Propointer vs Pistol Probe - I know its been about an update ??

I had both the Pistol Probe and Pro-Pointer. The Pistol Probe is deep ( 6") but didn't like that it was hard to hear, or it being deep and wide I picked up junk that was next to my hole. Its long and bulky, the handle is tapered and I would thing hard to hold on to if your hands were dirty. I got rid of the Pistol Probe and love the Pro-Pointer... plus I like other things about it. You can de-tune it, its tuff and water proof, and there is not tuning just off and on... it calibrates every time you turn it on. And it gets 2" and that's all I needed, I use my detector for more.


I got an early Xmas present, a Propointer. I have had a Pistol Probe for months.

After using what really jumps out at me is the difference in depth finding between
the 2. On a day when ground conditions limited the Pistol Probe to only reach 2-3 inches the Propointer would only do an inch. It could not find objects on the other side of a plug perhaps a couple of inches thick.

The Propointer is a dream to use. Durable, light, really lets one know when it finds the target. Better at locating the target once it is in it's range.

The Pistol Probe will find more targets without the use of the big machine. It can locate well but not with the precision of the Propointer. It's button is a nightmare to use. Hard to use. The tips of my thumbs have lost their feeling from pressing that thing. Had to glue on a button to engage it with gloves on.

If the operator is excellent at target location with their big machine (to within a couple inches) then the Propointer is the way to go. If one can't do that or are working on their skills in that area the Propointer will not be of much use if they miss by a couple inches. You will end up standing up and reusing the big machine.

The Pistol Probe will save a lot of digging and minimize the size of the plug as it will pick up the exact location of shallower targets before you dig. Perhaps 2 to 3 times the depth of the Propointer. It can also function as a detector for multiple targets. I found an old school where the grass by the door had dozens of coins within 3 feet of the sidewalk. I parked the big unit and just used the Pistol Probe because of too many targets (nice problem though).

I find that I now use both. The Pistol Probe to locate an accurate location of where to dig a smaller plug and the Propointer to find the target once the plug is open. Many times I had opened the plug and try the Propointer and it does not register even when it is the other side of the plug. The Pistol probe will locate it every time. If the Probe was easier to use I would not have bought the Propointer.

The Probe would be described as a great piece of hard to use equipment. The manufacturer would do well to redesign the thing with the operator in mind.

The Propointer is a dream to use.

I believe these are designed with different purposes in mind.

I always said the Propointer was the one i liked best.......... But i got a Pistol Pro and my plugs are a lot smaller.... As soon as i get a signal i use my Pistol Probe and the target is right under it even if it is 4 or 5 or at times 6 inches down.......... so that means a really small plug.......... And that video that dirtyjohn.....put up here from you tube is why i got the pistol probe and my finds has increased since i got the pistol probe..............And also there is times that i get a target and then i dig and then my detector will not sound off on the target again.............. So i get out my Pistol Probe stick it in the hole and it sounds off..........So i dig down more .......... And then i get my prize...... When you dig a hole then your detector will not sound off again we say it is small pices of rusted iron so that is the end of it................... But after i got the probe there was a find in that hole we all said was just small bits of rusted iron.... So we gave up filled the hole and walked away and left the find there......... So a lot of times those ghost signals are not ghost signals but finds........................ Think about it.........

A prime example today. Pistol Probe gave a signal that indicated about 3" down by the sound. I cut a 3x4 plug and turned on the Propointer. Sure enough there was a dime about another 1/2 inch down. I then searched the hole and the plug with the Propointer with no hits. I put the plug back in and hit it again with the Pistol Probe. It sounded off.

I cut the plug in half and it turns out there was a quarter in the middle of the plug that the Propointer was unable to detect. If I had used the big detector I would have had to get up and down another time and search for the find. I am in my 60's and the ups and downs need to be kept at a minimum.

