Question.. About Oregon Trail

I invite T'net readers to read the comments section of archaeologist blogs, 2 links above. This fellow Paul is what we md'rs call a "purist archaeologist". He prefers to call it "conservation conscious". And he was fair enough to allow me to post to his blog.

After many back & forth posts, I tried to capsulize his stance as:

"Hobbyist metal detecting, for old items in legal places, done with no archaeological rigor, is damaging and harmful".

Essentially: The only type metal detecting he would approve of, is if we md'rs basically BECAME archaeologists. (dig with brushes, write volumes on each nail, turn all old stuff over to museums, etc...). This is understandable if we were talking land where there is some sort of law requires that (ARPA for sensitive monuments, etc...). But to him, it's EVERYWHERE. Even on private land, and forms of public land where no laws or rules forbid.

I told him there's many archaeologists who do not have problems with our type hobbyists. As long as they stay out of the archaeologists digs, and out of off-limits sites. Paul has a dim view of any archaeologist who is not "conservative conscious".

After getting to the root of his stance (in bold above), you can see I repeatedly asked him to confirm. ( Although it was beyond dispute, as I was pulling this direct from him). I just wanted to get a "yes that is my stance". So that we could move on with a conversation ON JUST THAT. Ie.: "no rabbit trails" for either side. Because admittedly, when an archaeologist comes to read a metal detecting forum, sure: He will find things that are objectionable. There is "locker room talk" here about archaeologists . Ie.: jokes about ARPA, and so forth. I didn't *****-foot around that, yes, there can be wrong forms of th'ing / md'ing, and snarky talk by md'rs.

So to GET BEYOND ALL THAT (ie.: no red herrings) I wanted to see if the very core of his stance could be cross-examined. And as you can see: A) he refused to admit this capsulized his stance, and B) it devolved into name calling on his part (how sweet, eh ?)

WHICH IS FINE BY ME. Because therefore :

A) It is very TELLING that here was an md'r (about the most brazen as they come mind you) who was willing to intellectually discuss the issue. Assuming we could stay on track with a single statement for review. Yet he didn't care to do that. Ok, ask yourself: Who was the open minded person here ? Who attempted to open dialogue ? Yet who says "no" to cross-examination of his stance ? Hmmm.

B) It was also very TELLING to see him name calling. When , as you can see, I tried my durndest to be polite, give him his due, acknowledged historical sins on the part of treasure hunters , etc... So ask yourself: Who was courteous and a gentleman ?

Hence we shall let all those facts speak LOUDLY for themselves. Paul: If you're reading this: Thanx for the fascinating look into the conservative conscious archaeological view.

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Mr. Barford, a.k.a. Warsaw Wally, and I have a long history (type my name in the search section of his blog). The best course of action, and what every single UK forum does, is to totally ignore the guy. Any attempt to discuss anything is a waste of time. He will just use it to insult you.

Mr. Barford, a.k.a. Warsaw Wally, and I have a long history (type my name in the search section of his blog).....

Dick Stout, yes I saw your name in there too. I was proud of you ! :laughing7: We should start a "club" of md'rs who were fortunate enough to be on the "Paul Barford's example list of horrible & vilified md'r ". It will be a badge of honor to be mentioned by him, eh ?

Heck, even other archies think he's "gone to the other extreme". I perceived that in his answer to me. When I had pointed out that many archies are NOT against all casual-hobbyist metal detecting . His reply (fair that he answered) was to hint at friction he has had with those less-than-purist archies.

I looked carefully at your attempts to answer or persuade him. And at first, I saw things I realized he could/would "punch holes in". Ie.: I could already anticipate what his pat answers would be. But when someone STARTS with his definitions of words, it's almost impossible to win a debate, eh ? And the definition I speak of, is that "All hobbyist detecting, when not done with archaeological rigor, is evil". Well, SURE, if you START with that definition, and KEEP POINTING PEOPLE BACK TO THAT DEFINITION, then sure: You logically come to his conclusions.

... Any attempt to discuss anything is a waste of time. ...

Well, yes and no. It's a waste of time to attempt to persuade Mr. Barford, I agree. But since he was fair enough to allow a teensy bit of counter opinion on his blog, then perhaps his fellow archaeologists who read it, can perhaps lighten. Ie.: "plant stones in shoes " for other readers to consider.

.... He will just use it to insult you.

Yes. And that's exactly what he did. When I first began I thought: "Let's see who devolves into name-calling first". And sure enough, those name-calling insults immediately started to pepper his writings. As opposed to an intellectual pro-con discussion.

