The biggest difference I see now is you have a huge percentages of citizens that do not like the direction this country has taken, nor the social policies being forced on us by someone trying to rule by executive action. We feel the time is coming where we may indeed need them to protect ourselves and our families and we do not want to surrender or give another inch of our rights away.
You keep chipping away at a right, you eventually no longer have that right, it just disappears. I'm 64, I remember every election since Eisenhower's, never since I can remember have I seen so many people disenfranchised with the government as now and that includes myself. We are fed up supporting parasites and the socialist direction country has taken.
People ask what has changed, that is what has changed? We need all of the current 2nd amendment rights to defend ourselves from all evil criminal and otherwise based on direction we are headed if it keeps going this direction.
I have got 4 of my friends to join the NRA plus I donate money, the push for gun control has made us stronger, more united and even local and state governments are supporting our cause. It is not just a few thousand people, it is millions of Americans.