I did solve the button problem with the Pistol Probe. I guerilla glued a button the same diameter on top of the factory button. That made it high enough that I could press with my gloves on. Then I put a large button in the thumb of my glove. Now I can press that darned button with ease and without causing my thumbs to go numb!


tcornel said:
A prime example today. Pistol Probe gave a signal that indicated about 3" down by the sound. I cut a 3x4 plug and turned on the Propointer. Sure enough there was a dime about another 1/2 inch down. I then searched the hole and the plug with the Propointer with no hits. I put the plug back in and hit it again with the Pistol Probe. It sounded off.

I cut the plug in half and it turns out there was a quarter in the middle of the plug that the Propointer was unable to detect. If I had used the big detector I would have had to get up and down another time and search for the find. I am in my 60's and the ups and downs need to be kept at a minimum.

I did solve the button problem with the Pistol Probe. I guerilla glued a button the same diameter on top of the factory button. That made it high enough that I could press with my gloves on. Then I put a large button in the thumb of my glove. Now I can press that darned button with ease and without causing my thumbs to go numb!

Your right i don't know how much i missed with the propointer ...... But i know you will not miss to much with the pistol probe..........

I am going to be the prude here and comment on the video and amount of damage to the grass. If this video was seen by a park manager in my neck of the woods the use of metal detectors would be band from the parks system. This sends a message that it is OK to dig holes in the grass. Would have been better to place the dirt on a cloth for placing it back in the hole, but that wasn't shown. Now some "goodie two shoes" will probably send this to park managers all over the country. Archies will love it. :BangHead:

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Think about it............ :angry5:

Sandman said:
I am going to be the prude here and comment on the video and amount of damage to the grass. If this video was seen by a park manager in my neck of the woods the use of metal detectors would be band from the parks system. This sends a message that it is OK to dig holes in the grass. Would have been better to place the dirt on a cloth for placing it back in the hole, but that wasn't shown. Now some "goodie two shoes" will probably send this to park managers all over the country. Archies will love it. :BangHead:

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Think about it............ :angry5:
Yes Sandman that hole was big.... But after i used a pistol probe my holes got smaller....And unless i was in a field they were never that big .... not even in a field...............

I've been lurking around on this site for quite some time and I'll chime in on this. I looked at the Pro Pointer and the Pistol Probe both had great reviews but I went with the Probe for depth. The grounds people at the local parks are real friendly so long as you cut very small plugs. I use an ice pick, stiff steak knives, and a spoon. That probe goes deep and generally knowing what the target is I can carve a very small deep hole right around it. It is very quiet but taking off the headphones is just automatic anymore. The first time I used it I set it, frequency high, volume high, sensitivity to where it doesn't beep when it touches the ground, and haven't opened that cheap little door since. It is a tad bulky but not near as bad as the freebee that came with the detector. I carry it with the handle in my back pocket, I know it's there but it's not uncomfortable at all. If I ever have a chance to try the Garrett or anything compatible and find it better for me when this one dies I'll go with it. Until then I'll stick with the Probe.


Grafixwild said:
I've been lurking around on this site for quite some time and I'll chime in on this. I looked at the Pro Pointer and the Pistol Probe both had great reviews but I went with the Probe for depth. The grounds people at the local parks are real friendly so long as you cut very small plugs. I use an ice pick, stiff steak knives, and a spoon. That probe goes deep and generally knowing what the target is I can carve a very small deep hole right around it. It is very quiet but taking off the headphones is just automatic anymore. The first time I used it I set it, frequency high, volume high, sensitivity to where it doesn't beep when it touches the ground, and haven't opened that cheap little door since. It is a tad bulky but not near as bad as the freebee that came with the detector. I carry it with the handle in my back pocket, I know it's there but it's not uncomfortable at all. If I ever have a chance to try the Garrett or anything compatible and find it better for me when this one dies I'll go with it. Until then I'll stick with the Probe.

Yes that is what i mean when i said my holes got smaller.....

I swear I'm not trying to be a smart*&$ here...but doesn't everyone's pinpoint on the MD work well enough to pinpoint the target and dig a small hole anyway?

okdiggermark said:
I swear I'm not trying to be a smart*&$ here...but doesn't everyone's pinpoint on the MD work well enough to pinpoint the target and dig a small hole anyway?

okdiggermark said:
I swear I'm not trying to be a smart*&$ here...but doesn't everyone's pinpoint on the MD work well enough to pinpoint the target and dig a small hole anyway?

