pull tabs

Rumblebelly said:
my former neighbor has benefited from those pull tabs, by the Ronald McDonald house. She's probably had over 25 surgeries since birth. She'll always have issues and never be "normal", but she's a wonderful girl now in her teens. If you didn't look real close or know her history, you wouldn't even know it. If you really want to make a difference for some kids, please save them and give them to Ronald McDonald Homes.

When she was my neighbor we would save all the pull tabs from the cans we collected to give to her, several shoeboxes full a year! I don't have the contacts for all of those cans anymore, but I still save them. She still has surgeries and other little kids do too. Its the least I can do. It doesn't seem like much, I know, but her smile does.


My family has benifited directly from RMH, when our #3 son had open heart surgery we stayed at RMH around the corner from the hospital, wonderful people, bed's not exactly comfy, but better than the chair in the room in the ICU. He'll have to go back again this year to have the valve in his heart replaced, and i will once again find myself on a weeks vacation at RMH. which is fine with me. So if you save your pull tabs, and don't know what to do with them, take them to RMH, it's one of three charitable organizations i'll give to, them Habitat for humanity (where i kill myself once a year building a house) and the shriners hospitals.

Will the RMH accept the round older style also?

when we were there last week, all they had were tupperware tubs with the modern ones in them. I pulled off all the tabs from sodas and put them in the bucket, then donated the actual can to their recycle bin. I don't see why not, AL is AL.

I have 1964 copy of popular mechanics for February and it show how to make fishing lurer from pull taps

I just take any pulltabs we find & put them in with our cans we collect to turn in for money. . does it make a difference in the weight? Nah not really. . but I feel it makes difference in other ways ;D

I have recently seen "craft projects" made from pulltabs. . outstanding :o

This is one for purses. . love it! ;D

Bogart :D

Check with your local Ronald McDonald locations. Almost all of them accept pull tabs for recycling and are for a great cause.

Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Southwest Florida


What is a pull-tab?
A pull-tab is the piece of metal that opens aluminum cans. Like the can, the pull tab is able to be recycled. It is a small piece, yet a valuable piece.

Why collect pull-tabs?
Pull-tabs are an easy way to recycle and help our House. It is a task that people of all ages can do. The amount of money received is determined by the weight of the tabs and the current price per pound being paid for them. Saving the tab is a simple and clean way of recycling for our House. All the collections add up to make a heartfelt impact in working together to provide a home-away-from-home for the families during the madical treatment of their seriously ill child. The dollars raised are put 100% back into the direct operations of our local House.

Why not collect the entire can?
The pull-tabs are easily removed and cleaner to collect than cans, enabling our House to handle large volumes with less storage space.

1 pull-tab = 1 inch
12 pull-tabs = 1 foot
63,360 pull-tabs = 1 mile
1,267 pull-tabs = 1 pound
1,000,000 pull-tabs = 790 pounds (approximately)
1,578,044,160 pull-tabs = 1 trip around the earth

For more information about our pull-tab program, please call us at (239) 437-0202. Or, you may drop off your pull-tabs at 16100 Roserush Court, Fort Myers, Florida 33908.

the good you do by turning them over to RMH or the Shriners or any other organization that works with kids and families wil far outweigh the money you could put in your pocket. :icon_sunny:

I do believe that some of the pulltabs being sold online are going into the Ronald McDonald House as a courtesy of the buyers.

Sandman said:
I had a "treasure hunter" tell me he likes to take some and large split shot and toss them in the swimming area for the other water hunters to find. I could have buried my big scoop in his skull........................LOL.

That's assault!!!!! Just feed him a bowl of can slaw fropm the park ;D ;D ;D

Legend has it the Pull Tab was invented by a man whose wife left him for a Treasure Hunter :read2:

Ok so if RMH is only getting scrap value for the tabs you give them then it seems like the best thing to do with your tabs if you want to help them out is instead sell the tabs to the crafting market where you’ll get max value for them then turn around and donate the cash from the sale to RMH.

Bonus, now that you’re giving them cash instead tax write off! LOL yes I’m an evil genius.

Or you know, you could just make pull tab chainmail.



We have saved them for years. Our grandson has had multiple surgery on his feet at Shriner's in Sacramento. My son and his wife have stayed at RMH on a number of occasions.


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remember when you donate them to rmh you can get a tax write off on your taxes

gotta say i am very impressed with the pull tab top.... VERY kool and crafty!

I save all the stuff I dig. when I get home, I separate them into buckets according to what type of metal, then i take them in once a year

Im gonna need all the tax write offs I can get this year, been on work comp for six months and they dont take any taxes out of it, do you haveto physicaly take them down to the ronald mcdonald house to get your write off, or can you send them, the closest one to me is about 150 miles Po

handy said:
remember when you donate them to rmh you can get a tax write off on your taxes

That $4 tax write off isn't worth the time paid to your accountant.

1 pull-tab = 1 inch
12 pull-tabs = 1 foot
63,360 pull-tabs = 1 mile
1,267 pull-tabs = 1 pound
1,000,000 pull-tabs = 790 pounds (approximately)
1,578,044,160 pull-tabs = 1 trip around the earth

info from the rondald mc donald house website

I have OCD when it comes to these things, now in my 40s I recall when I was a teen ,I was told you could get 100$ for a gallon jug [ Urban legend] then when my Son was born [ he's 5 now ] I noted at the hospital vending area there was a quart size baggie saying save your tabs ,for each bag full will get a child a free Cemo/cancer treatment, so I have been saveing them ever since , heck I even scrub off the ones I dig up [ all styles ] quess i'm waiting for the right opp, to turn them in to a good charity as the RMH . P.S I was told a week ago by a friend that someone told her 13 yr old son ,if he saved a large water jug [ water cooler style?] full he could get 5,000$ and that he was saving them , I told her to watch for a con-job and mentioned the RMH ,she knew I saved them and had that many and wanted me to "call their bluff" but I said ahhh forget it.

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