progressives attack 9-year-old girls rights

I think Ammo was making the point that a "liberal" person is more likely to get into education, not GET an education. In other words, more likely to become teachers and, sad as it is, professors. If that is what he is saying I have to admit I have a tendency to agree. I have seen it personally. A college teacher bringing a "guest" into our Civics class to preach about how he could never kill anyone, for any reason and our society just lets our kids watch John Wayne war movies to teach our children to kill. If I had rose-colored-glasses, tended to be on the lazy side and was into drugs I might fall in line with the rest of the sheep.

Taz, you said, "Because Sarah isn´t at school (although she should really consider it) where they got different rules then they got "in public". "
This school does not have a "Policy" forbidding this girl to wear this particular shirt. Some of the "staff" didn't like it and reported their concerns. They wanted the girl and her family to just "cave in" to their wishes and not put up a fight although the girl was WITHIN HER RIGHTS TO WEAR IT! She should be allowed her pursuit of happiness and the freedom to express her pride in the LEGAL activity she participates in. I have seen kids wearing rock band clothing with skulls and demons on them but that's ok? Did you ever play one of those violent video games? This girl shoots a real gun and knows how and when to use it. I'm not familiar with too many video games but I'm going to guess there are no "safeties" on the guns used in them. This girl does the real deal and also knows what a safety is. She might be able to teach gun appreciation and safety to her fellow students as long as it doesn't scare the staff.

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