And I say that quite humbly. Because I'm the first to admit that md'rs, including myself, DO INDEED engage in "locker room talk". Ie.: put-downs that do-nothing to arrive at truth. Eg.: we've made fun of archies, poked jokes at sketchy md'ing spots, ARPA, etc... But for purposes of this, (face to face with your actual competition) I had tried to suggest we do-so with courtesy and fairness. And keep the discussion on a straight-&-narrow focussed point. And as you saw: I prefaced my comments with credits to him when-due, etc... But all I got in return, was snarky putdowns and name-calling.

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Here was an odd portion of the dialogue: I had started my comments to his blog, by pointing out that the portions of the Oregon trail I was referring to (in the T'net post he had found), were the legal portions of it. Eg.: forms of public land where not forbidden, or private land.

Because at this point, I was not aware that his stance covered the entire earth. I thought perhaps he was aghast law-breaking (md'ing in protected off-limits places)

Here was his response:

"What you are doing is following the "it's legal innit?" argument beloved of artefact collectors of all shades. This goes that if something has not actually been made illegal, it must be OK to do it. Like wife-beating...."

My observations of this answer from him are as follows:

a) Well , quite frankly ... yes: If it's not illegal, then presto, it's ok to do.

b) "Like wife-beating". Huh ? Did you catch that ? I'm not sure what country he is in, but here in the USA, that's not legal. But assume for the moment there's a country that does allow legal wife beating (in order to allow his analogy to stand). Ok, then what logically follows from this wonderful example of his ? Namely: "Metal detecting is inherently evil, in the same way that wife-beating is inherently evil".

I don't know about you, but if the "average person" sees a wife-beating going on in a park or the beach, they are immediately aghast, call the cops, try to break it up, feel bad for the gal, etc... But if the "average person" passes by the park or the beach, and sees an md'r, they don't even register it. Or quite the opposite: They come up to you and say "wow that's cool. What's the best thing you've ever found ? How deep does it go ? etc...". So to compare the evil-ness level of md'ing to wife-beating, is VERY TELLING for the extreme of Paul's stance.

Do you see how how STARTING PREMISE DEFINITION (that all hobbyist level md'ing is evil) permeates everything he writes.

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Their is a sign where the Oregon trail intersects a highway outside of searchlight ,Nv,I have metal detected their a few times.Found nothing to brag about.

That was more likely the California Trail. They separated, for the most part, in western Wyoming, though there is a branch the split off in southern Idaho.

Jim, it may very well intersect with the Calif.Trail, but the sign said Oregon Trail. Close to where the O.Trail ends there is evidance of a old water tank, boarded over mine or ?,as I felt the ground shak under my feet uncovered the boards. Just a wierd place and you can feel the vibes of the land there. The trail is well defined .

Neither the Oregon Trail, or California Trail goes anywhere near Searchlight. It's possible that there is some branch of some trail from New Mexico to California that runs there, but it's not what people typically mean when talking about the Oregon Trail. The real Oregon Trail is several hundred miles north of Searchlight. The main emigrant trail comes over South Pass in the Wind River range in Wyoming, and then the first split where the California Trail heads off is in extreme southwest Wyoming. The next branching is near the old Fort Hall in southeastern Idaho. From either branch the Oregon Trail heads northwest to Oregon, and the California Trail heads southwest over Donner Pass west of Reno, and then on to central California...nowhere near Searchlight. Doesn't matter what the sign says, it's not the Oregon Trail.

Just for fun,I will post a photo of the Historic Oregon trail signage ,when I get time to go up there. Also I believe I recall the signage is posted on both sides of the Highway. Which is about 10minutes outside of Searchlight,Nv...And for those who haven"t been to Searchlight, it is a 1 Horse town,with,1 Casino,a Mcdonalds,and a Rebel gas station, old Motorhome Park,old motel,and plenty of sand and dirt.

Probably a sign meant to be humorous. I was in Searchlight twice last winter. Drove west, towing a camper, on 164 to the top of Dutchman's Pass. Then cutoff to the Powerline Rd north into McCullough Valley where I spent a week or so. I'll be back there this coming winter, too.

Jim, next time your back thisaway, send me a message on this site, and if I have the time,I will meet you in Searchlight and show you where the signs/trails are.Otherwise I will do my best to direct you to them. On 1 side there is a sign placed inside a turnoff area going South, same goes for the other across the highway...
My business up there was searching for outlaw loot towards the Nipton area,going West...I did find some interesting mines,etc,,but no loot yet.

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