That's the beauty of it cb, you don't have to give it up. I actually think your video shows that you have a good vaquero as it hits your targets as well as the nox. Gotta know there is a big difference in the 9x8 conc. Coil on the v as compared to the 11dd . Of course it will separate better.
Now before this looks like I'm bashing the nox, no way. It looks like a great machine for the money. I have no interest in one though as there are a few things about it I don't care for design wise. I've chatted back and forth with a few of the owners of nox some love them, some are selling off as they didn't care for them. As far as going back over sights and finding more goods, I've done that with almost every machine I've owned. Some days I'm on, some days I'm not. Anyways, it just seems like your trying to say the vaquero is a craptrap because it is single tone but that's what they are, you don't like single tone, ok, sell me your vaquero problem solved ,,lol

if it was mine I would lol.... that's kinda what the thread is about one tone verse multi tone.... pros and cons...etc

Calabash, talking about unmasking. What do you think the Equinox would do in a scenario like this. Bad ground, reads a constant 87 on a meter. Lots of iron native to the soil, (millions of small magnetite crystals, an iron ore), polluted with small hand forged nails and THESE IMG_0876.webp. These are the "bigger" pieces of the ration can pieces from the Civil War. Most were 1/2" to 1" in diameter. Some were heat treated also. So imagine you are in a spot 10' x 15'. There are about 400 objects in the spot. The detector is finding them all. So moving a coil three inches gives off several signals. Also in the spot are 3 eagle buttons and 2 bullets. How would the Equinox do? I know there were 3 eagles and 2 bullets because I recovered them, after having my hair go grey!

Oh and Calabash I forgot to add, you won't find a more foam at the mouth bunch of diehards like the tesoro brotherhood so watch your six. Lol

I thought "foam at the mouth ...diehards" went for every detector brand.

Oh we do, but we always keep a backup or ten of tesoros.

Am I the only one who gets enjoyment out of the simplicity of a beep and dig one tone? To me, when I'm in the mood I just want to use a Tesoro. It's hard to explain but after using one for the first time (a conquistador) I was absolutely hooked! Again. That's just me. I do like to dig up the best items possible in the time I have for the hobby.....but, it is still just a hobby and made for enjoyment. Some people get kicks out of different things. I view all my machines as different tools in the toolbox. What a great hobby!

HighVDI, the beep and go's are good a lot of places. I still keep one. That one is my Cibola. Too many machines, not enough days.

HighVDI, the beep and go's are good a lot of places. I still keep one. That one is my Cibola. Too many machines, not enough days.

Amen to that smoke.

Anybody have an answer to my question with the nasty ground, hundreds of pieces of (blasted) ration can bits and the Equinox series? It is a real question, not a jab. The Equinox I was using choked on that little area. Eventually I usually resort to just digging up the whole place, but we're running out of digging season here. Historically, since the place has been dug since the 1960's apparently no machine has been able to get it all. Too much dirt, not enough time.

Go back and watch your own videos where you compare the ATMax. Listen to the words you use and the tone you take. You went into that comparison already with your mind made up. That’s called bias. Your short 4 months or whatever it was with your ATPro made you a Garrett hater, and it shows in your videos and forum posts. In your Vaquero comparison you didn’t have that bias, you actually were giving it a fair shake. I’m complimenting you for this, so don’t take offense. But to consider yourself an expert because others coached you on how to set it up is laughable. Every Successful Tesoro user will tell you that it takes time to learn what it’s telling you. If you think that doesn’t apply to you because the experts told you how to set it up, then that’s just ludicrous. You think I’m a Garrett fan, but I swung Tesoros for over 10 years. I can tell you that once you hear what it’s telling you, you can hear the difference between pull tabs, bottle caps and coins, and you don’t need to thumb the disc to do it. By the way, I’m not questioning that the Equinox is a good machine. Not perfect from what I can tell, but no machine is. My biggest criticism of Tesoro machines is that new ones are overpriced. I won’t even argue that a Cortes and the Equinox, although similarity priced are far from equals. The Cortes should retail for $399 for what it offers in today’s market.

Am I the only one who gets enjoyment out of the simplicity of a beep and dig one tone? To me, when I'm in the mood I just want to use a Tesoro. It's hard to explain but after using one for the first time (a conquistador) I was absolutely hooked! Again. That's just me. I do like to dig up the best items possible in the time I have for the hobby.....but, it is still just a hobby and made for enjoyment. Some people get kicks out of different things. I view all my machines as different tools in the toolbox. What a great hobby!
Nope. That's why I fire up my original MD...a Whites 6/DB...a coupla times each year. If nothing more than to remind me how far we've come (and to give my wrists a workout). 😁

Go back and watch your own videos where you compare the ATMax. Listen to the words you use and the tone you take. You went into that comparison already with your mind made up. That’s called bias. Your short 4 months or whatever it was with your ATPro made you a Garrett hater, and it shows in your videos and forum posts. In your Vaquero comparison you didn’t have that bias, you actually were giving it a fair shake. I’m complimenting you for this, so don’t take offense. But to consider yourself an expert because others coached you on how to set it up is laughable. Every Successful Tesoro user will tell you that it takes time to learn what it’s telling you. If you think that doesn’t apply to you because the experts told you how to set it up, then that’s just ludicrous. You think I’m a Garrett fan, but I swung Tesoros for over 10 years. I can tell you that once you hear what it’s telling you, you can hear the difference between pull tabs, bottle caps and coins, and you don’t need to thumb the disc to do it. By the way, I’m not questioning that the Equinox is a good machine. Not perfect from what I can tell, but no machine is. My biggest criticism of Tesoro machines is that new ones are overpriced. I won’t even argue that a Cortes and the Equinox, although similarity priced are far from equals. The Cortes should retail for $399 for what it offers in today’s market.