In the parks here the grounds people are proud of their work and anything shy of a mis-caught frisbee peeling the grass riles them up. Subsequently you make a minimal impact. Almost like your hiding what you're doing you turn your back so they can't watch you cutting and digging. You don't want it banned so with surgical precision you cut a plug and dig. Your standard Lecshe won't work here you'll ruin it for everyone.

In other places where shovels and sand scoops are warranted I don't see a use for a pinpointer if I'm digging in an some outhouse from the mining days. It's amazing what people lost in those things, lol.

As far as pinpointing the machine. I admittingly know less about that than anything about my 705. In most cases it's always off the tip but I'm always off an inch or so. I can run it forward and back and left and right but instead size the target, breakout the pinpointer, probe to affirm and recover. That's my process it's fast and I'm happy with it. So much in fact I can cut a nickle sized radius around a dime straight down and recover

@GrfixxWld: I always am SUPER CAREFUL at Parks here also. Especially our oldest Park. I don't want to be the one that ruins it for myself or anyone else. Sounds like what you're doing is working great for ya! The ground here is still not frozen, we've had unseasonably warm weather this winter (yea!!!) and just got about a 3" rain yesterday, so the MD's should be hitting DEEP!!

okdiggermark said:
I swear I'm not trying to be a smart*&$ here...but doesn't everyone's pinpoint on the MD work well enough to pinpoint the target and dig a small hole anyway?
Could be it does but a lot of times the coin is out of the hole and i can not see it.............. Get the pinpointer and find it right on top of the dirt.... Even with my glasses on it is hard to see that find at times..... That is were the pin pointer comes in handy.

I know if I am pinpointing and there are multiple coins or nails in the same proximity, I can be off by several inches - sometimes I think even if the coin is lying at an angle and not parallel to my coil it throws the PP off; then out comes the handheld unit. It just saves a lot of frustration.

First of all, let me say hello! :hello:

Now that that is out of the way...

1) Digging in parks: Jerks that leave huge holes ruin it for all of us yes, But here in N.C. and Virginia they will throw your butt in the clink and seize your equipment if you go digging in parks!

Bye bye Detectors, pin pointers, and accessories... Forever! You wont get them back!

2) As far as using ice picks, knives or anything sharp like that to plug? Just wait until you puncture something valuable, ring, watch, Gold coin etc... Bet you will never do that again.

3) The real issue here... Pin pointers!
I never buy anything without doing extensive, full research before hand.

First of all I went with the Pistol probe for many reasons that the Garret will not come close to...

a) It's water proof up to the house. I can submerge my probe 6" into water straight out of the box. Not waxing ports and seal or worrying about water damage. To the guy that does that, The Garrett will eventually have the body breached by water if continue to submerge it.

b) Sound: Take your head phones off! Your going to get brains tumors and die with all those frequencies hi to low in your head. Yes there are sounds that can kill you! Also sounds that heal you! Sounds can be dangerous! I am a scientist, trust me. I have 2 settings for sound on my probe, high and low, or I can switch L.E.D. indicators. HIGH setting is big time loud. when I'm in the woods, even on the LOW setting I feel like I am making to much noise, lol!

c) Depth: No comparison! Probe goes twice as deep as Garrett

d) Accuracy: Way more accurate that Garrett by far! Come on people, It has Thresh hold and frequency settings for crying out loud, lol!

e) Detect System: Pulse induction-Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) Game over right here people.

f) Operation: Some say the button breaks or is hard to push? I have never had a problem with it and the button is rubber and quite comfortable for short periods. It also has FULL TIME ON setting for those who prefer to not touch the button at all.

g) Power source: You want to talk battery life? This puppy runs on (2) Count'em... 2! 9 volt batteries!!!

Bottom line is... there is NO comparison IMO. Probe beats any and all hands down!

