Public Workshops


Hero Member
Sep 30, 2013
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Motherlode, CA
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I just recieved this email regrding the public workshops.

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board.

Hello All:

State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) staff has posted a Public Notice for four upcoming workshops to solicit input from stakeholders and California Native American Tribal interests on how to regulate suction dredge mining at: State Water Resources Control Board.

The workshop Agenda and Frequently Asked Questions are also posted at this link.

Staff of the State Water Board and California Department of Fish and Wildlife will be conducting these workshops in accordance with the requirements of Senate Bill 637 which became effective on January 1, 2016. The four workshops will be held in Fresno on January 17, 2017; San Bernardino on January 18, 2017; Redding on January 25, 2017; and Sacramento on February 6, 2017. Please refer to the Public Notice for the times and locations of these workshops.

After the public workshops, State Water Board staff will draft recommendations on how to appropriately regulate suction dredge mining for consideration by the State Water Board. After staff has prepared the draft recommendations, staff will propose an additional workshop and an adoption hearing where stakeholders and California Native American Tribal interests may speak directly to the State Water Board. Staff will also provide additional opportunities to submit written comments on the proposed recommendations to regulate suction dredge mining.

For future email notifications and other communications from the State Water Board regarding this matter, please subscribe to the “Suction Dredge Mining” email notification list by following the link below, choosing the Water Quality list, and selecting "Suction Dredge Mining": State Water Resources Control Board.

Future email notifications on this matter will only be distributed via the “Suction Dredge Mining” email notification list.

Thank you,

State Water Resources Control Board

NPDES Program Staff

Upvote 0
NPDES does not regulate mining, it regulates a point source discharge, that includes motorized & non-motorized,
right down to a sluice box and even a gold pan, here in Oregon non-motorized don't have to apply but have to carry a copy.
SB 637 is false because you don't have a choice, its not "or" its one or the other you can only have one,
the Army corp. 404 dredge/fill or state/EPA 402 NPDES not both. an NPDES is not the right permit
but that is whats coming you'll have to comment using reason and logic and cover all the areas
you wont be able to see the comments from the envoronuts until they release the draft permit
might help to look at Oregon's comments on the 700pm Oregon DEQ: Water Quality Permit Program - Mining

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wasn't brandon's case over him dredging in a recreational area, not the fact that he was dredging? that was than made out to be about dredging.

correct me if i'm wrong.
he was on his own family claim

we should set up a forum and stream the meetings live on tnet- I hope its live in some viewable capacity.

I would like to see areas with no endemic migratory fish get a fast pass for the clean water permits in some capacity, if there are and never were salmon in your streach it should not have same blanket policy burden as other areas. Yellow belly mountain toad or tuolumne worms are my real worry about messing up the water for.......

if its anything like the abalone regulations, they will take your fishermans/miners considerations, offer some limited options and others will vote on reductions they planned in the first place, thanks for your considerations and participation of the public was noted.

I think we will see how effective each california gold club and lobby group is in this next round of the epic saga of mining regulations. Will Amra step up and deliver a nugget of victory for every small claim owner? Will the new49ers get water restrictions from the Indian Nations in the north? will some group do something? This should be a TV show for sure.

I will be there,

lets get the nuggets rolling

we should set up a forum and stream the meetings live on tnet- I hope its live in some viewable capacity.

I would like to see areas with no endemic migratory fish get a fast pass for the clean water permits in some capacity, if there are and never were salmon in your streach it should not have same blanket policy burden as other areas. Yellow belly mountain toad or tuolumne worms are my real worry about messing up the water for.......

if its anything like the abalone regulations, they will take your fishermans/miners considerations, offer some limited options and others will vote on reductions they planned in the first place, thanks for your considerations and participation of the public was noted.

I think we will see how effective each california gold club and lobby group is in this next round of the epic saga of mining regulations. Will Amra step up and deliver a nugget of victory for every small claim owner? Will the new49ers get water restrictions from the Indian Nations in the north? will some group do something? This should be a TV show for sure.

I will be there,

lets get the nuggets rolling
there needs to be people speaking up as individuals. the clubs can help organize the sentiment and help share info. They are not there to be the fixers that's why they never are.
I really hope you take the opportunity to address your grievances face to face with the people you've been bashing here.

