Quartz with gold veins

The wife told me if I bring home anymore rocks she is going to divorce me ;)
I went out today to do some scouting and I told her I was just going to walk and not bring home anything. Well I came home with pockets full of quartz and iron slag. There was a ton of clear quartz and my ADD got the best of me. I sure didnt make my destination because of all the shiny areas.

Hard Prospector, sounds like you are talking Mad Dog 20/20. Not me. LOL. Just kidding.

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Quartz is everywhere.

Trust me I am definitely figuring that out quick. I just have an issue with anything shiny I grab so I end up in one spot for hours.
So, I looked over the plots in our area and noticed the main channel behind our house is HOA property. Although I have just been surface picking behind the house I am curious to the laws. It is listed as common area and the bylaws dont state mineral rights etc. Now I dont plan on going hardcore but I also dont want a ton of people out there tearing the land up.

Do they own the land? If so you can't do anything without their permission.

I am not 100% sure. I was going to inquire about them selling a few acres since it cant be accessed or developed. I want to build a fence and that is my main reason but a good portion runs through our property.
I just dont want the land torn up. The empty lots in front of our house has turned into a dirt track for the motocross kids. It cant hurt to ask and it could help increase my property value with the added acres.


Watch this. All you need!



Well gold or not it seems you are in a fairly mineralized area given the description of the vein. Knowing how the gold is supposed to occur in your area can help you save some time looking for indicators that dont have any relevance to gold in your area. I'd still do some searchin for more veins.

Easy but not foolproof way to tell difference between mica/pyrite and gold is observe their color in direct sunlight, and then shade. Mica/pyrite will take on a duller/silverish appearance where as gold looks basically the same... its just not shining as bright. If you have any old computer parts laying around with the plated connectors... thats 24k pure gold, handy if you have no gold readily available to you right now to see for yourself.

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Finally borrowed a falcon md 20 and to say the thing is nice. Hit a spot last night that the thing went crazy over. It was about 15 feet from the creek near a patch of trees. I adjusted the unit just to be on the safe side but solid hit going toward and strong when actually on the rock and soil. I tested it on some gold I have to listen for the tones and it was the same for both. I even adjusted the ring and sensitivity and it was still solid.
I haven't panned the dirt yet but the rocks are very weird looking. Some look as if they have veins running through them. I have one that is hand size and copper colored. The strongest tone is on the top where it looks black. I get a heavy tone going towards it at about an inch away and then solid once the probe is on it. I have about 15 items that do the same. Again, I tried several different configurations with the falcon and all the same.

One question though: I sometimes get a double ping like a boing boing when pulling up. Can this be a sign of good material by black sand etc?
Thanks guys. I love the falcon as I use it to help since my back and neck are jacked up so it helps a lot. Keeps me from panning junk areas.

Yes there is, the Kings Mountain belt.

This NCpedia list is not all inclusive, I've personally found rubies and sapphires along with other gem stones and minerals in locations not mentioned there.

This NCpedia list is not all inclusive, I've personally found rubies and sapphires along with other gem stones and minerals in locations not mentioned there.
Yup, there's always the odd gemstone here and there but not enough to become mineable, is what I am saying. Plus I don't see gold in the sample. There may be some or some mixture but it wasn't enough or pure enough to be mineable.


If you are part of a HOA, then you own 1/40th or whatever percentage of the common area.

Your neighbors own the other 39/40ths.

Please read the Association By-Laws and the CC&R's and you will find that what HOA owns is most likely 'Paper Space' overlain onto the real estate.

You can collect pebbles but not rocks or boulders.

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