You are welcome to stop by here and we will film you being able to tell bottle caps, pull tabs, etc with your Tesoro without having to thumb the disc....... It doesn't take a expert to run it over some targets in a test garden and film it... I don't have to know the so called nuances of the TONE to do that. BTW as far as the AT MAX goes its a hunk of crap.... that's why I said what I said in my videos. Listen to the iron vol and pop corn tones... Garrett ripped you boys off on that unit. Don't be mad at me because they repackaged a detector and made millions off loyal users. Go take a poll and see how many loyal users love the Max...If you want a head ache today go cut the iron vol on and listen to it run over a nail for 3 minutes , that should do the trick.

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Turn the volume down to the point that the iron audio is not overwhelming and it's just fine. No headaches yet.

Oh, and thanks for calling my new detector a "hunk of crap". This is why I bump heads with you. It's not the content, it's the delivery.

I will add one more tidbit into the foray before it gets outta hand. Not that it would make any difference against the tone Id part of the discussion but. You can get the vaq. and cib. in both high or low tone version. For my earballs, the high tone version gives a lot more info about the targets. And yes one can get pretty accurate on what's beneath the coil with one tone.
Especially when it comes to hunting in heavy iron. Also if you are in the heavy stuff, super tuning will usually make things worse.

I may post some more thoughts on this later.

For now I will say that I believe it is possible to tell the difference between a pull tab, bottle cap and a coin with the Vaquero with some accuracy. I won't personally attest that I was very good at it but I felt like I had a sixth sense with the machine after the 1st summer of use. More often then not I dug anyway though. (Tesoro guys know there is a great book on this topic and I think its one of the best metal detecting books I have read period.)

Having said that.. the stock coil on the Vaq is a bit much in trashy sites and the Equinox stock coil even though it is bigger seems to separate targets very well. (There may be a Concentric vs DD debate in here as well?)

I had more success using my F22 in trashy sites by using the vdi as an indicator than I did with the Vaq. These sites were just too trashy for the stock coil (In all fairness not an apple to apples comparison for Tesoro)
I am now having this same kind of success that I have had with the F22 with the Equinox. The VDI is jumpy on the Nox same as the fisher machine though? Still working out the bugs on this..

I once saw a great video demonstrating this method of hunting by VDI with Howard Hewitt (I think it was called the Penny arcade) he was hunting with the Tejon but the nails and iron were just overwhelming. He switches to the T2 and started digging the vdi jumps or squeaky targets and was able to unmask coins.

When I hunt I usually only have an hour or two tops so I need to be selective. If I really wanted to dig every target and find missing relics or potential a coin I passed up the beep and dig would be the way to go.

If it sounds like I'm debating myself its because I am ;)

If Tesoro comes out with a respectable competitor in the waterproof, VDI category on par with the Makro, Nox, Deus, AT Pro lineup. I'll be one of the 1st to order.

If I was jumping into the hobby with only a couple hundred bucks I don't think you could go wrong with the entry level Tesoro beep and dig machines.
These fancy pants detectors are like fish finders for us obsessive types. HH

Coin vs pulltab is easy. The coin beep is smooth on and smooth off. Pull tabs pop at the ends. I'm going from memory, but I never had any trouble knowing when I was over a coin with a Tesoro. Any gold I found was with a Tesoro. I wish I had found enough to describe what specifically gold sounded like, but I only got my coil over a few in the 30 years I've been doing this. One of the best detectors I had was a Garrett Freedom Plus 2 with the trigger actuated pinpointer and dual discriminator. No screen.

It's simple

PROs Beep & Dig, if you dig everything you miss less

CONs Beep & Dig, if you dig everything you waste your time on digging all that trash.

About two years back my son detected with me quite a bit, he was 8 or 9 at the time and used a Tesoro Compadre.....I usually set his disc to nock out most pulltabs and of course nickels, foil, iron etc. He hunted without headphones and at 10 or so feet away I could call a coin when he got over one with about 80% accuracy maybe a little better. Sure, a brass washer or something weird like that might fool me every now and then but not pulltabs or bottle caps. Round objects like coins tend to give that "round sound" that all seasoned Tesoro users know.

It's simple

PROs Beep & Dig, if you dig everything you miss less

CONs Beep & Dig, if you dig everything you waste your time on digging all that trash.

Waste of time in your book is an investment of time in ours. Not nit picking, just a difference of perspective.
Beep and Dig baby!!

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