(Yes, I actually own one.. No I am not a dealer nor am I affiliated in anyway with Detectpro)

Drawbacks that I can think of, for unbiased opinion:

a) Not very comfortable in the hand, cramping in the thumb and hand can become uncomfortable holding the button for long periods of time . (But that's why I like the full time on feature)

b) It can be misconstrued as a gun by the shape of it, while it's in your hand, or at rest when its in it's holster, attracting the worst, most unwanted attention you can imagine, lol!

Hope this helps clear some air.

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Big time loud? No way, not mine, and the responses I got after posting a video if it's operation with sound set to as max as I can get it, was that my volume is the norm for the Pistol. If there is ANY ambient sounds happening, like more than even a moderate breeze, the non-gradient hum sound from the pistol becomes invisable. I use my Pistol Probe in tandem with the Garretts to reconcile that I do indeed still have a target beyond 2" before the initial dig or when deep in the hole and getting tired of not knowing, but I personally will never ever elect to leave my Pro Pointer at home and just use this Pistol. The Garrett's proximinity alert feature totally makes it the only choice between the two, plus the vibrate mode and light on the Garrett are features beyond those of the Pistol Probe.

Yes, the button is very hard to push. IMO, they should have had a switch outboard to switch it totally on and off, not momentary, instead of having to flip the cover open and twist the knob. I don't like having to use a thumb to get the needed pressure to get it on, an index finger is my choice. I PP left handed so the left thumb causes me to cover the speaker many times and then the low sound gets even worse due to the ergonomics of the speaker placement. I am a Pro Pointer user for life. The Pistol has it's use with it's depth, but that's about it IMPO. martin
First of all, let me say hello! :hello:

Now that that is out of the way...

1) Digging in parks: Jerks that leave huge holes ruin it for all of us yes, But here in N.C. and Virginia they will throw your butt in the clink and seize your equipment if you go digging in parks!

Bye bye Detectors, pin pointers, and accessories... Forever! You wont get them back!

2) As far as using ice picks, knives or anything sharp like that to plug? Just wait until you puncture something valuable, ring, watch, Gold coin etc... Bet you will never do that again.

3) The real issue here... Pin pointers!
I never buy anything without doing extensive, full research before hand.

First of all I went with the Pistol probe for many reasons that the Garret will not come close to...

a) It's water proof up to the house. I can submerge my probe 6" into water straight out of the box. Not waxing ports and seal or worrying about water damage. To the guy that does that, The Garrett will eventually have the body breached by water if continue to submerge it.

b) Sound: Take your head phones off! Your going to get brains tumors and die with all those frequencies hi to low in your head. Yes there are sounds that can kill you! Also sounds that heal you! Sounds can be dangerous! I am a scientist, trust me. I have 2 settings for sound on my probe, high and low, or I can switch L.E.D. indicators. HIGH setting is big time loud. when I'm in the woods, even on the LOW setting I feel like I am making to much noise, lol!

c) Depth: No comparison! Probe goes twice as deep as Garrett

d) Accuracy: Way more accurate that Garrett by far! Come on people, It has Thresh hold and frequency settings for crying out loud, lol!

e) Detect System: Pulse induction-Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) Game over right here people.

f) Operation: Some say the button breaks or is hard to push? I have never had a problem with it and the button is rubber and quite comfortable for short periods. It also has FULL TIME ON setting for those who prefer to not touch the button at all.

g) Power source: You want to talk battery life? This puppy runs on (2) Count'em... 2! 9 volt batteries!!!

Bottom line is... there is NO comparison IMO. Probe beats any and all hands down!

(Yes, I actually own one.. No I am not a dealer nor am I affiliated in anyway with Detectpro)

Drawbacks that I can think of, for unbiased opinion:

a) Not very comfortable in the hand, cramping in the thumb and hand can become uncomfortable holding the button for long periods of time . (But that's why I like the full time on feature)

b) It can be misconstrued as a gun by the shape of it, while it's in your hand, or at rest when its in it's holster, attracting the worst, most unwanted attention you can imagine, lol!

