First of all, let me say hello!
Now that that is out of the way...
1) Digging in parks: Jerks that leave huge holes ruin it for all of us yes, But here in N.C. and Virginia they will throw your butt in the clink and seize your equipment if you go digging in parks!
Bye bye Detectors, pin pointers, and accessories... Forever! You wont get them back!
2) As far as using ice picks, knives or anything sharp like that to plug? Just wait until you puncture something valuable, ring, watch, Gold coin etc... Bet you will never do that again.
3) The real issue here... Pin pointers!
I never buy anything without doing extensive, full research before hand.
First of all I went with the Pistol probe for many reasons that the Garret will not come close to...
a) It's water proof up to the house. I can submerge my probe 6" into water straight out of the box. Not waxing ports and seal or worrying about water damage. To the guy that does that, The Garrett will eventually have the body breached by water if continue to submerge it.
b) Sound: Take your head phones off! Your going to get brains tumors and die with all those frequencies hi to low in your head. Yes there are sounds that can kill you! Also sounds that heal you! Sounds can be dangerous! I am a scientist, trust me. I have 2 settings for sound on my probe, high and low, or I can switch L.E.D. indicators. HIGH setting is big time loud. when I'm in the woods, even on the LOW setting I feel like I am making to much noise, lol!
c) Depth: No comparison! Probe goes twice as deep as Garrett
d) Accuracy: Way more accurate that Garrett by far! Come on people, It has Thresh hold and frequency settings for crying out loud, lol!
e) Detect System: Pulse induction-Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) Game over right here people.
f) Operation: Some say the button breaks or is hard to push? I have never had a problem with it and the button is rubber and quite comfortable for short periods. It also has FULL TIME ON setting for those who prefer to not touch the button at all.
g) Power source: You want to talk battery life? This puppy runs on (2) Count'em... 2! 9 volt batteries!!!
Bottom line is... there is NO comparison IMO. Probe beats any and all hands down!
(Yes, I actually own one.. No I am not a dealer nor am I affiliated in anyway with Detectpro)
Drawbacks that I can think of, for unbiased opinion:
a) Not very comfortable in the hand, cramping in the thumb and hand can become uncomfortable holding the button for long periods of time . (But that's why I like the full time on feature)
b) It can be misconstrued as a gun by the shape of it, while it's in your hand, or at rest when its in it's holster, attracting the worst, most unwanted attention you can imagine, lol!
Hope this helps clear some air.