Question about tesoro


Full Member
Mar 11, 2011
Beaufort NC
Detector(s) used
Ace 250 and Omega 8000
I have an Ace 250 and will soon upgrade to a new machine. Thought about going with xterra 705 or the At Pro until I saw these tesoro machines. I have looked at every video on youtube about all the tesoro machines.I also read hundreds of reviews on them and 99.9 percent were excellent reviews. If I went with a tesoro machine which one would be the best choice? I like to hunt for coins in school yards and tot lots. I would also like to find some old silver coins so i guess i will need a machine with pretty good depth. my family owns a 200 acre farm that has family history from the mid 1800s. I live within 10 miles of Atlantic beach NC so might do a little hunting at the beach too. Oh yeah im not concerned about not having a screen to look at. The ace has one but a lot of times when a target is more than 4 inches deep I could not depend on it! Any help would be great! Thank you for your time.

Hi neuseman.
I would go with the Cibola or the Vaquero. If you are east of the Rockies, the Cibola will work for you in 98% of the places and you will not need to ground balance. If ground balancing is something you are looking for, get the Vaquero. They both should get a quarter between 11" and 12" depending on the ground.
Why not call me so I can answer all your question because I know there will be more.
I try to look at all the forums as much as possible but sometimes I get too busy. So if you call, I always take the time to answer the phones ( no time limit on question on the phone. I don't charge like some do LOL).

How often do you post on a forum and someone with the company gives out his phone number and is willing to help out. You cannot beat the quality and customer service with Tesoro. Lifetime warranty, no gimicks, no fooling. That is cool.

Thank you Robert. I still have to decide wich one I want to go with. Im quite sure it will be a tesero of some sort. When I decide wich one , and when I get it im sure I will have more questions about the machine. I will gladly call you just as soon as I get my machine! Thanks again.

That is true a lot of times a rep from Tesoro.... Will be right there to answer your question.. And i think that is great... You can Email some of these detector companys and never get a answer... Way to go again Tesoro... Also they are number one in service...

I would start with the Vaquero. You will be absolutely blown away.

hah - i don't know as your detecting encompasses such a wide range - from land to beaches.
for a land detector & DRY sand detector the cibola is fantastic, as for using it for a wet salt water detector forget it.
i don't know much about land (soil) as i rarely do this - but in the DRY SALT sand (with the cibola) i was getting up to 7" depth with my cibola with the 3X18" coil. it was amazing how much beach i could cover. the machine worked as fast as i could swing it. in freshwater i have used it (about 2 ft deep) it worked flawlessly.
as for a screen - leave the to tv or movies. nothing is more important then learing your machine & what it does.
as for land detecting you will also be helped greatly with a pinpointer. after much research i bought the pistol probe. many swear by garrets probe. do your own due diligence.
as i make Robert the Bruce's father look good you might take my advice with some strong libations.
please forgive the droll on my keyboard as i am always besides myself.

Yes, Cibola or Vaquero either one, and a good quality pin pointer. These machines will pick up tiny rusted nails sometimes and a pin pointer will save you a lot of time. The Pro pointer is rugged and will take a beating, I'm not familiar with the Pistol Probe but I'm sure it's good as well. Either Tesoro plus either pin pointer will probably still be cheaper than the AT Pro.

My choice would be (and actually is :-) ) Vaquero + Pro Pointer.

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