Hope this helps clear some air.

Big time loud? No way, not mine,

Mine is embarrassing loud, You must have a lemon or just have dirt clogged in it, Happens to a lot of users who neglect equipment. :BangHead:

If there is ANY ambient sounds happening, like more than even a moderate breeze, the non-gradient hum sound from the pistol "becomes invisable.

Actually the sounds do change in pitch quite a bit and they are very distinctive unto themselves at variable intervals, so I fail to understand your logic and how you deem the unit to produce non gradient sounds. Also...How does sound "Become Invisible" anyway? :icon_scratch:

I use my Pistol Probe in tandem with the Garretts to reconcile that I do indeed still have a target beyond 2" before the initial dig or when deep in the hole and getting tired of not knowing, but I personally will never ever elect to leave my Pro Pointer at home and just use this Pistol.

Lol! Do you have a caddy to carry all of these items? Thank you for admitting yourself, that Garrett is worthless beyond 2" :hello2:

The Garrett's proximinity alert feature totally makes it the only choice between the two, plus the vibrate mode and light on the Garrett are features beyond those of the Pistol Probe.

Once again...ahhh...Sorry but the pointer "DOES HAVE" gradient sound

also has a light indicator(s), so I fail to understand your logic once again.:icon_scratch:

The only benefit you seem to boast,
the only true differences,
besides the fact that pistol probe goes so much deeper than the Garrett
is that it doesn't....


Sorry, I'm not into vibrators, nor do I need one, I would think that is a feature for deaf people.

No... Sorry, I do not use handicap devices.

Yes, the button is very hard to push. IMO, they should have had a switch outboard to switch it totally on and off, not momentary, instead of having to flip the cover open and twist the knob.

Why should they? It's not a problem for me to push the button, maybe a girl or a dainty person might have trouble.

As far as turning it on? What does it matter where the switch is loctaed, The fact is... It has one,

All one has to do is open the case and click a switch, wow that is so tough... What a daunting task that is for most people. :icon_scratch:

I don't like having to use a thumb to get the needed pressure to get it on, an index finger is my choice. I PP left handed so the left thumb causes me to cover the speaker many times and then the low sound gets even worse due to the ergonomics of the speaker placement

I hold it all the time with my left hand and never have a problem hearing it. My hand is never over the speaker. Maybe a Sasquatch would have trouble holding it.

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I am a scientist, trust me.

LOL! Famous last words. :tongue3:

Here is the video I took of my Pistol with the audio. Mind you, these are ultra shallow PP, so I think that the volume should scream. Mine gets real sad in volume around 3 inches in the soil. I meant proxmomity, not gradient. Even so, I need more umph with the gradient change. Please let me know if you think mine may need replacement. I would be gratefull to help getting this thing louder. martin


e in pitch quite a bit and they are very distinctive unto themselves at variable intervals, so I fail to understand your logic and how you deem the unit to produce non gradient sounds. Also...How does sound "Become Invisible" anyway? :icon_scratch:

Lol! Do you have a caddy to carry all of these items? Thank you for admitting yourself, that Garrett is worthless beyond 2" :hello2:

Once again...ahhh...Sorry but the pointer "DOES HAVE" gradient sound

also has a light indicator(s), so I fail to understand your logic once again.:icon_scratch:

The only benefit you seem to boast,
the only true differences,
besides the fact that pistol probe goes so much deeper than the Garrett
is that it doesn't....


Sorry, I'm not into vibrators, nor do I need one, I would think that is a feature for deaf people.

No... Sorry, I do not use handicap devices.

Why should they? It's not a problem for me to push the button, maybe a girl or a dainty person might have trouble.

As far as turning it on? What does it matter where the switch is loctaed, The fact is... It has one,

All one has to do is open the case and click a switch, wow that is so tough... What a daunting task that is for most people. :icon_scratch:

I hold it all the time with my left hand and never have a problem hearing it. My hand is never over the speaker. Maybe a Sasquatch would have trouble holding it.[/QUOTE]

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