the these deposits, they have been looking for them also.

E:? You find that you are surounded by narcotic growers that are just plain mean since the zone is so isolated, no law.? Last year they were cutting off forearms with a machete as an example.

F: The nearest paved road is approx. 35 miles away, but takes? 5 1/2 hrs to reach . - rough road you night say heehe.

G: You can call in govt protection, but it is questionable if they would be any? less prone to hijack you than the narcotic growers or villagers since such a large amount of Au/Ag is involved.

H: You realize that once you start open up one of the deposits it is immediately becomes? common knowlege to the onlookers.

I:? You cannot work by night since the terrain is sooo cottin pickin rough, typical mining country.

These are? just some of the basiic problms, K how would you handle it?? Remember that in Mexico you are not legallly allowed any firearms.

Wow! I can see a couple of Sceneries here.
1.You don't do anything..
2. You engage in some talk with the drug dudes and give them some of the proceeds and just take what you can and run..................If your not taken down before you leave by one of them dudes.
3. Tum it into a U.F.O. Center and put fences all around it and no-tress passing signs and make sure you send some weird lights out to make it look real!like that of Area 51
4.You get the national guard or some Army and and go for it hopefully you will get something.
5.Pass information that the area is contaminated with a deadly decease and get some good actors and close off the city but not the mine and do the digging and then after all is clear close camp and call off the sickness case in the town.
6.Ask the town for help though you will get most of the goods and they will share in some of it.
Make it into an visitors mining camp and make milloins getting paid while people visit.
7.If you can by it and have the rights no-one can get the goods but you.
This is all I have.

In Kansas there is a criminal law entitled "THEFT OF LOST PROPERTY" that could apply to anything found with a metal detector. The 'finder' is obligated to turn any valuables in to local law enforcement. If the owner isn't located, the valuables are sold at auction with the proceeds going into the county general fund. Not many people are aware of the law and it is rarely enforced.......but it's there.

Thats Exactly why I'd KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT. :)

Doug Mauck said:
Not many people are aware of the law and it is rarely enforced.......but it's there.

Not many are aware of the law for the same reason it's not enforced. Because the law ignores human nature and everyone else ignores the law. Nothing is being reported - what's the point? :P It's the same reason some/most private salvors are having to keep their shipwreck finds quiet. Remember "finders keepers?" That's the law that makes sense to most people. I'm not saying breaking the law is right - just pointing out that sometimes it defies human nature.

Yes! And if you don't think someone is watching your every move ..Your in wonder land!!!Because I have gone metal detecting and someone always See's you and if your driving a car ..I'll bet they even had you checked out already! Because all they have to do is give your licence # and that tells your hole story...I guess what I really am saying is don't attempt something unless you are completely sure it's OK!! Because it will just come back in bad ways and no-one wants that!If someone asks your name don't lie/play/or give false information either.... because that will just go on your record of doing dumb stuff.I will bet in comming years things will change..Especially since 911..Just think about that...I know some people don't like laws..it's kind of the way it goes....And we don't have much of a say with that trend.Period!

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