Your puppy is cute. BUT. What kind of dog is the black one you have posted. We have two medium sized black dogs and the one pictured looks close to what we have, we also have a miniature Weiner dog.
Our two medium sized dogs are recovery dogs, one was from recovery society, they look close too each other, but when you take a second closer look you can tell they are not sisters. We got the first one from the pound where people turn in dogs, and they also take some in the catcher gets. We got her when she was just a puppy, looking at her we thought she would be a black Lab. Which is what we wanted. Well she is more like a long haird beagle. When she starts barking she will go into a bay, sounds like a beagle. Her face looks like a beagle some what, her body is not beagleish and her hair is longer. Most likely a hinze-57 dog, but yours and one other i have seen some one walking a dog that looked like mine and yours, but I could not stop and talk to them.
Mine has white on her face, and paws and some on her chest. So any who,,,what type of dog is the one pictured?
Oh and i forgot to add. We had a beagle a long time ago, female and could not break her of the chewing habit. She chewed everthing she could get a hold of. We Finlay had to give her to someone that had beagles. Oh yes also they climb chain link fences. She use to climb out of our yard and we would not even know it,I put up an electric fence she tryed 3 times and then would not try any more.left it up for 8 months not turned on then I took the fence down and three months later she was climbing the fence again. That was the second reason we had to let her go. Lovable dog for sure, but to much chewing and wandering the hood.