Here are some sample questions that were attached to the agenda:

State Water Board staff is seeking public comment on potential regulatory actions which the Water
Boards may take to protect water quality from suction dredge mining impacts. Comments are
anticipated on equipment, practices, monitoring requirements, and targeted prohibitions. State
Water Board staff has prepared sample questions to initiate discussions on suction dredge mining
and water quality protection. Participating stakeholders and Tribal interests will have the
opportunity to comment on issues brought up during the discussions and to present any additional
issues at the public meetings.

 Should the State Water Board issue a permit? depends on size of equipment. The CFR definition for casual use says "It may include use of small portable suction dredges." so 2.5" or smaller should be waived, above 2.5 would require a permit."

 What types of equipment should be permitted for use? Suction Dredges and Highbankers.

 Should certain protective practices be required? If so, what kind? For Highbankers, a settling pond.

 Should monitoring be required? If so, what kind?? Monitoring should be conducted by the Mining Districts if they are establlished.

 What prohibitions, if any, should apply? For example, should the State Water Board:

o Prohibit the use of, or method of using, certain types of equipment? Only if an opreator is found to be negligent in their operations.

o Prohibit dredging where existing high concentrations or measures of mercury, sediment, turbidity, and/or trace metals impair the water body and impact its beneficial uses, such as:
 no dredging at all in such a water body or the impaired segment of the water body; or
 no dredging within a specified distance upstream of such water a body or a water body segment; We all know we remove the mercury, lead, and other metals, so this question is mute in my opinion. Additionally, Mohter nature creates more turbidity than we do.
o Prohibit dredging a specified distance upstream of drinking water system water intakes; I would take this into consideration say 1000'
o Prohibit dredging a specified distance from California Native American Tribal land boundaries; and/or no
o Prohibit dredging in waters with elevated fish or aquatic invertebrate tissue mercury levels. If the mercury levels are elevated I say we need to prioritize dredging in those areas to remove the mercury

I am curious to how you would answer these questions. If you choose to provide answers, please be serious. Also, please don't turn this into an battlegorund thread. I respect all of you and will respect your iniput.
I will be documenting how many miners (actual users and affected) are there vs. the lack of public in opposition to our activities. The same should be done at the southern workshops I won't be at.
Mike S. can you make sure this happens, in Fresno? I figure you will be at that meeting. I will be contacting you via p.m. most likely tomorrow.

we need to be very vocal about the lack of reason for the bill and keep pounding home the actual affect we have vs. nature and point out that they are setting an agenda and the lack of the public actually asking for these bills to be created.

there needs to be people speaking up as individuals. the clubs can help organize the sentiment and help share info. They are not there to be the fixers that's why they never are.
I really hope you take the opportunity to address your grievances face to face with the people you've been bashing here.

Thats why Im not in a club, I will do my best for me and fellow small miners, not some gold club group of hundreds all using the same spots to death, thats what they are worried about more than little old me.....

clubs and Amra not fixers huh? fixers, they never are you say.............they dont have clout to help in this issue? I think you need to think that one through

my point is that it is foolish to leave it to a group without participating in your own way. you don't "need" a group to address the gov. they are helpful in putting individuals together. I'm a gpaa member because I'm a dealer. I don't need a club to get spots to dig so the only reason I would join one is if I would be bringing something to the table for other members. If I have anything that will help I will be sharing it with every group participating in preserving(pointing out that we have) rights. Regardless of if I have a personal issue with their org. I won't send anyone money unless they are the directly affected individual however.

I will also be pointing out the lack of organized approach we will see from our side over the next few months because that's what we will see. And I will be pointing it out face to face when I run into the guys at the workshops with documentation of how I called for it from the get go. These workshops are a CYA check box and the rules and regs. they want are already decided and even so I will be there and very vocal with and articulate with my input regardless of the pointlessness. That way I'm not the typical whiner that we see too much during the lead up and after these meetings and hearings.

X's two GW. Sacramento and Redding are just too far from me but there is nothing more educational than "been there, heard that, said this. :icon_thumright:

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna start work on a miniature remote control dredge that looks like a Mississippi Show boat but works like Tonys.

(Shhh, don't tell you know who) :evil6:

note to before noon opens up all kinds of things!

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